The Xerox
Network Laser Printers
Contents ................................................................................ 3
Chapter 1 Introduction ............................................................ 1-1
Document Introduction........................................................ 1-2
Purpose of this Section...................................................... 1-2
Objective ......................................................................... 1-2
Requirements ................................................................... 1-2
How Can I Print This? .......................................................... 1-3
Other Information Resources................................................ 1-4
How Do I Proceed? .............................................................. 1-5
First Time Printer Setup..................................................... 1-5
Configuration of an Existing Printer................................... 1-5
Chapter 2 Connecting to Your Network ................................... 2-1
Overview............................................................................. 2-3
Objective ......................................................................... 2-3
Requirements ................................................................... 2-3
Organization ................................................................... 2-4
Quick Steps For Connection & Setup .................................... 2-5
Set An IP Address................................................................. 2-6
Static Addressing.............................................................. 2-7
Setting from the Control Panel 2-7
Setting from Windows Operating Systems 2-9
Setting from Unix Operating Systems 2-11
Dynamic Addressing (RARP/BOOTP) ............................... 2-13
Dynamic Addressing
(DHCP) .......................................................................... 2-14
Setting a SUBNET MASK at the Control Panel..................... 2-15
Setting from Windows or Unix Operating Systems........... 2-16
Setting up APPSOCKET ...................................................... 2-17
Setting from Windows or Unix Operating Systems........... 2-18
Setting DEFAULT GATEWAY at the Control Panel................ 2-19
Setting from Windows or Unix Operating Systems........... 2-20
Print the Configuration Sheet ............................................. 2-21
To print the Configuration Sheet from the Control Panel: 2-21
To Print the Configuration Sheet from the Xerox CentreDirect
External Print Server (External Ethernet Adapter)............. 2-22
Resetting the Printer .......................................................... 2-23
To Reset your printer from the Control Panel:.................. 2-23
To Reset your CentreDirect External Print Server (External Ether-
net Adapter) .................................................................. 2-23
To Reset your CentreDirect External Print Server (External Ether-
net Adapter) to factory defaults ...................................... 2-24
DIP Switch settings for your CentreDirect External Print Server
(External Ethernet Adapter) ............................................ 2-25
Where do I go from here? .................................................. 2-26
Chapter 3 Novell NetWare Setup ............................................. 3-1
Introduction ........................................................................ 3-2
Objective ......................................................................... 3-2
Requirements ................................................................... 3-2
NetWare 3.1X Print Server Setup NetWare 4.X/5.0 (NDS) Print
Server Setup ........................................................................ 3-3
Setup with CentreWare DP............................................... 3-3
Advanced Setup in Bindery Mode or for NDS (NetWare Direc-
tory Services) Network...................................................... 3-3
Netware (NDPS/NEPS) Novell Distributed Print Services™. 3-4
NetWare Troubleshooting.................................................... 3-5
Requirements ................................................................... 3-5
NetWare Troubleshooting Quick Check............................. 3-6
Novell NetWare Troubleshooting Step-by-Step.................. 3-7
Novell NetWare Hardware Step-by-Step 3-7
Novell NetWare Software Step-by-Step 3-9
Chapter 4 Windows / Peer-to-Peer Network Setup ................... 4-1
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Overview............................................................................. 4-3
Objective ......................................................................... 4-3
Requirements ................................................................... 4-3
Windows 95/98 Peer-to-Peer Network (NetBEUI) ................. 4-4
For DocuPrint Networked Printers ..................................... 4-4
Quick Install Steps 4-4
ForCentreDirect ExternalPrint Server(ExternalEthernet Adapter)
Quick Install Steps 4-7
Windows 95/98 Peer-to-peer Network (Peer-ro-Peer IPP).... 4-11
Requirements ................................................................. 4-11
Step-by-Step Setup (Peer-to-Peer) ................................... 4-11
Windows NT 4.0 Network ................................................. 4-12
Introduction ................................................................... 4-12
Preliminary Steps............................................................ 4-12
Quick Install Steps (TCP/IP Protocol)............................... 4-13
Quick Install Steps (DLC/LLC Protocol) ............................ 4-16
Quick Install Steps (AppleTalk Protocol) .......................... 4-18
Windows Troubleshooting.................................................. 4-20
Requirements ................................................................. 4-20
Windows (all versions) Quick Check................................ 4-20
Quick Check For CentreDirect External Print Server (External
Ethernet Adapter) (NetBEUI)........................................... 4-22
Windows95/98 Troubleshooting forDocuPrint NetworkPrinters
Windows 95/98 For CentreDirect External Print Server (Exter-
nal Ethernet Adapter) (NetBEUI) ..................................... 4-25
Windows NT 4.0 Troubleshooting (TCP/IP)..................... 4-26
Windows NT 4.0 Troubleshooting (DLC/LLC).................. 4-28
Windows NT 4.0 Troubleshooting (AppleTalk) ................ 4-30
Chapter 5 Ma cintosh Network Setup
Introduction ........................................................................ 5-2
Objective ......................................................................... 5-2
Requirements ................................................................... 5-2
Quick Step Overview............................................................ 5-3
Macintosh Driver Installation ............................................... 5-4
Requirements ................................................................... 5-4
Driver Installation for Macintosh System 7.0+................... 5-4
Step-by-Step Setup (AppleTalk) ........................................ 5-5
Configuring EtherTalk at the Control Panel 5-5
