Technical Manual
Copyright ©2005 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Ltd.
Auckland, New Zealand
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................7
1.1 ABOUT THIS MANUAL..............................................................................................................................7
1.2 GLOSSARY ............................................................................................................................................7
1.3 DEFINITIONS ..........................................................................................................................................8
1.4 PRODUCT APPLICATION..........................................................................................................................8
HUMIDIFIER SYMBOLS.....................................................................................................................9
3.1 MECHANICAL .......................................................................................................................................10
3.2 ELECTRICAL.........................................................................................................................................10
3.3 TEMPERATURE RANGE.........................................................................................................................10
3.3.1 Heater Wire Mode..................................................................................................................10
3.3.2 Non Heater Wire Mode..........................................................................................................10
3.3.3 Alarm Parameters..................................................................................................................10
3.4 PERFORMANCE....................................................................................................................................11
3.5 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ....................................................................11
3.6 STANDARDS AND APPROVALS...............................................................................................................11
OPERATING MODES AND CONTROLS.........................................................................................12
4.1 HUMIDIFIER OPERATION .......................................................................................................................12
4.1.1 Heater wire operation ............................................................................................................12
4.1.2 Non-Heater Wire Operation...................................................................................................13
4.1.3 Stand-by Operation................................................................................................................13
4.1.4 Power Up Sequence..............................................................................................................14
4.1.5 Humidity Compensation (HC) mode......................................................................................14
4.1.6 Breathing Circuit Recognition................................................................................................15
4.2 HUMIDIFIER CONTROLS ........................................................................................................................16
4.2.1 Power Button .........................................................................................................................16
4.2.2 Mode Button ..........................................................................................................................16
4.2.3 Mute Button ...........................................................................................................................17
4.3 TEMPERATURE DISPLAY.......................................................................................................................17
4.3.1 Showing Chamber and Airway Temperature ........................................................................17
4.4 SETUP INDICATORS..............................................................................................................................17
4.4.1 Heater wire connector ...........................................................................................................17
4.4.2 Temperature / Flow Probe Connector ...................................................................................18
4.4.3 Chamber Probe & Airway Probe ...........................................................................................18
4.4.4 Chamber or Airway Probe Alarm with Probe connector alarm..............................................18
4.4.5 Water Out Indicator................................................................................................................19
4.5 OPERATIONAL ALARMS.........................................................................................................................19
4.5.1 Temperature Indicator ...........................................................................................................19
4.5.2 Non-Heater Wire Operation...................................................................................................20
4.5.3 See Manual Indicator.............................................................................................................20
MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES......................................................................................................21
5.1 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ....................................................................................................................21
5.1.1 MR850 Humidifier..................................................................................................................21
5.1.2 MR850 Temperature Probe...................................................................................................21
5.2 SAFETY CHECK....................................................................................................................................22
5.3 CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS.....................................................................................................................23
5.3.1 MR850 Humidifiers ................................................................................................................23
5.3.2 Temperature Flow Probe.......................................................................................................23
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
TROUBLESHOOTING ..................................................................................................................... 24
6.1 OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS.................................................................................................................... 24
6.2 TECHNICAL PROBLEMS ........................................................................................................................ 26
6.3 “SEE MANUAL” ERROR CODES............................................................................................................. 27
6.4 DIAGNOSTIC MENU.............................................................................................................................. 29
6.4.1 Diagnostic Menu for Software Versions 5.45, 5.70............................................................... 29
6.4.2 Diagnostic Menu for Software Version 6.00 ......................................................................... 30
6.4.3 Diagnostic Menu for Software Version 7.00 & 7.21.............................................................. 31
6.4.4 Diagnostic Menu for Software Version 7.14 & 7.22.............................................................. 32
6.4.5 Diagnostic Menu for Software Version 7.23 ......................................................................... 34
SERVICING PROCEDURES............................................................................................................ 35
7.1 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................................................ 35
7.2 DISASSEMBLY ..................................................................................................................................... 35
7.2.1 Opening the case.................................................................................................................. 35
7.2.2 Replacing Fuses ................................................................................................................... 36
7.2.3 Replacement of Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs).................................................................... 37
7.2.4 Replacement of Transformer ................................................................................................ 38
7.2.5 Servicing the Heater Plate .................................................................................................... 38
7.2.6 Installing New Software......................................................................................................... 42
7.2.7 Replacing the Mains Cable................................................................................................... 43
7.2.8 Closing the case.................................................................................................................... 43
PERFORMANCE TESTING ............................................................................................................. 44
8.1 HUMIDIFIER PERFORMANCE TESTING ................................................................................................... 44
8.1.1 Entering the Service Menu.................................................................................................... 44
8.1.2 Humidifier Calibration Check ................................................................................................ 44
8.1.3 Humidifier Display Test......................................................................................................... 45
8.1.4 Humidifier Voltage Calibration Check ................................................................................... 46
8.1.5 Humidifier Warm-up and Control Check ............................................................................... 46
8.2 PROBE ACCURACY CHECK................................................................................................................... 47
8.2.1 Probe Temperature Accuracy Test....................................................................................... 47
8.2.2 Probe Flow Accuracy Test.................................................................................................... 47
RECOMMENDED MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST............................................................................ 49
9.1 HUMIDIFIER CHECK (ANNUALLY) .......................................................................................................... 49
9.2 PROBE CHECK (EVERY SIX MONTHS).................................................................................................... 49
SPARE PARTS................................................................................................................................. 51
CALIBRATION PROBE ................................................................................................................... 55
SERIAL PORT & LOGGING SOFTWARE ...................................................................................... 56
12.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................... 56
12.2 INSTALLATION................................................................................................................................. 56
12.3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS......................................................................................................... 56
12.3.1 Viewing Humidifier Data........................................................................................................ 56
12.3.2 Logging Humidifier Data to File............................................................................................. 57
EMC INFORMATION........................................................................................................................ 58
PRODUCT CHANGE HISTORY....................................................................................................... 60
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Description of Technical Manual Change
Date Issued
First release technical manual.
12 Jan. 1999
Covers Revision A PCB’s ONLY.
Second release technical manual.
6 May 1999
Covers Revision C and later PCB’s ONLY.
Add “View850” Software Instructions
1 Mar. 2000
15 May 2001
Neonatal volume ventilation capability.
3.4 Performance
4.1.2 Power Up sequence.
4.1.3 Manual Temperature Compensation (TC).
5.3 Cleaning Instructions
Appendix E – Product Change History.
Covers release of software version 6.00.
1 November 2001
3.4 Performance
Recommended Operating Temperature: 15 to 26ºC
4.1.1 Stand-by.
Changed stand-by power limits.
4.1.3 Humidity Compensation (HC) mode.
Auto HC mode option.
4.2 Humidifier Controls
Power button must be held for 1 second to switch OFF.
4.4 Setup Indicators
Two LED’s now indicate heater wire connect alarm.
4.5 Operational Alarms
Low temperature alarm enabled during stand-by.
6.4 Diagnostic Menu
“OFF” Offset removed from diagnostic menu.
Covers release of software version 7.00.
3.4 Performance
2 April 2002
Recommended Operating Temperature: 18 to 26ºC
4.1.3 Humidity Compensation (HC) mode
Changed step size to 1 °C in non-invasive mode
4.1.4 Breathing Circuit Recognition added
6.3 See – Manual, Error Codes
removed redundant error code “E33”
6.4 Diagnostic Menu
add new functions “CHP” and “Cct”
Technical manual now covers software versions 5.45, 5.70, 6.00, 7.00
and 7.14
1 May 2003
The following sections have been modified: 3.3, 4.1.3, 4.1.5, 4.4, 5.3,
6.4, 7.2.3, 7.2.6, Appendix E
Added Non-Heater Wire Mode in sections 3.0, 4.0, 6.0, and updated
Product Change History
1 July 2004
8.1.2 Humidifier Calibration Check – Equipment Required
Removed the reference to the service kit
10 Spare Parts
1 August 2005
Added parts 17 to 22.
12.1 Introduction
Updated how to get View850 and the serial cable
12.2 Installation
Changed View850 installation from floppy disk to CD
12.3.1 Viewing Humidifier Data
Updated how to run View850 and how to change the com. Port
Add section, 13. EMC Information
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Description of Technical Manual Change
Date Issued
1.4 Product Application, Add warning to connect humidifier only to a
pure sine wave power source
1 November 2005
5.2 Safety Check, add CAUTION: and NOTE:
6.3 “See manual” Error codes, Elaborate the fault description
8.1.5 Humidifier Warm-up and Control Check, Change test flow rate
from 20±10 SLPM to 10±5 SLPM. Reference test limits to airway and
chamber set temperatures rather than fixed values.
8.2.2 Probe Flow Accuracy Test, Change test flow rate from 20±2
SLPM to 10±1 SLPM. Check flow measurement is now between 5 and
15 LPM
10 Spare Parts, add items 23,24,25,26
1. Fisher & Paykel Healthcare have a policy of continued product improvement and reserve the right to change
specifications without notice.
2. This Technical Manual covers software version 5.45, 5.70, 6.00, 7.00, 7.14, 7.21, 7.22, 7.23 and PCB Revision
C, D and E. Refer to previous revisions of the Technical Manual for earlier software and PCB versions.
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
About this Manual
This manual is intended for qualified service personnel who will perform maintenance and
servicing on the Fisher & Paykel Healthcare MR850 Respiratory Humidifier. This manual
covers the product specifications, includes a maintenance schedule, and provides the
necessary information required for servicing.
NOTE: Some software may not be available in your country. Refer to your local Fisher &
Paykel Healthcare representative for the appropriate software version. Maintenance
procedures should be carried out at regular intervals (as recommended in the maintenance
schedule), to ensure that the humidifier and its accessories are working correctly.
If a fault should occur with the humidifier, follow the troubleshooting guide (section 6) in order to
find the most likely cause. If the unit requires servicing, make sure the servicing procedures are
followed in order to prevent damage to the humidifier. After service, or as part of the
maintenance schedule, a humidifier performance check should be completed.
Due to the nature of the electronics contained within this humidifier, it is not recommended that
the printed circuit boards be serviced at component level. Instead, if the PCBs are found to be
malfunctioning, they should be replaced.
Device that allows gas to be to be heated and humidified by passing it
over heated water.
Temperature / Flow
Sensor assembly for measuring temperature and flow of respiratory
gases traveling through the breathing circuit. Consists of a chamber
and airway probe.
Airway Probe
Sensor assembly for measuring gas temperature at the end of the
inspiratory limb.
Chamber Probe
Sensor assembly for measuring gas flow and temperature at the
outlet of the humidification chamber.
A temperature sensitive resistor placed inside the chamber and
airway probes.
Chamber Set Point
Airway Set Point
The temperature that the humidifier attempts to maintain at the
chamber probe port.
The temperature that the humidifier attempts to maintain at the airway
probe port.
Heater Wire Adaptor
Breathing Circuit
Electrical connector between the breathing circuit and the humidifier.
Tubing that carries respiratory gases to and from the patient.
Dual Heated Breathing A breathing circuit that is heated by means of heater wires, in both the
expiratory and inspiratory limbs.
Single Heated
Breathing Circuit
A breathing circuit that is heated by means of a heater wire, in only
the inspiratory limb.
Printed Circuit Board.
Heater Wire
Inspiratory Limb
Wire inside the breathing circuit which heats the respiratory gases.
The section of the breathing circuit that takes the inspired gases to
the patient.
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Expiratory Limb
The section of the breathing circuit that takes the expired gases from
the patient.
NOTE: A NOTE provides important information or explanation of procedures or conditions which
may otherwise be misinterpreted or overlooked.
CAUTION: A CAUTION statement designates the possibility of damage to this or other
equipment if a procedure is not followed exactly.
A WARNING statement refers to conditions with a possibility of personal injury if a
procedure is not followed exactly.
Product Application
The MR850 is a respiratory humidifier designed for use in hospital intensive care units. It is
used to provide optimum humidity to respiratory gases delivered to patients via endotracheal
tubes or face masks.
Refer to the Respiratory Humidification Product Catalogue or your local Fisher & Paykel
Healthcare representative for a list of approved accessories.
The use of breathing circuits, chambers or other accessories which are not approved
by Fisher & Paykel Healthcare may impair performance or compromise safety.
Ensure that Invasive mode is set for patients that have bypassed airways.
Ensure maintenance of grounding integrity by connection to a "hospital grade"
Always disconnect supply before servicing.
