User Guide
GloPhone Version 3.0
Document Version 2.2.0
December 20, 2005
Chapter 1
About GloPhone
• • • • • •
GloPhone is a browser-based telephone that uses Voice over IP
(VoIP) technology. Using GloPhone, you can make calls to and
receive calls from any phone in the world using your Internet
browser, while surfing the web at the same time.
Figure 1. GloPhone
GloPhone includes many telephone features you are used to and
some that are unique to GloPhone. When you download GloPhone
the following phone features are included free of charge:
Caller ID
Conference Calling
Voice Mail to E-mail
Call Waiting
Call Forwarding
Missed Call Notification
tglo Online User Guide
System Requirements
The following is required to use GloPhone:
Computer running Windows 2000, Windows Millennium (Me),
or Windows XP.
Your PC’s microphone an speakers.
Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox
A dial-up or broadband Internet connection
tglo Online User Guide
Chapter 1 - About GloPhone
Chapter 2
Getting Started
Checking Your Audio Equipment
Before you begin using GloPhone, be certain that your audio equipment is connected properly.
Microphone and Speakers
If you are using your PC’s microphone and speakers with GloPhone, follow these steps.
Click the Windows Start button.
Click Programs > Accessories> Entertainment > Sound Recorder.
Figure 5. Sound Recorder Pop-Up Window
Click the record button (
Click the stop button (
) and speak into your PC’s microphone.
) when you are finished.
Click the play (
) button.
If you hear your recording played back, your microphone is connected to your PC properly.
If you do not hear your recording:
Check to see if the microphone is connected to the PC
Check to see if your PC’s volume setting is too low or set to mute.
USB Phones and Bluetooth Headsets
If you are using a USB Phone or a USB Bluetooth Enabled Headset, follow the manufacturer’s
instructions for installing and troubleshooting these products.
Downloading Additional GloPhone Numbers
You can have up to 6 GloPhone accounts per PC. When you start GloPhone, if you have more than
one GloPhone account, a pop-up window opens and you can select the account phone number
you want to use.
Chapter 3
Using GloPhone
Starting GloPhone
Start CentComm by double-clicking the icon ( ) on your desktop.
Launch GloPhone from your CentComm interface by clicking Place a Call.
If the icon does not appear on the menu bar immediately after
you activated the software, reboot your PC and open the
browser again.
Your GloPhone Number
Status Indicator
Status Display Window
Alpha-Numeric Keypad
Contol Buttons
Figure 7. GloPhone User Interface
• • • •••
The components of the GloPhone are described below.
Your number appears at the top of
the GloPhone.
• Your GloPhone
Provides information related to
GloPhone calls. It contains the
Status Indicator and the controls
for viewing Missed, Received, and
Dialed calls. When you dial a
phone number it appears in the
status display window. When you
receive an incoming call, the
caller’s phone number appears in
the status display window.
• Status Display
Indicates the state of the
GloPhone. Most of the time it
indicates that GloPhone is “Ready
for Call.”
• Status Indicator
• Control Buttons
These buttons are similar to
mobile phone controls. Each are
described throughout this guide.
Touchtone keypad. This is similar
to the keypads of mobile and
landline phones you are used to.
Use your mouse to click the
numbers you want to dial.
• Alpha-Numeric
Chapter 3 - Using GloPhone
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Using GloPhone
Moving GloPhone
Click the top or side of GloPhone and drag it to any part of your window that suits
your needs.
Making Phone Calls
There are multiple ways to make calls with GloPhone. It does not matter which
method you use, and you can use a combination of each to make calls. Each method
is described below.
You must dial a “1” before dialing any GloPhone, mobile,
and landlinebased numbers in the US and Canada.
Using the Alpha-Numeric Keypad
You can use the alpha-numeric keypad on the GloPhone to
dial phone numbers.
Click the numbers on the alpha-numeric keypad on GloPhone to dial a phone
The numbers you dial appear in the status display window.
If you make a mistake while dialing, press BACKSPACE to
delete the numbers one at a time, or press ESC to clear all the
numbers and start over.
Chapter 3 - Using GloPhone
GloPhone User Guide
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Click Talk.
When you are finished talking, click End to end the call.