When mounting a humidifier adjacent to a patient ensure that the humidifier is always
securely mounted and positioned lower than the patient.
The operation of high frequency surgical apparatus, shortwave or microwave
equipment in the vicinity of the humidifier may adversely affect its function. If this
occurs, the humidifier should be removed from the vicinity of such devices.
Ensure that both temperature probe sensors are correctly and securely fitted. Failure
to do so may result in gas temperatures in excess of 41 °C being delivered to the
Do not touch the glass tip of the chamber temperature probe during use. Keep black
connectors dry at all times.
Visually inspect accessories for damage before use.
Normal operation can not be guaranteed if powered from a source other than a pure
sine wave, such as a square wave inverter.
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Humidifier Symbols
Caution: Hot surfaces may
exceed 85 °C
Power On/Off (stand by)
Invasive Mode
Type BF
Attention – consult
accompanying documents
Non-invasive mode
Temperature Alarm
Alternating Current
Drip proof protection to IPX1
Date of manufacture
Serial Port
Protective Earth
C-tick for EMC
Caution: Electrostatic
Sensitive Device
Do not discard
WEEE collection (EU only)
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
140 mm x 173 x 135 (without chamber fitted)
2.8 kg (without chamber fitted)
Approx. 3.1 kg (with chamber fitted, and filled with water)
MR850 Model Number
Supply Voltage
230 V~
Supply Current
1.0 A Max
127 V~
1.8 A Max
115 V~
2.0 A Max
100 V~
2.4 A Max
Supply Frequency:
50 or 60 Hz, Sine Wave
Heater Plate Capacity
HP Thermal Cutout:
Heater Wire Supply:
Maximum Heater Wire Load:
150 W at nominal mains voltage
118 ± 6 °C
22 ± 5 V~, 2.73 A Max, 50 or 60 Hz
8.0 Ω.
Temperature Range
Heater Wire Mode
Invasive Mode:
Chamber Set Point: 35.5 to 37 °C
Chamber Set Point: 35.5 to 40 °C (versions 5.33, 5.34, 5.45, 5.70,
6.00, 7.00, 7.21).
Chamber Set Point: 35.5 to 42 °C (versions 7.14, 7.17 & 7.22).
Airway Set Point: 35 to 40 °C
Non-Invasive Mode:
Chamber Set Point: 31 °C
Chamber Set Point: 31 to 34 °C (versions 5.33, 5.34, 5.45, 5.70,
Chamber Set Point: 31 to 36 °C (versions 7.00, 7.14, 7.17, 7.21,
Airway Set Point: 28 to 34 °C
Non Heater Wire Mode
Invasive Mode:
Non-invasive Mode:
Airway Set point: 37 °C (chamber temperature limited to 66 °C)
Airway Set point: 31 °C (chamber temperature limited to 66 °C)
Three digit, 14 mm, 7 segment LED
Range: 10 to 70 °C
± 0.3 °C (in 25 to 45 °C temperature range)
Alarm Parameters
High Temperature Alarm:
Causes an immediate, audible and visible alarm at a displayed
temperature of 41 °C or if the airway temperature exceeds 43 °C
(see section 4.3)
Temperature Alarm:
Invasive Mode:
After 10 minutes @ 29.5 °C causes an audible and visible alarm.
After 60 minutes @ 34.5 °C causes an audible and visible alarm
(see section 4.5)
NOTE: The temperature indicator lights if the displayed
temperature drops below 35.4 °C, initially providing a temperature
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Non-heater wire operation:
Invasive Mode: Airway temperature < 29.5 °C causes an audible
and visible alarm.
Non-invasive Mode: Airway temperature < 26.0 °C causes an
audible and visible alarm.
Sound Pressure Level:
Alarms exceed 50 dBA @ 1 m.
Invasive Mode:
Flow up to 60 LPM, humidity output >33 mg/L
Non-Invasive Mode:
Flow up to 120 LPM, humidity output >10 mg/L
NOTE: Performance results with RT100 breathing circuit
20 kPa, gas leakage at max. pressure <100 mL/minute.
Maximum System
Operating Pressure:
Warm-up time:
Less than 30 minutes.
18 to 26 °C
Recommended ambient
temperature range:
CAUTION: If operating outside the recommended ambient temperature range, consult your
local Fisher & Paykel Healthcare representative or refer section 4.1.5.
Transport and Storage Environmental Conditions
Transport Conditions:
Storage Conditions:
-10 to +50 °C
-10 to +50 °C
Standards and Approvals
AS/NZS 3200.1.0, CAN/CSA 22.2 No.601.1, UL 60601-1, IEC 60601-1, EN 60601-1
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Operating Modes and Controls
Humidifier Operation
The MR850 humidifier is designed to add heat and moisture to respiratory gases. The gas is
passed through a humidification chamber where it is warmed and humidified.
The MR850 has two heating systems. The first is a heater plate, which heats the water
contained in the humidification chamber, humidifying the air passing through it. The humidifier
monitors the temperature of the gas at the chamber outlet with the chamber probe, and controls
the amount of power delivered to the heater plate, in order to maintain the chamber set point.
Under normal conditions the gas is heated to 37 °C in the invasive mode, 31 °C for the non-
invasive mode.
Heater wire operation
Ventilator/Gas Supply
RT100 Breathing Circuit
Temperature Probe
Chamber Probe
Airway Probe
MR290 Chamber
Heater Wire Adapter
MR850 Humidifier
Figure 4.1 Typical Heater Wire Humidifier Setup
Humidified gas from the chamber travels through the inspiratory limb, where its temperature
must be maintained in order to prevent the generated humidity from condensing. This is
achieved with a heater wire encapsulated within the inspiratory limb. The humidifier maintains
the temperature along the inspiratory limb by monitoring the temperature at the airway probe
and controlling the power delivered to the heater wire. Under normal conditions the gas is
heated to 40 °C in the invasive mode, 34 °C for the non-invasive mode.
An optional, second heater wire, located in the expiratory limb, minimises condensate in this
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Non-Heater Wire Operation (Software version 7.23 only)
Ventilator/Gas Supply
RT134 Breathing Circuit
Temperature Probe
Airway Probe
Water trap
MR850 Humidifier
Figure 4.2 Typical Non-Heater Wire Humidifier Setup
In this application the MR850 maintains the airway temperature at the desired set point
(invasive 37 °C or non-invasive 31 °C) by heating the chamber of water through the heater
plate. As the gas cools considerably down the unheated circuit, a water trap circuit must be
used to collect the resulting condensate.
Activating Non-Heater Wire Operation
Refer also to the diagnostic menu in section 6.4.
Turn on the humidifier with NO heated circuit connected, and mute the heater wire alarm.
Access the diagnostic menu by pressing the mute and mode buttons together for 1 second,
the display should show two rows of dashes ‘= = =’. Releasing both buttons will allow the
diagnostic menu to cycle automatically.
Allow the menu to cycle through to “cct” – the circuit identification. Press mute to access
this function.
To enable non-heated operation, press both mute and mode buttons simultaneously for 1
second, the humidifier will beep twice and the temperature display will show “nhh”.
Release both buttons. The humidifier is now configured for non-heated circuits. This
setting will be remembered each time the humidifier is turned on.
Deactivating Non-Heater Wire Operation
The simplest way to de-activate non heater wire operation is to connect a heated breathing
circuit. Alternatively it can be de-activated the same way that non-heated circuit operation was
activated (see above).
Stand-by Operation
If the humidifier detects a problem with its setup or operation it will alarm. Depending on the
severity of the alarm condition, the humidifier will either remove all power from the heating
systems, or enter stand-by. The humidifier will also enter stand-by if the gas flow through the
breathing circuit has stopped.
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Stand-by (Software versions: 5.45 & 5.70)
Heater wire power is set at 30 %.
Control of chamber temperature is attempted, within the following limits:
Heater plate temperature is limited to 60 °C.
Heater plate power is limited to 20 %.
Stand-by (Software version: 6.00 onward)
Heater wire power is set at 15 %.
Control of chamber temperature is attempted, within the following limits:
Heater plate temperature is limited to 50 °C.
Heater plate power is limited to 20 %.
NOTE: The temperature alarm algorithm continues to function in stand-by.
4.1.4 Power Up Sequence
The purpose of the power up sequence is to perform internal checks on various parts of the
humidifier and provide the user with a visual and audible check.
Internal self test sequence:
1. Test presence of heater wire.
2. Test correct operation of heater wire triac.
3. Test correct operation of protection relays.
4. Test integrity of temperature/flow probe.
Visual/Audio test sequence:
1. The temperature display and indicator LEDs turn on.
2. The temperature display is blanked and indicators set to their default.
3. Display shows humidifier model number i.e. 850.
4. Display is blanked.
5. Display shows software version number.
6. Display is blanked and an audio tone of 2100 Hz sounds.
7. Normal display.
Humidity Compensation (HC) mode (Software version 6.00 onward, except 7.23)
Normal ambient environments between 18 °C and 26 °C do not affect humidity output of
temperature controlled heated humidifiers. However once the ambient temperature increases
above 26 °C, and/or the temperature of the incoming gas becomes greater than 32 °C, e.g. due
to ventilator heating, then the humidity output maybe reduced.
This can be identified by the lack of beading condensate on the inner walls of the humidification
chamber and rectified by modifying the breathing circuit or humidifier settings. Increasing the
length of breathing circuit between the ventilator and the humidification chamber will assist in
cooling the gas before it enters the chamber and improve humidity output.
If beading condensate does not form, humidity output can be further improved by increasing the
humidifier’s chamber set point. This can be achieved by accessing the HC mode (or Tc) in the
Diagnostic Menu (see section 6.4) and either manually selecting a level of chamber temperature
compensation or letting the automatic mode do it for you.
Automatic Humidity Compensation
When automatic HC mode is selected the humidifier calculates the power required to
adequately humidify the gas flow through the chamber. If the minimum power level is not met
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
then the chamber set point will automatically be increased in 0.5 °C steps (1 °C steps for non-
invasive mode) until the minimum power is achieved. The maximum amount of compensation
applied is either 3 or 5 °C depending on the mode and software version (section 6.4 Diagnostic
Menu details how compensation is applied for each software version).
If conditions improve and too much power is being applied, then the MR850 will automatically
reduce the chamber set temperature.
NOTE: Excessive condensate may form in the breathing circuit if the auto HC function is used
with turbine driven ventilators (i.e. ventilators that use room air). It is recommended to switch off
the auto HC function in these situations if the condensate becomes excessive.
NOTE: Auto HC function is factory set to enabled on all MR850 models.
Manual Humidity Compensation
For manual HC the level of compensation should be increased until beading condensate is
observed on the inner walls of the humidification chamber. It should be noted that if
environmental conditions change then it might be necessary to re-adjust this setting. For
example, a fall in room temperature could produce a build up of unwanted condensate in the
delivery circuit. A reduction in this setting may stop further build up.
NOTE: The previous manual HC setting is restored when power is applied to the humidifier
Refer to section 6.4 Diagnostic Menu for further information regarding this feature.
Activating/Deactivating Humidity Compensation
Refer also to the diagnostic menu in section 6.4
1. Access the diagnostic menu by pressing the mute and mode buttons together for 1
second, the diagnostic menu is entered, indicated by the display of two rows of dashes
‘= = =’. Releasing both buttons will allow the diagnostic menu to cycle automatically
through the menu.
2. The first item is “HC” this is the humidity compensation item, press and hold mute to
access this function.
3. The setting may show either ‘0’ or ‘-A-‘ to change the setting press both mute and mode
buttons simultaneously for 1 second, the humidifier will beep twice and the setting will
increase. Release both buttons.
4. To increase again repeat step 3. To decrease the setting press the mute and power
buttons for 1 second.
5. To exit the menu, release all buttons, the menu will continue to cycle until ‘end’ is
displayed, the menu will automatically exit.
Temperature Display
To alert users during normal operation that either manual or automatic HC mode has been
enabled, the decimal point on the temperature display will flash. Each of the two modes can be
further identified by the flash rate, where auto HC mode has a slower flash rate than manual HC
Note: The displayed temperature may also be higher than normal indicating (up to 39°C) the
amount of compensation present.
Breathing Circuit Recognition (Software version 7.00 onward)
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare has developed a range of breathing circuits that offer optimum
performance for the type of treatment selected while working within recommended operating
conditions. Some of these breathing circuits require a slightly modified controller to optimize
performance. To do this the MR850 must first recognize what type of delivery circuit has been
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
connected. Breathing circuit recognition is performed via three electrical connections on the
heater wire adaptor. Re-configuring the electrical connection pins on a heated circuit and the
way it connects to this adaptor identifies the type of heated circuit. In this way three separate
heater wire circuits can be identified by the MR850.
Humidifier Controls
Power Button
The humidifier will power on if this button is held down briefly, but must be held
for one second to turn the humidifier off.
Note: For software version 5.45, 5.70 the power button need only be pressed
briefly to turn off the MR850.
CAUTION: Although the display is not illuminated, the unit may still be
energized. Be sure to disconnect power from the MR850 before servicing.
After power-on the humidifier starts an internal diagnostic routine which checks
for possible problems in the humidifier setup. If everything is working correctly,
normal control is initiated.
Mode Button
When held down for one second, the mode button toggles the humidifier
between Non-Invasive and Invasive mode. The Mode indicator LED shows the
user which mode is selected.
Invasive mode is for use with patients whose upper airways have been
bypassed by either a tracheostomy or endotracheal tube. In this mode of
operation the humidifier attempts to deliver optimal humidity to the patient (37
°C, 100 % RH). This mode is the default mode on power up of the humidifier.
The humidifier normally controls the chamber outlet temperature to 37 °C, and
the airway temperature to 40 °C, maintaining a +3 °C temperature gradient
along the inspiratory limb1.
If however this temperature gradient is not maintained, the chamber set point is
reduced in 0.5 °C steps (minimum setting of 35.5 °C), in order to reduce
condensate buildup in the breathing circuit2. If the chamber set point is less
than 37 °C and sufficient temperature gradient has been maintained along the
inspiratory limb, then the chamber set point is increased back up to 37 °C in 0.5
°C steps.
Non-Invasive mode is suitable only for patients whose natural humidification
system (i.e. upper airways) has not been bypassed, but are receiving gas via a
facemask or similar.
The humidifier normally controls the chamber outlet temperature to 31 °C, and
the airway temperature to 34 °C, maintaining a +3 °C temperature gradient
along the inspiratory limb1.
1 If automatic or manual humidity compensation has been activated then the displayed temperature may be higher
than 37 °C (Invasive mode) or 31 °C (Non-Invasive mode).
2 The humidity compensation algorithm takes precedence over the condensation control algorithm.
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Mute Button
The mute button silences the humidifier's audible alarm. The muted time
depends on the alarm condition. In general, alarms will be muted for 2 minutes.
A chamber or airway probe alarm is muted for a longer time, until the humidifier
determines whether the probe is in or out. The temperature alarm is treated
differently - see section 4.5.
Temperature Display
The front panel shows the lower of the chamber or airway temperatures. This temperature
gives an indication of the dew point (in °C) of the gas that is being supplied to the patient. The
dew point of a gas is the best indication of both its humidity and energy content. Under normal
operation, the displayed temperature will be the chamber temperature, as its control set point is
lower. If the temperature is above 70 °C, "Hi" will be displayed. If the temperature is below 10
°C, "Lo" will be displayed. If HC mode has been enabled the decimal point on the temperature
display will flash.
Showing Chamber and Airway Temperature
Both the chamber and airway temperature can be displayed by pushing and holding the mute
button for 1 second. The temperatures are displayed in the following sequence:
Chamber temperature is displayed until two seconds after the mute button is released. The
chamber probe indicator (see section 4.4) will also light to show which temperature is being
The display will blank, and then the airway temperature will be displayed until two seconds
after the mute button is released. The airway probe indicator will also light (see section 4.4)
to show which temperature is being displayed.
The temperature display will blank again, and revert to normal operation.
Setup Indicators
The MR850 setup indicators, placed on the lower left of the front panel, are intended to aid the
user in identifying problems with the incorrect setup of the device and its accessories.
Heater wire connector
These indicators light if the heater wire in the breathing circuit has not been
connected correctly, or if the heater wire or heater wire adaptor is faulty. An
intermittent connection, or excessive current (total current in all limbs > 3.5 A) in
the heater wires will also produce this alarm. The humidifier will remove power
from the heating systems if this alarm is active.
NOTE: Software versions 5.45 and 5.70 do not light the upper indicator located
on the breathing circuit.
NOTE: Software versions 7.22 and 7.23 in non heater wire operation and
without a heater wire connected no audible or visual heater wire alarm will be
given. Connecting a heated wire circuit will automatically cause the MR850 to
default to heater wire operation.
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Temperature / Flow Probe Connector
This indicator will light if the temperature probe is not correctly plugged in, or the
probe used is faulty. The humidifier tests for the following probe fault conditions:
• Temperature probe disconnected
• Chamber thermistor open or short circuit
• Airway thermistor open or short circuit
• Flow thermistor open or short circuit (shorted probe test)
• One thermistor shorted to another (shorted probe test)
• Flow calibration resistor open or short circuit (shorted probe test)
An alarm will be generated if any of the above faults are found, and the
humidifier will remove power from all heating systems.
NOTE: the shorted probe tests and flow thermistor tests are only performed on
start-up, or when temperature probe or heater wire alarms are cancelled.
Chamber Probe & Airway Probe
These indicators are used to show that either the chamber probe or airway
probe is not inserted into the breathing circuit correctly. On start-up, and during
rapid changes in temperature, the humidifier tests to see if a probe is in place by
cooling and then heating the probe. If the humidifier finds that either probe is
not inserted into the breathing circuit, an alarm will be generated and the
humidifier will enter stand-by. During this alarm the humidifier will initiate a
probe out test periodically, or a test will be initiated immediately after mute has
been pressed.
During periods of low or zero gas flow, the airway probe out alarm is disabled.
As soon as flow is detected however, an airway probe test is initiated.
NOTE: For software versions 7.22 and 7.23 in non-heater wire operation, the
airway probe out alarm does not function, instead the low temperature of the
disconnected probe will activate the temperature alarm (refer section 4.5).
Chamber or Airway Probe Alarm with Probe connector alarm
The humidifier checks to see if the temperature probe is faulty by testing for the
following conditions:
• Chamber temperature has been greater than 50 °C for 20 minutes
• Chamber temperature is greater than 80 °C
• Airway temperature has been greater than 50 °C for 5 minutes
• Airway temperature is greater than 80 °C
If an apparent fault is found, the humidifier will give a temperature / flow probe
connector alarm, and also indicate either the chamber or airway probe. The
humidifier will stay in stand-by until the chamber or airway temperature drops
below 50 °C. Once this occurs, a probe test will also be initiated.
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Water Out Indicator
This indicates that there is insufficient water in the humidification chamber.
The humidifier measures the amount of power used to obtain the chamber
temperature. If a lower than expected amount of power is used, a 'water out'
alarm is generated. It may take 15 minutes or longer to generate an alarm
especially if there is a disturbance (change in flow).
This alarm can be cancelled by pressing the mute button. If however the water
out condition remains, the humidifier will alarm again.
Operational Alarms
These alarms are generated if problems occur with the operation of the humidifier.
Temperature Indicator
This alarm will occur if the displayed temperature is too high, or if the delivered
temperature (Invasive mode only) has been low for a period of time.
High temperature:
The humidifier will immediately alarm if at any time the displayed temperature
exceeds 41 °C, or if the airway temperature exceeds 43 °C. If either of these
high temperature alarms occur, the humidifier will immediately shut down the
heater wire and heater plate.
Low Temperature:
The low temperature warning (visual only) and alarm (visual and audible) are
active only when the humidifier is in Invasive mode. Both are disabled during
warm-up conditions. The warning alerts the user that low temperature is being
delivered to the patient. The alarm alerts the user that a low level has been
delivered to an Invasive patient for too long.
The low temperature warning and alarm operate by monitoring the displayed
temperature. If the displayed temperature is below 35.5 °C for 25 seconds, the
temperature indicator will light, and act as a warning to the user. If the
temperature remains below this level for too long, then a Temperature Alarm is
activated. The time taken for the humidifier to alarm is dependent on how far
below the 35.5 °C threshold the displayed temperature is. Figure 4.3 shows the
relationship between temperature, a temperature warning and the time before a
temperature alarm:
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Figure 4.3 Temperature vs Time to Alarm
Pressing mute during a temperature alarm silences the alarm for half the normal
time period, if the same temperature is maintained.
The low temperature warning and alarm can be caused by cold or drafty
ambient conditions, or can result from using gas flow rates outside the
specification of the breathing circuit, chamber or humidifier.
NOTE: The low temperature alarm is disabled in stand-by on software version
5.45 and 5.70.
Non-Heater Wire Operation (Software versions 7.22 & 7.23)
When the airway temperature exceeds 41 °C, the heater plate is shut off, and
an immediate visible and audible high temperature alarm is activated.
In invasive mode, the low temperature warning and alarm is identical for the
heater wire mode (see above) after warm-up.
In addition the airway temperature must reach 29.5 °C in invasive mode (or 26
°C for non-invasive mode) within 15 minutes, otherwise a visible and audible low
temperature alarm will be given, and the heater plate will be switched off. This
will occur if the airway probe has not been inserted into the breathing circuit.
After warm-up, if the airway temperature drops below 29.5 °C (or 26 °C non-
invasive mode), a visible and audible low temperature alarm will be given, and
the heater plate will be switched off.
NOTE: The low temperature alarm will be inactive in stand-by.
See Manual Indicator
This indicates a serious hardware fault. Please refer to section 6,
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Maintenance Procedures
In order to keep your humidifier in good working order, it is necessary to perform maintenance
at regular intervals.
Maintenance Schedule
MR850 Humidifier
a. Check MR850 for physical damage:
Check the mains cable for damage, replace if necessary.
Check the heater plate for deep scratching etc., replace if necessary.
Check the heater wire adaptor for kinks, abrasions and damaged connectors. Check
that the plugs couple with the sockets on the humidifier.
b. Carry out a full performance test. This procedure is detailed in section 8.
NOTE: A maintenance check sheet is given in Section 9.
MR850 Temperature Probe
Every Six months
a. Visually check the humidifier probes for physical damage:
Check that the chamber probe's glass thermistor has not been damaged. Replace
probe if required.
Inspect the chamber probe's glass thermistor for deposits or foreign material. Clean
probe as required.
Check the probe cable for kinks and abrasions etc.
Check that the probe connectors couple with the humidifier sockets.
b. A temperature accuracy check and flow accuracy check should be performed on the MR850
temperature probe as outlined in section 8.2.
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Safety Check
The unit should be tested to the current medical electrical standards for in-house testing for
each specific country (example, refer to AS/NZS 3551 for Australia and New Zealand).
CAUTION: Permanent damage to this humidifier will result if the serial port is used as a
ground point during electrical safety testing.
NOTE: The correct ground test point location is on the heater plate front underside edge, as
shown in Figure 5.1., where the insulating anodizing layer has been removed.
Figure 5.1 Showing the correct location of ground test point on the heater plate
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Cleaning Instructions
MR850 Humidifiers
It is recommended that only the following cleaners be used on the MR850 as at the time of
revision of this technical manual. The disinfectants in the list below have been tested to ensure
that no damage will result to the outer plastic or metal components of the humidifier.
1. Disconnect the humidifier from any electrical outlet.
2. Clean the humidifier with one of the following recommended disinfectants using a damp
Isopropyl Alcohol
Normal dishwashing detergent
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.
Use the correct dilution of the disinfectant.
DO NOT immerse the humidifier in any liquid.
3. Wipe the humidifier clear of any cleaning residues before use.
5.3.2 Temperature Flow Probe
The cleaning methods listed below meet the FDA regulations for these types of devices, and do
not affect the integrity or performance of the probe. It is the user’s responsibility to qualify any
deviations from these procedures, both for disinfecting efficacy and physical effect on the probe.
For advice on other cleaning methods not mentioned here, contact your local Fisher and Paykel
Healthcare distributor.
NOTE: Refer also to the disinfection instructions on the instruction sheet for the airway
temperature probe, Ref 185042434.
1. Physically clean the probes, removing all visible contaminants.
2. Disinfect the probes with one of the following solutions:
Sporicidin; Sporox; Cidex; Cidex OPA
OR Sterilise the probe using Ethylene Oxide sterilisation at 55 °C (131 °F), 80 kPa,
allow at least 15 hours for residual ETO to disperse before use.
NOTE: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Use the correct dilution of the
CAUTION: DO NOT immerse the black electrical connector plug in disinfectant.
DO NOT autoclave probes.
DO NOT use dishwater detergents or solvents.