Using Keyboard Keys
You can also use your keyboard keys to dial phone numbers.
Press the appropriate numeric keys to dial a number.
The numbers you dial appear in the status display window.
If you make a mistake while dialing, press BACKSPACE to
delete the numbers one at a time, or press ESC to clear all the
numbers and start over.
Press ENTER to place the call.
When you are finished talking, press ESC on your keyboard to end the call.
Using Your Browser’s Address Bar
You can make calls directly from your browser’s address bar.
Type the contact’s phone number in your browser’s address bar.
Press ENTER.
Chapter 3 - Using GloPhone
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Using GloPhone
GloPhone pops up and places the call.
When you are finished talking, click End,
Press ESC on your keyboard to end the call.
Dialing US and Canadian Numbers
You must dial a “1” before dialing any GloPhone, mobile, and landline-based
numbers in the US and Canada. For example: 140755555551234.
Dialing International Numbers
For international calls, dial 011+ the country code + the phone number. For
example: 01144008755554562.
Receiving Calls
When someone calls your GloPhone number, your GloPhone pops up and the
border around the status screen flashes and changes color from grey to green.
Click Talk to accept the call.
When you are finished talking, click End
Press ESC on your keyboard to end the call.
Muting Calls
While on a call, click Mute. To remove the mute setting, click
Mute again.
Chapter 3 - Using GloPhone
GloPhone User Guide
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Placing Calls on Hold
While on a call, click Hold. To return to the call (take the call off Hold), click Hold
Conference Calls
You can have up to 6 people, including yourself, on a single conference call.
To begin a conference call:
Call the first person you want to invite to the conference, and ask that person to
Click Flash and call the next person.
When that person answers, click Conference. All three of you can now speak to
each other.
Repeat these steps until all parties (up to 6 people, including yourself) have been
added to the conference call.
Adding a Caller to a Conference Call
If someone calls you while you are already involved with a conference call, you can
add that caller to the conference.
Provided there are not already 6 people participating in your
current conference call.
Chapter 3 - Using GloPhone
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Using GloPhone
When the incoming call occurs:
Click Talk to answer the call.
Click Conference to add the caller to the conference call.
You can add a total of 6 callers, including yourself, to a
conference call.
If you do not want a new caller to join the conference, click
Talk when you are finished speaking to the caller. You are
returned to your conference call.
Linking Conference Calls
You can link your GloPhone conference call to another GloPhone conference call.
Each conference call can have up to 6 participants.
For example, you are speaking to 4 family members on a conference call, and you
conference in your sister who is speaking to 3 other family members. When the two
calls are linked, all 9 of you can speak to each other.
While you are participating in a conference call:
Click Hold.
Chapter 3 - Using GloPhone
GloPhone User Guide
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Call the person who is already participating in a separate
conference call.
When the person answers, click Conference. Participants of both conference calls
can now speak to each other.
Ending Calls
When you are finished talking to a caller, click End on GloPhone, or press ESC on
your keyboard to end the call.
Redialing Missed and Recent Calls
You can view a list of missed and recent calls in the status display window and
redial those numbers with the click of a button.
Missed and recent calls stay in GloPhone memory until you
exit GloPhone.
Notice in the status display window, there are two arrows and a phone icon.
Figure 11.GloPhone Display Screen
Click the up or down arrows to display a call type:
Enter Redial Calls
Enter Missed Calls
Chapter 3 - Using GloPhone
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Using GloPhone
Click the phone icon to select the phone type.
Use the up and down arrows to scroll up and down the list of calls for that type.
Click Talk or the phone icon when the number you want to call is displayed on the
When you are finished talking, click End,
Press ESC on your keyboard to end the call.
Using the GloPhone Telephone Features
GloPhone includes many traditional phone features you are already used to with
your landline and mobile phones.
Caller ID
When someone calls your GloPhone, the caller’s telephone number is displayed in
the status display window.
When you call someone from your GloPhone, your 14-digit GloPhone number
displays on that person’s GloPhone.
Caller ID is available for all GloPhone plans.
Your 14-digit GloPhone number displays on your recipient’s
landline or mobile phone screen if that person subscribes to
Caller ID service from their provider.