3. Wipe the airway temperature probes clear of any cleaning residues before use.
4. Store in clean conditions.
Cidex is a registered trademark of Johnson & Johnson Medical Pty. Ltd. North Ryde, NSW, Australia.
Sporicidin is a registered trademark of Sporicidin International Ltd, Rockville, MD 20852, USA.
Sporox is a registered trademark of Reckitt & Colman Inc. 1655 Valley Rd. Wayne NJ USA
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Operational Problems
This section deals with faults that cause the humidifier to alarm. This may be caused by
incorrect setup, faulty accessories, or a faulty humidifier. Refer below for troubleshooting.
Corrective Action
See manual
Record the displayed error code.
Section 6.3
indicator flashing
with audible alarm
See manual
indicator light
permanently on,
without an audible
1. If “PtS” is displayed on the front panel, then the production Section 7.2.6
test mode has been accessed. Check the production test
button is not depressed or mode set by serial command.
2. Humidifier faulty. Replace PCBs.
Section 7.2.3
Water Out indicator 1. Check that there is sufficient water in the chamber. Refill
accompanied by an
audible alarm
or replace chamber as necessary. Check that the water
bag is not empty, and the delivery tube is not kinked or
2. Check that the water level in the MR290 chamber is not
above the marked line. Replace chamber if the water is
above this line.
3. Check that the gas flow rate is within specification of the
humidifier and accessories being used. Adjust as
4. Has condensate formed on the chamber probe? Dry
Probe and re-insert.
5. Temperature probe faulty. Complete a temperature and
flow accuracy test on the probe. Replace probe as
Section 8.2
Section 8
6. Humidifier faulty. Complete a performance test. Service
humidifier as required.
Chamber Probe
alarm flashes
accompanied by an
audible alarm
1. Check that the chamber probe is inserted into the
breathing circuit correctly, and that the breathing circuit is
set up correctly.
2. Check that there is sufficient water in the chamber. Refill
as necessary. Check that the water bag and delivery tube
are not kinked or occluded.
3. Ensure correct chamber is being used (refer Operating
4. Check that the gas flow rate is within specification of the
humidifier and accessories being used. Adjust as
5. Has condensate formed on the chamber probe? Dry
probe and re-insert.
6. Temperature probe or humidifier faulty. Complete
performance tests. Replace probe or service humidifier as
Section 8
Heater wire
connector alarm
accompanied by an
audible alarm
1. Check that the heater wire adaptor is correctly plugged into
the humidifier along with the breathing circuit.
NOTE: The short lead must connect to the inspiratory limb.
2. Replace breathing circuit, and re-rest.
3. Replace heater wire adaptor, and check for intermittent
connections. Re-test.
4. Humidifier faulty. Replace PCBs.
Section 7.2.3
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Corrective Action
Heater wire alarm
not working
Non-heater wire mode has been activated, connect a heated
wire circuit or disable this mode via the diagnostic menu.
Section 4.1.2
Airway Probe
alarm flashes along
with an audible
1. Check that the airway probe is inserted into the breathing
circuit correctly, the breathing circuit assembled correctly,
and that there is water in the chamber.
2. Check that the circuit is connected correctly to the
ventilator – gas flow could be reversed through the
3. Check that the gas flow rate is within specification of the
humidifier and type of accessories being used. Adjust as
Section 3.4
Section 8.2
4. Check for excessive condensate build up. Excessively
cold or drafty ambient conditions may cause this alarm to
occur. Ensure there are no strong drafts around the
breathing circuit.
5. Complete a probe accuracy check. Replace probe as
6. Humidifier faulty. Replace PCBs.
Temperature / Flow 1. If the Temperature / Flow Probe alarm occurs with
Section 4.4
Section 8.2
Probe alarm with
airway or chamber
indicators flashing
chamber or airway indicators also flashing, the
temperature probe is faulty.
2. Complete a probe accuracy check, and replace probe if
Temperature probe 1. Is the probe connector correctly plugged into the
connector indicator
accompanied by an
audible alarm
humidifier? Plug in probe as required.
2. Check that the circuit is connected correctly to the
ventilator – gas flow could be reversed through the
3. Perform a humidifier calibration check.
Section 8.1.2
Section 8.2
4. Replace temperature probe and re-test. If the alarm
condition disappears, the temperature probe is faulty.
Discard faulty probe.
5. Humidifier faulty. Replace PCBs.
Section 7.2.3
The humidifier has been unable to maintain temperature over a
period of time.
1. Gas flow has been disconnected from the humidifier either
reconnect gas flow or turn the humidifier off.
Indicator flashes,
with audible alarm,
coupled with a low
(< 35.5 °C)
2. Check that the gas flow rate is within specification of the
humidifier and accessories being used.
3. Check for drafts around the breathing circuit. This can be
caused by fans or room air conditioning. If this is found to
be the cause, the breathing circuit should be shielded from
the ambient airflow.
4. Check that the circuit is connected correctly to the
ventilator – gas flow could be reversed through the
WARNING: Never cover the breathing circuit.
5. Check for excessive condensate pooling in the breathing
circuit. Drain circuit if necessary.
6. Humidifier or probe faulty? Complete humidifier & probe
performance test. Replace probe or service humidifier as
Section 8
7. Check that there is sufficient water in the chamber. Refill
as necessary. Check that the water bag and delivery tube
are not occluded.
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Corrective Action
A low temperature
is shown on the
display, with no
audible alarm
1. Make sure the humidifier has had time to warm up and that
there is sufficient gas flow through the breathing circuit.
2. The humidifier cannot maintain temperature. If the
temperature indicator is also on then an alarm will occur
Section 4.5
Section 8
3. Humidifier or probe faulty. Complete humidifier and probe
performance test. Replace probe or service humidifier as
High displayed
temperature, no
temperature alarm
1. Flow has recently been changed, allow 30 minutes for
temperature to stabilise
2. Manual or automatic humidity compensation is active
Section 4.1.5
Section 8
indicator flashes,
with audible alarm,
and a high
temperature is
The gas flow rate may have suddenly changed. Monitor
the displayed temperature, if the temperature does not fall
rapidly then remove humidifier from patient, and complete a
performance test on the humidifier, and temperature / flow
probe. Replace probe or service humidifier as required.
Technical Problems
Problems that cause the humidifier to malfunction without an audible alarm are discussed in this
Corrective Action
See manual
indicator lit (not
1. Check that the mains supply is within specification.
Provide adequate mains supply if required.
2. If ‘PtS’ is displayed.
Section 6.1
3. Replace PCBs.
Section 7.2.3
Humidifier will not
turn on with on/off
button, and no
1. Humidifier plugged into mains supply?
2. Check that the mains supply is within specification.
Provide adequate mains supply if required.
indicators are lit
3. Remove mains power and check the fuses.
Section 7.2.2
Section 7.2.7
4. Check continuity of mains power cord. Replace as
5. Check the transformer windings are not open circuit.
Primary Winding: Red wires
Section 7.2.4
Secondary 10v winding: White wires
Secondary 22v winding: Yellow wires
If any windings are open circuit, replace the transformer.
6. Replace PCBs.
Section 7.2.3
Section 7.2.3
Unit fails
calibration check
Send unit to a Fisher & Paykel Healthcare service
representative for calibration, or replace PCBs.
Probe fails Probe
Accuracy Check
Replace probe.
Unit fails to reach
temperature in
humidifier control
check. (Section
1. If the chamber outlet temperature was low, the heater plate Section 7.2.5
element should be checked. Replace element as
2. If the airway temperature was low, replace breathing circuit
and re-test.
3. Replace PCBs.
Section 7.2.3
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
“See Manual” Error Codes
The following is an explanation of the error codes that are displayed in conjunction with the See
Manual indicator flashing. A code is not displayed if the microprocessor has stopped
functioning (see technical problems - section 6.2).
Error Description of Fault
No fault
Microprocessor stack overflow
RAM fault
ROM fault
EEPROM version older than ROM version. Update EEPROM. Refer to Section 7.2.6
EEPROM version newer than ROM version – (old software). Contact Fisher & Paykel
Model mismatch with software, contact your Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
NOTE: included in software version 7.14 onward, except 7.21.
Temperature circuit calibration out of range: Range Amp 0: 25.5 °C
Temperature circuit calibration out of range: Range Amp 0: 65.0 °C
Temperature circuit calibration out of range: Range Amp 1: 25.5 °C
Temperature circuit calibration out of range: Range Amp 1: 34.5 °C
Temperature circuit calibration out of range: Range Amp 2: 34.5 °C
Temperature circuit calibration out of range: Range Amp 2: 44.6 °C
Temperature circuit calibration out of range: Range Amp 3: 65.0 °C
Heater wire circuit has malfunctioned, heater can not be energized:
Heater plate thermal cutout tripped (section 7.2.5)
Heater wire fuse (F2) is open circuit (section 7.2.2)
Heater wire triac, or heater wire relay is open circuit
Heater wire circuit has malfunctioned, heater either can not be de-energized or
monitoring circuit has failed :
Heater wire triac has shorted
Heater wire sense circuit has failed
Heater wire voltage measurement circuit faulty
Transistor Q17 is not turning on
Transistor Q16 is not turning on
The heater wire relay is short circuited
Mains voltage measurement is uncalibrated (section 8.1.3)
The heater plate thermistor is short circuited
The heater plate thermistor is open circuit
Heater plate element circuit has malfunctioned is not turning on:
Element is open circuit
Heater plate triac or driver faulty
Heater plate relay is faulty
The heater plate element is not turning off. Heater plate triac circuit faulty.
Power (on/off) button stuck on
Mute button stuck on
Mode button stuck on
Unit not functional tested at time of manufacture
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Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Error Description of Fault
Failed the functional test at time of manufacture
Was not stress tested during manufacture
Failed the stress test during manufacture
Not tested on functional tester 2
Failed production functional tester 2
EEPROM write error occurred
EEPROM write verify error occurred
EEPROM read error occurred
Flow circuitry not functioning
Flow circuitry shorted on
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Diagnostic Menu
By pressing the mute and mode buttons together for 1 second, the diagnostic menu is entered,
indicated by the display of two rows of dashes ‘= = =’. Releasing both buttons will allow the
diagnostic menu to cycle automatically through the menu, pausing at each function. Pressing
the mute button at this time will display the value behind each function for as long as the mute
button is held.
Diagnostic Menu for Software Versions 5.45 & 5.70
Temperature Compensation (TC) algorithm
‘---‘ = 0.0 °C of chamber compensation. ( CSP = 37.0 °C)
‘Lo ’ = 1.5 °C of chamber compensation. ( CSP = 38.5 °C )
‘Hi ’ = 3.0 °C of chamber compensation. ( CSP = 40.0 °C )
To change the TC value the press the Mute and Mode buttons together for 1
second. The humidifier will confirm the change with a double-beep.
Chamber set point, in 0.1 °C resolution e.g.: 37.0
Chamber Duty Cycle (%)
Heater Plate Temperature (1 °C)
Gas Flow Rate (0.1 LPM)
“---“ = Unknown Flow (flow measurement not started)
Gas Flow Rate Range:
“---“ = Unknown Flow (flow measurement not started)
“no” = No flow
“Lo” = Low flow, ( < 3 LPM )
“In” = Intermediate flow, ( 2 to 17 LPM )
“Hi” = High flow, ( > 14 LPM )
“ -“ = Ventilated flow detected
Offset temperature difference between the chamber and airway set temperatures
(0.1 °C)
Airway temperature set point (0.1 °C)
Airway Duty Cycle (%)
Last Humidifier Alarm State, the display will blank, and the humidifier’s last alarm
will be shown on the indicators. To clear LAS, press and hold the mute and mode
buttons for 1 second. The humidifier will beep when LAS has been cleared.
Last Humidifiers Fault State, refer to section 6.3. To clear LFS, press and hold the
mute and mode buttons for 1 second. The humidifier will beep when LFS has been
Software version
Press the mute button to cycle to the start of the menu, or the diagnostic menu will
automatically exit after 6 seconds
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Diagnostic Menu for Software Version 6.00
Humidity Compensation (HC) algorithm
Invasive mode, compensation range is 0.0 to 3.0 °C ( CSP = 37.0 to 40 °C )
Non-Invasive mode, compensation range is 0.0 to 5.0 °C ( CSP = 31.0 to 36.0 °C )
By pressing the Mute and Mode buttons together for 1 second or pressing the Mute
and Power buttons together for 1 second the user can respectively move up or
down through the settings listed below. The humidifier will confirm the change with
a double-beep.
‘5.0’ = +5.0 °C of chamber compensation (Non-Invasive mode only)
‘4.0’ = +4.0 °C of chamber compensation (Non-Invasive mode only)
‘3.0’ = +3.0 °C of chamber compensation
‘2.0’ = +2.0 °C of chamber compensation
‘1.0’ = +1.0 °C of chamber compensation
‘0.0’ = +0.0 °C of chamber compensation (NO compensation)
‘-A-‘ = Automatic humidity compensation mode:
Invasive mode: 0 to 3 °C in 0.5 °C steps
Non-invasive mode: 0 to 3 °C in 0.5 °C steps
Chamber set point, in 0.1 °C resolution eg: 37.0
Invasive mode range 35.5 to 40 °C.
Non-Invasive mode range 31.0 to 36.0 °C.
Chamber Duty Cycle (%)
Heater Plate Temperature (1 °C)
Gas Flow Rate (0.1 LPM)
“---“ = Unknown Flow (flow measurement not started)
Gas Flow Rate Range:
“---“ = Unknown Flow (flow measurement not started)
“no” = No flow
“Lo” = Low flow, ( < 3 LPM )
“In” = Intermediate flow, ( 2 to 17 LPM )
“Hi” = High flow, ( > 13 LPM )
“ -“ = Ventilated flow detected
Airway temperature set point (0.1 °C)
Airway Duty Cycle (%)
Last Alarm State, the display will blank, and the humidifier’s last alarm will be shown
on the indicators. To clear LAS, press and hold the mute and mode buttons for 1
second. The humidifier will beep when LAS has been cleared.
Last Fault State, refer to section 6.3. To clear LFS, press and hold the mute and
mode buttons for 1 second. The humidifier will beep when LFS has been cleared.
Software version
Press the mute button to cycle to the start of the menu, or the diagnostic menu will
automatically exit after 6 seconds
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Diagnostic Menu for Software Version 7.00 & 7.21
Humidity Compensation (HC) algorithm
Invasive mode, compensation range is 0.0 to 3.0 °C ( CSP = 37.0 to 40 °C )
Non-Invasive mode, compensation range is 0.0 to 5.0 °C ( CSP = 31.0 to 36.0 °C )
By pressing the Mute and Mode buttons together for 1 second or pressing the Mute
and Power buttons together for 1 second the user can respectively move up or
down through the settings listed below. The humidifier will confirm the change with
a double-beep.
‘5.0’ = +5.0 °C of chamber compensation (Non-Invasive mode only)
‘4.0’ = +4.0 °C of chamber compensation (Non-Invasive mode only)
‘3.0’ = +3.0 °C of chamber compensation
‘2.0’ = +2.0 °C of chamber compensation
‘1.0’ = +1.0 °C of chamber compensation
‘0.0’ = +0.0 °C of chamber compensation (No compensation)
‘-A-‘ = Automatic humidity compensation mode:
Invasive mode: 0 to 3 °C in 0.5 °C steps
Non-invasive mode: 0 to 5 °C in 1 °C steps
Chamber set point, in 0.1 °C resolution eg: 37.0
Invasive mode range 35.5 to 40 °C.
Non-Invasive mode range 31.0 to 36.0 °C.
Chamber Duty Cycle (%)
Chamber Power / Flow ratio (W/LPM)
Heater Plate Temperature (1 °C)
Gas Flow Rate (0.1 LPM)
“---“ = Unknown Flow (flow measurement not started)
Gas Flow Rate Range:
“---“ = Unknown Flow (flow measurement not started)
“no” = No flow
“Lo” = Low flow, ( < 3 LPM )
“In” = Intermediate flow, ( 2 to 17 LPM )
“Hi” = High flow, ( > 13 LPM )
“ -“ = Ventilated flow detected
Airway temperature set point (0.1 °C)
Airway Duty Cycle (%)
Connected Circuit heater identification:
“S“ = Standard inspiratory heater connected
“C” = Coaxial inspiratory heater connected
“E” = Expiratory heater connected
“---” = No heaters connected
Last Alarm State, the display will blank, and the humidifier’s last alarm will be shown
on the indicators. To clear LAS, press and hold the mute and mode buttons for 1
second. The humidifier will beep when LAS has been cleared.
Last Fault State, refer to section 6.3. To clear LFS, press and hold the mute and
mode buttons for 1 second. The humidifier will beep when LFS has been cleared.
Software version
Press the mute button to cycle to the start of the menu, or the diagnostic menu will
automatically exit after 6 seconds
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Diagnostic Menu for Software Version 7.14
Humidity Compensation (HC) algorithm
Note: HC is inactive while operating under non-heater wire control.
Invasive mode, compensation range is 0.0 to 5.0 °C ( CSP = 37.0 to 42 °C )
Non-Invasive mode, compensation range is 0.0 to 5.0 °C ( CSP = 31.0 to 36.0 °C )
By pressing the Mute and Mode buttons together for 1 second or pressing the Mute and Power buttons
together for 1 second the user can respectively move up or down through the settings listed below. The
humidifier will confirm the change with a double-beep.
‘5.0’ = +5.0 °C of chamber compensation
‘4.0’ = +4.0 °C of chamber compensation
‘3.0’ = +3.0 °C of chamber compensation
‘2.0’ = +2.0 °C of chamber compensation
‘1.0’ = +1.0 °C of chamber compensation
‘0.0’ = +0.0 °C of chamber compensation (NO compensation)
‘-A-‘ = Automatic humidity compensation mode:
Invasive mode: 0 to 5 °C in 0.5 °C steps
Non-invasive mode: 0 to 5 °C in 1 °C steps
Connected breathing circuit identification:
“S“ = Standard inspiratory heater connected
“C” = Coaxial inspiratory heater connected
“E” = Expiratory heater connected
“---” = No heaters detected while under heater wire control
Chamber set point, in 0.1 °C resolution eg: 37.0
Invasive mode range 35.5 to 42 °C.
Non-Invasive mode range 31.0 to 36.0 °C.
Chamber Duty Cycle (%)
During selection of this menu and while a chamber probe out test is active the chamber probe indicator will
Chamber Power / Flow ratio (W/LPM)
Heater Plate Temperature (1 °C)
Gas Flow Rate (0.1 LPM)
“---“ = Unknown Flow (flow measurement not started)
Gas Flow Rate Range:
“---“ = Unknown Flow (flow measurement not started)
“no” = No flow, ( Stand-by )
“Lo” = Low flow, ( < 3 LPM )
“In” = Intermediate flow, ( 2 to 17 LPM )
“Hi” = High flow, ( > 13 LPM )
“ -“ = Ventilated flow detected
Airway temperature set point (0.1 °C)
Airway Duty Cycle (%)
During selection of this menu and while an airway probe out test is active the airway probe indicator will light.
Water out number, used to detect the presence of chamber water, calculated from, chamber power / (heater
plate temp. – chamber temp.).
During selection of this menu and while the water out number falls below a dry chamber threshold the water
out indicator will light.
Last Alarm State, the display will blank, and the humidifier’s last alarm will be shown on the indicators. To
clear LAS, press and hold the mute and mode buttons for 1 second. The humidifier will beep when LAS has
been cleared.
Last Fault State, refer to section 6.3. To clear LFS, press and hold the mute and mode buttons for 1 second.
The humidifier will beep when LFS has been cleared.
Software version
Press the mute button to cycle to the start of the menu, or the diagnostic menu will automatically exit after 6
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Diagnostic Menu for Software Version 7.22
Humidity Compensation (HC) algorithm
Note: HC is inactive while operating under non-heater wire control.
Invasive mode, compensation range is 0.0 to 5.0 °C ( CSP = 37.0 to 42 °C )
Non-Invasive mode, compensation range is 0.0 to 5.0 °C ( CSP = 31.0 to 36.0 °C )
By pressing the Mute and Mode buttons together for 1 second or pressing the Mute and Power buttons
together for 1 second the user can respectively move up or down through the settings listed below. The
humidifier will confirm the change with a double-beep.
‘5.0’ = +5.0 °C of chamber compensation
‘4.0’ = +4.0 °C of chamber compensation
‘3.0’ = +3.0 °C of chamber compensation
‘2.0’ = +2.0 °C of chamber compensation
‘1.0’ = +1.0 °C of chamber compensation
‘0.0’ = +0.0 °C of chamber compensation (NO compensation)
‘-A-‘ = Automatic humidity compensation mode:
Invasive mode: 0 to 5 °C in 0.5 °C steps
Non-invasive mode: 0 to 5 °C in 1 °C steps
Connected breathing circuit identification:
“S“ = Standard inspiratory heater connected
“C” = Coaxial inspiratory heater connected
“E” = Expiratory heater connected
“---” = No heaters detected while under heater wire control
Non-Heater Wire Operation
To enable non heater wire operation, press and hold both the mute and mode buttons simultaneously for 1
second. The display will show ‘nhh’ and the humidifier will confirm with an audible beep. Ensure that no
heated breathing circuit is connected to the humidifier otherwise the humidifier won’t change operation.
To disable non-heater wire mode, repeat the above process or connect a heater breathing circuit.
Chamber set point, in 0.1 °C resolution eg: 37.0
Invasive mode range 35.5 to 42 °C.
Non-Invasive mode range 31.0 to 36.0 °C.
Chamber Duty Cycle (%)
During selection of this menu and while a chamber probe out test is active the chamber probe indicator will
Chamber Power / Flow ratio (W/LPM)
Heater Plate Temperature (1 °C)
Gas Flow Rate (0.1 LPM)
“---“ = Unknown Flow (flow measurement not started)
Gas Flow Rate Range:
“---“ = Unknown Flow (flow measurement not started)
“no” = No flow, ( Stand-by )
“Lo” = Low flow, ( < 3 LPM )
“In” = Intermediate flow, ( 2 to 17 LPM )
“Hi” = High flow, ( > 13 LPM )
“ -“ = Ventilated flow detected
Airway temperature set point (0.1 °C)
Airway Duty Cycle (%)
During selection of this menu and while an airway probe out test is active the airway probe indicator will light.
Water out number, used to detect the presence of chamber water, calculated from, chamber power / (heater
plate temp. – chamber temp.).
During selection of this menu and while the water out number falls below a dry chamber threshold the water
out indicator will light.
Last Alarm State, the display will blank, and the humidifier’s last alarm will be shown on the indicators. To
clear LAS, press and hold the mute and mode buttons for 1 second. The humidifier will beep when LAS has
been cleared.
Last Fault State, refer to section 6.3. To clear LFS, press and hold the mute and mode buttons for 1 second.
The humidifier will beep when LFS has been cleared.
Software version
Press the mute button to cycle to the start of the menu, or the diagnostic menu will automatically exit after 6
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Diagnostic Menu for Software Version 7.23
Connected breathing circuit identification:
“S“ = Standard inspiratory heater connected
“C” = Coaxial inspiratory heater connected
“E” = Expiratory heater connected
“---” = No heaters detected while under heater wire control
Non-Heater Wire Operation
To enable non heater wire operation, press and hold both the mute and mode
buttons simultaneously for 1 second. The display will show ‘nhh’ and the humidifier
will confirm with an audible beep. Ensure that no heated breathing circuit is
connected to the humidifier otherwise the humidifier won’t change operation.
To disable non-heater wire mode, repeat the above process or connect a heater
breathing circuit.
Chamber set point, in 0.1 °C resolution eg: 37.0
Invasive mode: range 35.5 to 42 °C.
Non-Invasive mode: range 31.0 to 36.0 °C.
Chamber Duty Cycle (%)
During selection of this menu and while a chamber probe out test is active the
chamber probe indicator will light.
Chamber Power / Flow ratio (W/LPM)
Heater Plate Temperature (1 °C)
Gas Flow Rate (0.1 LPM)
“---“ = Unknown Flow (flow measurement not started)
Gas Flow Rate Range:
“---“ = Unknown Flow (flow measurement not started)
“no” = No flow, ( Stand-by )
“Lo” = Low flow, ( < 3 LPM )
“In” = Intermediate flow, ( 2 to 17 LPM )
“Hi” = High flow, ( > 13 LPM )
“ -“ = Ventilated flow detected
Airway temperature set point (0.1 °C)
Airway Duty Cycle (%)
During selection of this menu and while an airway probe out test is active the airway
probe indicator will light.
Water out number, used to detect the presence of chamber water, calculated from,
chamber power / (heater plate temp. – chamber temp.).
During selection of this menu the water out indicator will light if the water out
number falls below a dry chamber threshold.