Chapter 3 - Using GloPhone
GloPhone User Guide
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Call Waiting
If someone calls you while you are already on a call, GloPhone beeps, and the new
caller’s telephone number is displayed in the GloPhone window.
To answer the incoming call, click Talk. To return to your original call, click Talk
You must have a GloPhone service plan that includes Call
Waiting to use this feature.
Call Forwarding
You can forward your GloPhone calls to another phone number (GloPhone,
landline, or mobile).
To forward calls:
Click Forward Calls. GloPhone displays “Call Ringing” in the display window
and then “Call Answered.” You will hear a beep.
Using the GloPhone keypad, dial the number to which you want your calls
forwarded. The number is displayed on the GloPhone status display window.
Remember to dial a “1” before dialing any GloPhone, mobile,
and landline-based numbers in the United States and
Chapter 3 - Using GloPhone
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Using GloPhone
After a few seconds, you will hear an automated voice attendant repeat the number
you just dialed. Your incoming calls are now forwarded to that number.
Disabling Call Forwarding
Before you can receive calls on your GloPhone again, you must disable the call
forwarding feature. Click Forward Calls. GloPhone displays “Call Ringing” in the
display window and then “Call Answered.” You will hear a beep. GloPhone
displays “Call disconnected by remote” and then “Ready for call.” call forwarding
has been disabled.
Do Not Disturb
If you do not want to be disturbed by GloPhone calls, use the Do Not Disturb
Right-click the GloPhone status icon in the Windows Task Bar.
Figure 12.Right-click the GloPhone Icon
Select DND (Do Not Disturb).
The GloPhone status icon on the Windows Task Bar changes ( ) to remind you
that Do Not Disturb is set to “On.”
Minimize or close GloPhone. Incoming calls go directly to Voice Mail (If you are a
customer with a free calling plan, the calls go directly to Voice Mail to E-mail.)
Chapter 3 - Using GloPhone
GloPhone User Guide
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Removing the Do Not Disturb Setting
To remove the Do Not Disturb setting:
Right-click the GloPhone status icon in the Windows Task Bar.
Select DND (Do Not Disturb).
The GloPhone status icon returns to the default setting.
Chapter 3 - Using GloPhone
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Using GloPhone
Hiding GloPhone
There are multiple ways to hide GloPhone.
Double-click the icon on your desktop,
Click the icon in your browser.
This hides GloPhone, but you can still receive calls.
Closing GloPhone
Right-click the status icon in the Windows Task Bar, and select Exit
Figure 28.Right-click the status icon
This closes the GloPhone program. Any calls you receive after you have exited the
program are sent to Voice Mail (or Voice Mail to Email if you are a customer with a
free calling plan).
Chapter 3 - Using GloPhone
GloPhone User Guide
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Chapter 5
GloPhone Skins
• • • • • •
You can customize the look of your GloPhone with a new skin. A
skin is a graphic or audio file used to change the appearance of the
GloPhone user interface. The skin concept is comparable to
changing the face plate and ring tones on your mobile phone. Just
like a mobile phone, the appearance of the user interface changes,
but the GloPhone functionality does not.
Figure 29. Examples of skins you can download
Our skins are free, so download a new skin as often as you want.
Each time you download a skin, it replaces the previous skin.
GloPhone User Guide
Downloading Skins
You can download the skins from our web site.
If you have more than one GloPhone number, when you
change the skin, it changes for all GloPhone account numbers.
To download a skin:
Address line and press ENTER.
Click Download Now next to the skin you want. The skin
downloads and installs itself automatically.
GloPhone then closes and reopens, and you will see the new skin.
If you have more than one GloPhone number, select the
account phone number you want to use and click Login
Returning to the Default Skin
You may want to return your phone to the way it looked when you
first downloaded GloPhone.
To change back to the default skin:
Address line and press ENTER.
Select GloPhone Skins from the Quick Links drop-down list.
The skins catalog page opens.
Click Download Now next to the picture of the default skin. The
skin downloads and installs itself automatically.
GloPhone then closes and reopens, and you will see the new skin.
If you have more than one GloPhone, select the account phone
number you want to use and click Login
GloPhone User Guide
Chapter 5 - GloPhone Skins
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