Last Alarm State, the display will blank, and the humidifier’s last alarm will be shown
on the indicators. To clear LAS, press and hold the mute and mode buttons for 1
second. The humidifier will beep when LAS has been cleared.
Last Fault State, refer to section 6.3. To clear LFS, press and hold the mute and
mode buttons for 1 second. The humidifier will beep when LFS has been cleared.
Software version
Press the mute button to cycle to the start of the menu, or the diagnostic menu will
automatically exit after 6 seconds.
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Servicing Procedures
General Considerations
Although the MR850 display may not be illuminated, the unit may still be energized. Be
sure to disconnect the MR850 from the power supply before servicing.
All servicing procedures should be followed by a humidifier performance test, and an
electrical safety test to ensure proper operation. The performance tests are outlined in
section 8.
Where screws and bolts have been removed from the product, do not use excessive force when
Antistatic procedures should be followed when servicing this product.
Opening the case
1. Ensure mains power is disconnected from the unit.
2. Remove the four screws at the back of the humidifier.
Separate the case by sliding the two halves apart. Pull the front half of the case away from
the rear (Figure 7.1). The control PCB is attached to the front half of the case and is
connected via ribbon cable to the power PCB fitted to the rear half of the case.
Figure 7.1 Case separation
3. Slide the power PCB forward with the side panel (the side panel is attached to the power
PCB). The side panel will need to be pushed inwards during this action in order to unlatch
and clear the electrical connectors.
4. Un-clip the three fasteners (Figure 7.2) which hold the front (control) PCB to the front of the
case, and separate the front PCB from the case.
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Figure 7.2 Showing PCB fasteners
Replacing Fuses
1. Open the case (section 7.2.1).
2. The fuses can now be accessed. See Figure 7.3 for the location of the fuses on the power
Figure 7.3 Showing location of the fuses on power PCB
The four fuses have the following ratings:
MR850 Model Number
Supply Voltage
Fuse Type
Part Number
999 830 001
999 830 017
999 830 009
999 830 009
999 830 001
999 830 017
999 830 012
999 830 012
230 V~
F1: 1 A 250 V FastBlow
F2: 4 A 125 V FastBlow
F3: 2 A 250 V FastBlow
F4: 2 A 250 V FastBlow
F1: 1 A 250 V FastBlow
F2: 4 A 125 V FastBlow
F3: 3 A 250 V FastBlow
F4: 3 A 250 V FastBlow
127 V~
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
MR850 Model Number
Supply Voltage
Fuse Type
Part Number
999 830 001
999 830 017
999 830 012
999 830 012
999 830 001
999 830 017
999 830 012
999 830 012
115 V~
F1: 1 A 250 V FastBlow
F2: 4 A 125 V FastBlow
F3: 3 A 250 V FastBlow
F4: 3 A 250 V FastBlow
F1: 1 A 250 V FastBlow
F2: 4 A 125 V FastBlow
F3: 3 A 250 V FastBlow
F4: 3 A 250 V FastBlow
100 V~
Be sure to replace the fuse with the correct rating and type. Do not under any
circumstances replace F2 with anything other than a fast blow fuse of the type and rating
specified, as serious injury could result.
3. Replace fuse.
4. Close the case (section 7.2.8).
Replacement of Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)
1. Open the case (section 7.2.1).
2. Disconnect all harnesses attached to the power PCB. Disconnect the mains and protective
earth wires by unscrewing the terminal blocks, and cutting the cable ties (Figure 7.4).
3. Remove PCBs, and using an appropriate tool, remove the ROM from the 32-pin socket on
the control PCB. Store the ROM in an antistatic bag or box.
4. Unpack replacement PCBs, install the ROM from the previous PCB.
5. Replace the mains fuses (F3, F4) with the correct type, and attach mains and protective
earth wires, using the cable ties provided (Figure 7.4).
6. NOTE: If revision A PCBs are being replaced with revision C PCBs or later, (look for
identification on the control board), then the wiring of the heater plate thermal cutout (and
thermistor) will need to be changed. Un-clip the four pins from the connector by using a
small flat bladed screwdriver. Re-wire the connector so the thermistor wires (white) are
located on the inner two pins, and the thermal cutout wires (black) are located on the two
outer pins.
7. Connect harnesses from the transformer and heater plate to the power PCB.
8. Close the case (section 7.2.8).
9. Update the EEPROM software version (step 5, section 7.2.6).
10. Check that the humidifier powers up normally, and complete a full performance test
(section 8).
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Figure 7.4 Showing Humidifier Power PCB wiring
Replacement of Transformer
1. Open the case (section 7.2.1).
2. Disconnect the transformer primary and secondary harnesses attached to the power PCB.
3. Unscrew the four mounting screws fixing the transformer, and remove the transformer from
the case.
4. Place the new transformer inside the case, and mount using the four screws.
5. Connect transformer primary and secondary harnesses to the power PCB.
6. Close the case (section 7.2.8).
Servicing the Heater Plate
Resetting the thermal cutout.
1. Open the case (section 7.2.1).
2. Check the thermal cutout on the heater plate by pushing the red button with a pen or small
screwdriver - see Figure 7.5.
Figure 7.5 Showing location of thermal cutout
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
3. If the thermal cutout "clicks" when pushed, it has been previously activated, and is now
reset. NOTE: If the heater plate is still hot, it must be allowed to cool sufficiently before the
thermal cutout will reset.
4. Close the case (section 7.2.8).
Replacing the heater plate thermistor
NOTE: A Heater plate thermistor service kit is required. (Part Number: 043 041 254)
1. Open the case (section 7.2.1).
2. Disconnect the heater plate element, thermistor and thermal cutout harnesses attached to
the power PCB.
3. Remove the three screws holding the heater plate - see Figure 7.6.
4. Cut cable ties attached to the heater plate harnesses.
Figure 7.6 Showing location of Heater Plate screws
5. Remove screw holding heater plate thermistor - see Figure 7.7.
6. Unsolder the wires attached to the thermal cutout, and remove the old thermistor and
7. Place the new thermistor into position, and attach using the screw.
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Figure 7.7 Showing location of Heater Plate Thermistor
Thermal Cutout and Element Screws
8. Solder the wires from the new harness to the heater plate thermal cutout.
9. Attach the cable ties provided to the heater plate harness.
10. Place heater plate back into position, ensuring the springs underneath the heater plate are
in place. Attach to the humidifier's case using the three long screws that were previously
11. Connect the heater plate element, thermistor and thermal cutout harnesses to the power
12. Close the case (section 7.2.8).
Checking the heater plate element
1. Open the case (section 7.2.1).
2. Disconnect the heater plate element, thermistor and thermal cutout harnesses from the
power PCB.
3. Measure the resistance between the 2 contacts on the heater plate element connector (this
is the large three pin connector).
The resistance of the heater plate element should measure the same as outlined in the table
MR850 Model Number
Supply Voltage
230 V~
Heater Plate Resistance
353 ± 12 Ohms
108 ± 3 Ohms
127 V~
115 V~
88 ± 3 Ohms
100 V~
67 ± 2 Ohms
If the measured resistance is outside this range, replace the heater plate element (steps 4 to 9).
If the heater plate element is within specification, go to step 10.
NOTE: If the heater plate element requires replacing, a heater plate element service kit is
required - see Section 10. Spare Parts.
4. Remove the two visible screws holding the heater plate element reflector. Remove the
shield, making sure the washers are not lost. Unscrew the last four screws on the element
cover (Figure 7.7).
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
5. Remove the heater element, leaving the mica insulator in place.
6. Insert the new element into position, making sure the insulating mica is between the element
and the heater plate.
7. Replace the element cover, using the four screws that were previously removed.
8. Replace the element reflector, making sure the washers that separate the reflector from the
cover are placed back into position. Screw into place.
9. Place the heater plate assembly back into position, ensuring the springs underneath the
heater plate are in place. Attach to the humidifier case using the three long screws that
were previously removed.
10. Connect the heater plate element, thermistor and thermal cutout harnesses to the power
11. Close the case (section 7.2.8).
Replacing the Thermal Cutout
1. Open the case (section 7.2.1).
2. Disconnect the heater plate element, thermistor and thermal cutout harnesses from the
power PCB.
3. Remove the three screws holding the heater plate - see Figure 7.7.
4. Un-solder the two black wires attached to the thermal cutout.
5. Unscrew fasteners used to secure the thermal cutout, and remove.
6. Place new thermal cutout in position and fasten using screws provided.
7. Depress the thermal cutout's red button to ensure it is reset.
8. Solder the black wires that were previously disconnected to the contacts on the new thermal
9. Place heater plate back into position, ensuring the springs underneath the heater plate are
in place. Attach to the humidifier's case using the three long screws that were previously
10. Connect the heater plate element, thermistor and thermal cutout harnesses to the power
11. Close the case (section 7.2.8).
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Installing New Software
NOTE: A software upgrade kit is required.
Some software may not be available in your country. Refer to your local Fisher & Paykel
Healthcare representative for the appropriate part number:
Single ROM pack
32 ROM Pack
GJU model
JHU model
All other models
Figure 7.8 Showing location of U3
1. Open the case (section 7.2.1).
2. Remove ROM integrated circuit U3 (Figure 7.8) using appropriate tools.
3. Place new ROM into the empty socket, ensuring correct orientation.
4. Close the case (section 7.2.8)
5. Turn the humidifier upside down; use a non conducting tool to hold the production test
button down. This button is accessible through the right air vent slot (when looking at the
rear of the humidifier). See Figure 7.9.
Never use an electrically conducting tool to depress the production test button, as there
are live mains voltages inside the humidifier.
Figure 7.9 Showing Location of the Production Test Button
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
6. Apply mains power to the humidifier, while keeping the production test button depressed.
The display should read: “PTS”. This ensures that the new software version number will be
properly updated in the EEPROM.
7. Turn off the mains power to the humidifier, and remove the tool.
8. Check that the humidifier powers up normally, and complete a full performance test
(section 8).
(An alternative method for software versions 7.21 onward.)
1. Perform steps 1 to 4 as above.
2. Apply mains power to the humidifier. An error code E05 (EEPROM version is older than the
ROM version) or E06 (EEPROM version is newer than the ROM version) will be given.
Press the Mute button to confirm that the software is to be changed to the version in the
ROM. Once the Mute button is pressed the software version is changed and the MR850 is
automatically restarted.
3. Complete a full performance test (section 8).
Replacing the Mains Cable
1. Open the case (section 7.2.1).
2. Unscrew the three mains cable wires from the terminal blocks on the power PCB (see
Figure 7.4), and cut the cable tie on the PCB.
3. Slide the mains cable retainer away from the rear of the case.
4. Replace the power cord, and affix to the case by forcefully pushing the retainer back into
position (towards the rear of the case).
5. Attach the 3 mains cable wires to the terminal blocks on the power PCB (see table below for
correct mains cable wiring), and attach the phase and neutral wires with a new cable tie.
(115 / 100 V~)
(230/ 127 V~)
(230 V~)
or Brown
or Blue
or Green/Yellow
Green / Yellow
Green / Yellow
When attaching the mains cable wires, ensure that the correct polarity of the mains
wiring is followed. The table given above only applies to power cords supplied by Fisher
& Paykel Healthcare.
6. Close the case (section 7.2.8).
Closing the case
1. Make sure that all harnesses that were previously disconnected have been reconnected. If
the mains wiring was disconnected during servicing, check that the mains polarity is correct
(see table in section 7.2.7).
2. Slide the power PCB back into position, ensuring that the side panel slides in the slots and
latches into the case rear.
3. Place the control PCB back into position in the front of the case, ensuring all clips are
located properly.
4. Slide the case together, and replace the four screws.
5. In order to check that the humidifier is working properly, complete a full performance test as
outlined in section 8.
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Performance Testing
This section discusses the performance testing of the MR850 humidifier and also the MR850
temperature / flow probe. Performance testing is required as part of ongoing maintenance or
after servicing of the humidifier has been completed.
Humidifier Performance Testing
If the humidifier has been operating normally, but a performance check is required as part of the
maintenance schedule, it is recommended that the following tests are completed:
1. A humidifier Calibration Check (Section 8.1.2)
2. A humidifier Display Check (Section 8.1.3)
However, if there is a problem with the humidifier, or if the humidifier has recently been
serviced, then the following tests should be completed in addition to those outlined above.
3. A humidifier Voltage Calibration Check (only required if the MR850's PCBs or mains
transformer have been serviced or replaced). (Section 8.1.4)
4. A humidifier Warm-up and Control Check. (Section 8.1.5)
Entering the Service Menu
The MR850 humidifier has a special mode which enables the operator to verify correct
operation. To enter this mode, hold down the power button on the front of the humidifier then
apply mains power. The See-Manual indicator will light, and the humidifier will enter the service
menu. The service menu has six different tests:
Section 8.1.2
Section 8.1.2
Section 8.1.4
Section 8.2.1
Section 8.2.2
Section 8.1.3
Calibration Probe #1 Check
Calibration Probe #2 Check
Voltage Calibration Check
Temperature Probe Check
Flow Check
Display Test
Service Menu Exit
Pushing the mute button while a number is displayed enters the relevant service test. When
'End' is displayed the user can press the mute button to cycle back to the start of the service
menu. If no button is pushed, the service menu will automatically exit after six seconds.
NOTE: All tests performed in the service menu will automatically exit after 30 minutes.
Humidifier Calibration Check
This section describes how to check the accuracy of the humidifier's temperature and flow
measurement electronics.
Equipment Required:
MR850 Humidifier
Reference Probe Set, Fisher & Paykel Healthcare part number: 900MR870
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
1. Hold down the power button, then apply mains power to the humidifier. This action places
the humidifier into service mode.
2. Select service mode number 1 (Calibration Probe #1 Check) by pushing the mute button
when '-1-' is displayed.
3. Insert the calibration probe with the GREY collet into the temperature / flow probe socket of
the humidifier.
4. Allow the display to stabilize for a few seconds, and check the number shown on the
humidifier display. The table below shows the numbers displayed by the humidifier in this
Airway Temperature
Chamber Temperature
Flow Temperature
Calibration Resistor
Heater Wire
Heater Wire
Heater Wire
If the humidifier displays any other value than '100' or if the heater wire indicator is on, check
that you have the correct calibration probe plugged in, otherwise the MR850 PCBs are faulty
and they will need to be serviced or replaced (refer 7.2.3).
5. Press the power button (this causes the Calibration Probe #2 Check to be executed).
6. Insert the calibration probe with a BLUE collet into the temperature / flow probe socket of the
7. Allow the displayed value to stabilize for a few seconds. Check the humidifier display. The
table below shows the numbers displayed by the humidifier in this mode:
Airway Temperature
Chamber Temperature
Flow Temperature
Calibration Resistor
Heater Wire
Heater Wire
Heater Wire
If the humidifier displays any other value than '200' or if the heater wire indicator is on, check
that you have the correct calibration probe plugged in, otherwise the MR850 PCBs are faulty
and they will need to be serviced or replaced (refer 7.2.3).
8. Remove the calibration probe, and press the mute button to exit service mode.
Humidifier Display Test
This test is used to determine whether the humidifier's display is working correctly.
1. Enter the service menu (refer section 8.1.1).
2. Select service mode number 6 (Display test) by pushing the mute button when '-6-' is
3. Check that all of the display LEDs and indicators are turned on.
4. Push the mode button to change to a display cycle test. Check that all the LEDs and
indicators light in sequence, and that there is only ever one LED on at a time.
5. Push the Mute button to exit back to the service menu.
If the humidifier does not pass the display test, then it is recommended that the humidifier PCBs
are either replaced or sent for servicing (refer 7.2.3).
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Humidifier Voltage Calibration Check
This check is required when the humidifier's PCBs have been serviced or replaced, or if the
mains transformer has been replaced.
Equipment Required:
An AC voltmeter, capable of measuring RMS mains voltage to ±0.5 % accuracy.
Suitable breathing circuit for MR850 (for example 900RT100).
MR850 Heater Wire Adaptor (for example 900MR800).
1. Connect a breathing circuit to the humidifier with the heater wire adaptor. Make sure the
inspiratory limb is correctly plugged in, and that a temperature or calibration probe is not
plugged in to the humidifier.
2. Safely connect the AC voltmeter to the mains supply.
NOTE: Connect the voltmeter in close proximity to the mains socket used to power the
3. Enter the service menu (refer section 8.1.1).
4. Select service mode number 3 (Voltage Calibration Check) by pushing the mute button
when '-3-' is displayed.
5. Calculate the percentage of the actual mains voltage (the AC voltmeter reading) to the
nominal mains voltage for the humidifier model being tested.
NOTE: The nominal mains voltage is the voltage indicated on the left side of the humidifiers
case, and will be either 230 V~, 127 V~, 115 V~, or 100 V~.
Percentage mains = 100 x [Actual mains voltage (RMS) / Nominal Mains voltage]
For example:
MR850 Model AEK :
Voltmeter Reading :
Percentage mains:
Nominal Mains Voltage is 230 V~
240.5 V~
100 x [240.5 / 230] = 104.5 %
Round any decimal points: 105
6. Adjust the reading on the humidifier's display to read the same as the value calculated
above. This is achieved by pushing the mode button to increase, or the power button to
decrease the percent value on the humidifier's display.
7. Check that the mains voltage has remained constant. If necessary recalculate the
percentage of actual mains voltage.
8. Store the new value in the humidifier's memory by pushing and holding the mute and mode
buttons together for 1 second. The humidifier will beep when the value has been correctly
9. Exit the voltage calibration test by pushing and holding down the mute button for longer than
one second.
Humidifier Warm-up and Control Check
This section describes how to check the humidifier's heater control systems. This test should
be performed if there is a problem with the humidifier, or after servicing of the humidifier.
Equipment Required:
MR850 Humidifier
MR850 Heater Wire Adaptor
Flow/Temperature Probe
Suitable breathing circuit for MR850 (for example: RT100)
Suitable chamber for MR850 (for example: MR290) filled with water
Gas supply - constant flow of: 10±5 SLPM (Standard Litres Per Minute)
1. Make sure that the humidifier passes the calibration and display checks (refer 8.1.2 and
2. Set up the humidifier as shown in section 4.1. Make sure the chamber probe is correctly
inserted and invasive mode selected.
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
3. Connect the humidifier chamber inlet to the gas supply, and turn the humidifier on.
4. Wait approximately 30 minutes for the humidifier to stabilise.
Chamber and Airway temperatures can be checked by using the display mode (section 4.3.1)
and set temperatures can be checked by using the diagnostic menu (section 6.4).
After the humidifier has had time to warm up, the temperature at the airway and chamber should
be within +0.3 to -1.8°C of their set point, with no alarms occurring.
If any alarms do occur, refer to section 6 (troubleshooting), and determine the cause. If the
temperatures displayed are out of range, then refer to the MR850 operating manual, and check
the humidifier's setup.
Probe Accuracy Check
A probe accuracy check is used to test for the correct operation of the temperature / flow probe.
A Probe accuracy check consists of the following tests:
1. Probe Temperature Accuracy Test (section 8.2.1)
2. Probe Flow Accuracy Test (section 8.2.2)
Probe Temperature Accuracy Test
This test is used to determine the temperature accuracy of the temperature/flow probes that are
used with the MR850 humidifier.
Equipment Required:
MR850 Humidifier
Flow/Temperature Probe
Accurate Thermometer (Accuracy ± 0.5 degrees )
Container of water at approximately 40 °C, or a stirred water bath at 40 °C.
1. Perform a humidifier calibration test as outlined in section 8.1.2 to make sure the humidifier
is reading temperature correctly (ignore this step if recently completed).
2. Place both the airway and chamber probes in a container of water (at approx. 40 °C), along
with the accurate thermometer.
3. Make sure the water is constantly stirred, and wait approximately 30 seconds for the
temperature to stabilise.
4. Enter the service menu (refer section 8.1.1).
5. Select service mode number 4 (Temperature Probe Check) by pushing the mute button
when '-4-' is displayed.
6. Plug the probe under test into the humidifier.
NOTE: if a probe fault condition exists, the humidifier will alarm at this time.
7. The chamber temperature will be displayed; pressing the mode button will toggle between
the airway and chamber temperature.
8. Compare the temperatures obtained with the thermometer. The temperature difference
(between the humidifier temperatures and the thermometer) should not be greater than 1.5
degrees. If the difference is larger than 1.5 °C, the probe should be replaced.
Probe Flow Accuracy Test
This test is used to determine the flow accuracy of the temperature/flow probes that are used
with the MR850 humidifier.
Equipment Required:
MR850 Humidifier
Flow/Temperature Probe
Suitable Breathing Circuit for MR850 (for example: 900RT100)
Suitable Chamber for MR850 (for example: MR290)
Gas supply - constant flow of: 10 ± 1 SLPM (Standard Litres Per Minute)
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
1. Perform a humidifier calibration check as outlined in section 8.1.2 (ignore this step if recently
2. Set up the humidifier as shown in Figure 4.1. Make sure the chamber probe is correctly
inserted into the breathing circuit.
3. Connect the humidifier chamber inlet to the gas supply.
4. Enter the service menu (refer section 8.1.1).
5. Select service mode number 5 (Flow Accuracy Check) by pushing the mute button when '-5-
' is displayed.
6. Plug the probe under test into the humidifier.
NOTE: If a probe fault condition exists, the humidifier will alarm at this time.
7. The humidifier will display '---' until a flow measurement has been acquired.
8. Check that the flow measurement is between 5 and 15 LPM.
9. If the flow measurement is outside this range, make sure there are no water drops or
deposits on the temperature / flow probe's glass thermistor, and repeat test.
10. If the flow measurement remains outside the specified range, the probe should be replaced.
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Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Recommended Maintenance Checklist
This sheet can be copied and used to keep a record of the maintenance procedures carried out
on your MR850 Humidifier(s), and probes. Place the serial number and the date that the
maintenance was carried out in the spaces provided. Refer to section 5 for a description of the
maintenance procedures required.
Humidifier Check (Annually)
Visual Checks
Electrical Safety
and Date
1. Mains Cable 1. Calibration
1. Earth Resistance
2. Insulation Resistance
3. Earth Leakage
2. Heater Plate
3. Heater Wire
2. Display Check
4. Other tests as required
Probe Check (Every six months)
Batch ID
Visual Checks
Performance Checks
and Date
1. Check Glass Thermistor
2. Check for Foreign Deposits
3. Check Cable for Kinks, etc.
4. Check Probe Connectors
1. Temperature Accuracy
2. Flow Accuracy
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Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
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Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
10 Spare Parts
Should any parts of the humidifier require replacement, the following parts list is provided. Refer to the exploded
diagram on the opposite page for part identification.
Part Number
043 041 247
043 041 248
043 042 575
043 041 249
100 V~ Heater Plate Assembly
115 V~ Heater Plate Assembly
127 V~ Heater Plate Assembly
230 V~ Heater Plate Assembly
662 040 058
Heater Plate Spring
043 042 068
043 041 334
043 042 067
043 042 578
Front Case Replacement kit – 115 V~ (J models )
Front Case Replacement kit – 230 V~ (A models )
Front Case Replacement kit – 100 V~ (G models )
Front Case Replacement kit – 127 V~ (P models )
336 060 143
614 061 141
Heater Plate Case Screw
Transformer Mounting Screw
043 042 267
043 042 268
043 042 269
043 042 270
043 042 271
043 042 272
043 042 273
043 042 274
043 042 275
043 042 276
043 042 277
043 042 278
043 042 454
Rear case replacement kit – ADU model
Rear case replacement kit – AEA model
Rear case replacement kit – AEK model
Rear case replacement kit – AEU model
Rear case replacement kit – AFU model
Rear case replacement kit – AGU model
Rear case replacement kit – ALU model
Rear case replacement kit – ANU model
Rear case replacement kit – ARU model
Rear case replacement kit – JHU model
Rear case replacement kit – JSU model
Rear case replacement kit – PEU model
Rear case replacement kit – GJU model
043 041 250
621 040 524
622 040 512
693 041 483
614 040 120
Electronics PCB Assembly
Mounting Tongue Nut
Mounting Tongue Washer
Mains Cable Collet
Case Screw
095 428 322
095 428 869
095 428 317
095 428 569
095 428 323
Mains Cord, USA Plug, Right Angle (115 V~)
Mains Cord, USA Plug, Straight (100 V~)
Mains Cord, NZ / Australian Plug (230 V~)
Mains Cord, UK Plug (230 V~)
Mains Cord, European Schuko Plug (230 V~)
693 041 482
614 063 026
Mounting Tongue
Mounting Tongue Bolt
043 041 304
043 042 576
043 041 305
043 041 306
Transformer : 230 V~
Transformer : 127 V~
Transformer : 115 V~
Transformer : 100 V~
043 041 336
693 041 487
662 040 067
341 040 560
341 040 561
341 040 559
341 040 558
693 040 783
336 060 148
693 041 486
653 040 124
Equipotential Stud Kit (Option)
Finger guard MR850 blue
Spring for finger guard
Socket heater wire 4-way
Socket temperature/flow probe 6-way
Socket retaining ring yellow
Socket retaining ring blue
Side panel
Plastic rivet
Rubber button
Button retaining ring
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Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
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Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Heater Plate Assembly
Part Number
614 040 861
641 040 829
336 060 149
641 040 707
331040 114
614 040 327
614 040 117
622 040 130
095 428 320
655 040 111
349 040 052
043 041 254
614 040 327
Screw (M4x12)
Reflector Spacer Washers
Element Cover
Mica Insulator
Thermistor Screw
Earth Strap Screw
Earth Strap Washer
Earth Strap
Aluminium Heater Plate
Thermal Cutout
Thermistor Assembly Kit
Thermal Cutout Screw
043 041 251
043 042 577
043 041 252
043 041 253
Element Kit: 230 V~
Element Kit: 127 V~
Element Kit: 115 V~
Element Kit: 100 V~
614 040 117
Screw (M4x8)
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Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
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Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
11 Calibration Probe
The information presented here refers to the construction of the MR850 Calibration Probe. This
information is provided so that the probe can be checked for correct operation if required.
The calibration probe consists of two Redel plugs, each containing four 0.1 % tolerance
resistors. In order to measure the absolute accuracy of these resistors; it is recommended that
an ohm meter with better than ± 0.2 % accuracy is used.
To measure the value of the resistors used in the probes, unscrew the cable collet holding the
plug together in order to gain access to the connector pins.
Blue collet
Grey collet
Chamber temperature = 75.0 °C
Airway temperature = 42.8 °C
Chamber temperature = 55.2 °C
Airway temperature = 40.5 °C
The measured values must be accurate to + 0.3 % of their nominal value when using a meter
accurate to ± 0.2 %.
Contact a Fisher & Paykel Healthcare representative if an independent calibration probe check
is required.
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Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
12 Serial Port & Logging Software
The View850 software* is intended for use with the Fisher & Paykel Healthcare MR850
Respiratory Humidifier. The software can be used to display humidifier data and log the results
to a file. A serial cable, part number 900MR888*, is required in order to link the MR850
humidifier to a PC.
The serial port must not be used when the humidifier is in patient use.
Equipment connected to the serial -port must comply with the safety standard IEC60950
for Personal Computers.
No liability for consequential damage: In no event shall Fisher & Paykel Healthcare or its
suppliers be liable for any damages arising out of the use of this View850 product.
* View850 software is supplied on the MR850 Technical CD and can be ordered along with the
900MR888 serial cable from Fisher and Paykel Healthcare.
Installing View850 software from the MR850 Technical CD.
1. Insert CD into Personal Computer.
2. Select ‘Install View850’ from menu list.
3. Follow the install instructions.
4. The software is now ready to run.
12.3.1 Viewing Humidifier Data
Connect a 900MR888 serial cable* from the serial socket located on the bottom of the MR850
to a communications port (RS-232) on the host computer. Run the View850.exe program from
the Microsoft Windows Start Menu, Programs, View850.
Set the correct com. port in the View850 software by going to the Config. Menu and clicking on
Settings. The com. port can be changed within the Settings dialog box.
Finally, start the program running by clicking on the `RUN' button. To stop, click the `Running'
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
12.3.2 Logging Humidifier Data to File
The View850 software can log the data it receives to a text file. This text file can then be
opened at a later date (by programs such as Microsoft Excel), in order to review humidifier
In order to log the humidifier data, first start the program running. Next set the directory you
want the log files to be placed in, by using the menu buttons. Select a directory, and then click
on the `OK' button.
To start the program logging, click on the `Log Data to file' button. A log-file will be created.
The name of the file will be the current time and date, followed by an `.850' extension. To stop,
click the `Logging Data to File' button.
The log rate (how often the data is saved to file) can be changed through the menu buttons.
Note: For further information on this program, view the ‘Readme.txt’ file.
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
The use of accessories other than those specified by Fisher & Paykel Healthcare may
result in increased emissions or decreased immunity of the equipment or system.
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic emissions
The MR850 is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the MR850 should
assure that it is used in such an environment.
Emissions test
Electromagnetic environment - guidance
RF emissions CISPR 11
Group 1
The MR850 uses RF energy only for its internal function.
Therefore, its RF emissions are very low and are not likely to
cause any interference in nearby electronic equipment.
RF emissions CISPR 11
Harmonic emissions
IEC 61000-3-2
Class B
Class B
The MR850 is suitable for use in all establishments, including
domestic establishments and those directly connected to the
public low-voltage power supply network that supplies buildings
used for domestic purposes.
Voltage fluctuations/ flicker emissions
IEC 61000-3-3
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic emissions
The MR850 is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the MR850 should
assure that it is used in such an environment.
Emissions test
IEC 60601-1 test level
6 kV contact
Compliance level
6 kV contact
8 kV air
Electromagnetic environment - guidance
Electrostatic discharge
Floors should be wood, concrete or ceramic
tile. If floors are covered with synthetic
material, the relative humidity should be at
least 30 %.
8 kV air
IEC 61000-4-2
Electrical fast
Mains power quality should be that of a
typical commercial or hospital environment.
2 kV for power supply
2 kV for power supply
IEC 61000-4-4
1 kV for input/output lines
1 kV differential mode
2 kV common mode
1 kV differential mode
2 kV common mode
1 kV for input/output lines
1 kV differential mode
2 kV common mode
1 kV differential mode
2 kV common mode
Mains power quality should be that of a
typical commercial or hospital environment.
IEC 61000-4-5
Mains power quality should be that of a
typical commercial or hospital environment.
IEC 61000-4-5
Voltage dips, short
interruptions and voltage
variations on power supply
input lines
< 5 % UT (> 95 % dip in UT)
for 0,5 cycle
< 5 % UT (> 95 % dip in UT)
for 0,5 cycle
Mains power quality should be that of a
typical commercial or hospital environment.
If the user of the MR850 requires continued
operation during power mains interruptions,
it is recommended that the MR850 be
powered from an uninterruptible power
supply or a battery.
40 % UT (60 % dip in UT)
for 5 cycles
40 % UT (60 % dip in UT)
for 5 cycles
IEC 61000-4-11
70 % UT (30 % dip in UT)
for 25 cycles
70 % UT (30 % dip in UT)
for 25 cycles
< 5 % UT (> 95 % dip in UT)
< 5 % UT (> 95 % dip in UT)
for 5 sec
for 5 sec
Power frequency (50/60
Hz) magnetic field
3 A/m
3 A/m
Power frequency magnetic fields should be
at levels characteristic of a typical location in
a typical commercial or hospital
IEC 61000-4-8
NOTE UT is the a.c. mains voltage prior to application of the test level.
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – electromagnetic immunity
The MR850 is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the MR850 should
assure that it is used in such an environment.
Immunity test
IEC 60601 test level
Electromagnetic environment – guidance
Portable and mobile RF communications equipment should be used
no closer to any part of the MR850 including cables, than the
recommended separation distance calculated from the equation
applicable to the frequency of the transmitter.
Recommended separation distance
Conducted RF
IEC 61000-4-6
Radiated RF
3 Vrms
3 V
d = 1,2√P
150 kHz to 80 MHz
3 V/m
3 V/m
d = 1,2√P
d = 2,3√P
80 MHz to 800 MHz
800 MHz to 2.5 GHz
IEC 61000-4-3
80 MHz to 2,5 GHz
where P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in
watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer and d is the
recommended separation distance in metres (m).
Field strengths from fixed RF transmitters, as determined by an
electromagnetic site survey a ,should be less than the compliance
level in each frequency range b.
Interference may occur in the vicinity of equipment marked with the
following symbol:
NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from
structures, objects and people.
Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile radios,
amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess the
electromagnetic environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be considered. If the measured
field strength in the location in which the MR850 is used exceeds the applicable RF compliance level above, the MR850 should be
observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as
reorienting or relocating the MR850.
Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than 3 V/m.
Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF communications equipment
and the MR850
The MR850 is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF disturbances are controlled. The customer
or the user of the MR850 can help prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimum distance between portable and
mobile RF communications equipment (transmitters) and the MR850 as recommended below, according to the maximum output
power of the communications equipment.
Separation distance according to frequency of transmitter (m)
Rated maximum output
power of transmitter (W)
150 kHz to 80 MHz
80 MHz to 800 MHz
800 MHz to 2,5 GHz
D = 1,2√P
D = 1,2√P
D = 2,3√P
For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended separation distance d in metres (m) can be
estimated using the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where P is the maximum output power rating of the
transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.
NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from
structures, objects and people.
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
14 Product Change History
Due to upgrades performed on delivered MR850 Respiratory Humidifiers, software and
hardware versions are listed below.
It should be realised that possible future upgrades may change the operation of the Humidifier.
Please note that software Versions 4.40 and 4.44 will only work with Revision A or B PCB’s and
Version 5.12 or later will only work with Revision C, D or E PCB’s.
History Change for model JHU
Serial Number
19 September 1998 9885xxx00000
22 October 1998
First production release.
Software upgrade.
12 April 1999
Release of new PCB to
accommodate change in
temperature probe circuit
5 May 1999
Software upgrade.
14 January 2000
Release of new PCB to improve
3 April 2000
25 July 2000
Software upgrade for low flow
control stability.
Software upgrade, allowing
Neonatal volume ventilation
capability. Manual Temperature
Compensation (TC)
11 October 2000
Software upgrade to improve
EMI immunity.
19 February 2001
2 April 2002
Software upgrade.
Software upgrade.
Improve HC speed in Non-
invasive mode.
F&P Co-axial circuit recognition
and control.
14 April 2003
31 May 2004
Software release USA only.
Added Non-heater wire
PTS access through serial
Humidifier model protection.
Remove HC.
Software release USA only.
5 July 2004
Release of new PCB capable of
selective soldering.
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
History Change for model GJU
Serial Number
19 September 1998 9885xxx00000
22 October 1998
First production release.
Software upgrade.
12 April 1999
Release of new PCB to
accommodate change in
temperature probe circuit
5 May 1999
Software upgrade.
14 January 2000
Release of new PCB to
improve manufacture.
3 April 2000
25 July 2000
Software upgrade for low flow
control stability.
Software upgrade, allowing
Neonatal volume ventilation
capability. Manual
Temperature Compensation
(TC) implemented.
11 October 2000
19 February 2001
Software upgrade to improve
EMI immunity.
Software upgrade.
15 November 2001 Only released as
Software upgrade.
software upgrade
Introduction of the automatic
and manual Humidity
Compensation (HC) mode.
Added time delay to the OFF
button. Enable low
temperature alarm in stand-by.
2 April 2002
Software upgrade.
Improve HC speed in Non-
invasive mode.
F&P Co-axial circuit
recognition and control.
18 March 2004
9 June 2004
Software upgrade.
Software upgrade.
PTS access through serial
Humidifier model protection.
Software release Japan only.
9 July 2004
Release of new PCB capable
of selective soldering.
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
History Change for all model except JHU & GJU
Serial Number
19 September 1998 9885xxx00000
22 October 1998
First production release.
Software upgrade.
12 April 1999
Release of new PCB to
accommodate change in
temperature probe circuit
5 May 1999
Software upgrade.
14 January 2000
Release of new PCB to
improve manufacture.
3 April 2000
25 July 2000
Software upgrade for low flow
control stability.
Software upgrade, allowing
Neonatal volume ventilation
capability. Manual
Temperature Compensation
(TC) implemented.
11 October 2000
19 February 2001
Software upgrade to improve
EMI immunity.
Software upgrade.
15 November 2001 Only released as
software upgrade kits.
Software upgrade.
Introduction of the automatic
and manual Humidity
Compensation (HC) mode.
Added time delay to the OFF
button. Enable low
temperature alarm in stand-by.
2 April 2002
Software upgrade.
Improve HC speed in Non-
invasive mode.
F&P Co-axial circuit
recognition and control.
22 April 2003
Software upgrade.
Auto HC increased to +5 °C.
Diagnostic menu changes.
Added Non-heater wire
31 July 2003
28 May 2004
Software upgrade.
PTS access through serial
Humidifier model protection.
2 July 2004
Release of new PCB capable
of selective soldering.
MR850 Technical Manual
Revision J * Issued November 2005
Ref. 185041340 (185041713 internal)
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