Selecting the Printer from the Chooser 5-6
Macintosh Troubleshooting ................................................. 5-8
Requirements ................................................................... 5-8
Macintosh Quick Check.................................................... 5-8
Macintosh Troubleshooting Step-by-Step .......................... 5-9
Chapter 6 UNIX Network Setup ............................................... 6-1
Introduction ........................................................................ 6-2
Chapter 7 OS/2 Network Setup ................................................ 7-1
Overview............................................................................. 7-2
Objective ......................................................................... 7-2
Requirements ................................................................... 7-2
Compatibility....................................................................... 7-3
Network Operating Systems ............................................. 7-3
Required OS/2 FIXPACKS.................................................. 7-3
Quick Step (OS/2 Warp Server V 4.0) .................................. 7-4
Quick Install Setup ........................................................... 7-4
Troubleshooting ............................................................... 7-5
Step-by-Step Setup for IBM TCP/IP for OS/2 ..................... 7-6
TCP/IP Protocol Configuration 7-6
OS/2 Software Installation................................................... 7-7
Installing the DocuPrint OS/2 Print Driver......................... 7-7
OS/2 Troubleshooting ......................................................... 7-8
Requirements ................................................................... 7-8
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
OS/2 Quick Check............................................................ 7-8
TCP/IP for OS/2 versions 2.0, 3.0, 3.1, 4.0 ....................... 7-9
OS/2 Troubleshooting Step-by-Step .................................. 7-9
OS/2 Warp V 4.0, OS/2 Warp V 3.0 (all versions), Warp
Server, LAN Server 4.0, & Warp Connect using TCP/IP for
OS/2 versions 2.0, 3.0, 3.1, 4.0 7-9
Chapter 8 CentreWare DP a nd CentreWare MC ...................... 8-1
Introduction ........................................................................ 8-2
Chapter 9 Internet Printer Services ........................................... 9-1
Overview............................................................................. 9-2
Requirements ................................................................... 9-2
Configure Your Web Browser................................................ 9-3
Additional information on Internet Services .......................... 9-4
Appendix A Telnet and NBMON command mode options .......... A-1
Introduction ........................................................................ A-2
Monitor Menu: .................................................................... A-3
............................................................Configure Console:A-4
......................Display summary configuration parameters:A-4
Display/set ethernet options: ............................................ A-5
Flash firmware load enable/disable:.................................. A-5
Display/set IP address: ..................................................... A-5
Limit monitor network access by password:....................... A-6
Network protocols menu: ................................................. A-6
AppleTalk options: A-7
HP DLC options: A-7
Microsoft Windows print services options: A-8
Netware options: A-8
SNMP options: A-9
TCP/IP options: A-9
......................Display/set parallel port parms and status:A-11
Reset nvram to factory defaults:...................................... A-12
...................................................... Print ASCII test page:A-12
Print Postscript test page: ............................................... A-12
...................................................................................... A-12
...................................................................................... A-12
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Requirements ................................................................. 1-2
How Can I Print This? ...................................................... 1-3
Other Information Resources ............................................ 1-4
How Do I Proceed? ........................................................... 1-5
First Time Printer Setup ................................................... 1-5
Configuration of an Existing Printer ................................. 1-5
Cha pter 1: Introduction
Document Introduction
Document Introduction
Th e purpose of th is Tech n ical In form ation Guide (TIG) is
to serve th e in form ation al n eeds of System Adm in istrators
with a referen ce providin g th e platform -specific
in form ation n ecessary durin g th e DocuPrin t n etwork
setup an d con figuration . Software-related in form ation is
organ ized by platform -specific ch apters.
Th e purpose of th is in troductory section is to give a brief
overview of th e n etwork in stallation process, an d to
provide a guide to th e in form ation con tain ed in th is
Tech n ical In form ation Guide (TIG).
Purpose of this
Usin g th e in form ation con tain ed in th is docum en t,
System Adm in istrators will be able to con n ect th e
DocuPrin t prin ter to th eir n etwork, con figure th e prin ter
for optim um prin tin g perform an ce, an d troublesh oot
prin tin g problem s.
To correctly in stall an d con figure your prin ter based on
th e in form ation in th is docum en t you will n eed:
A DocuPrin t n etwork prin ter or a prin ter with a Xerox
Cen treDirect Extern al Prin t Server (Extern al Eth ern et
A Win dows, Macin tosh , UNIX or OS/2 workstation
with appropriate operatin g system software in stalled.
A workin g kn owledge of your operatin g system an d
your n etwork topology.
In this manual there are many examples utilizing Ethernet.
These same examples apply to Token Ring if that option is
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
How Ca n I Print This?
How Can I Print This?
Prin tin g th is TIG in h ard copy form m ust be
accom plish ed with th e Prin t com m an d in th e File
drop-down m en u of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
To prin t, sim ply click your m ouse on th e File drop-down
m en u an d select Prin t.
Please, be aware th at th is is a large docum en t. You m ay
wan t to select specific pages to prin t rath er th an th e en tire
docum en t. You can do th is in th e Prin t dialogue box.
You m ay get Help on operatin g th e Adobe Acrobat Reader
application at an y tim e by clickin g th e Help drop-down
m en u an d selectin g Acrobat Reader Help, or by pressin g
th e F1 key on your keyboard.
Cha pter 1: Introduction
Other Information Resources
Other Information Resources
Th is Tech n ical In form ation Guide com plem en ts use of
oth er docum en tation th at is supplied with your prin ter as
h ardcopy or as electron ic pdf file on th e Prin ter
Man agem en t Software CD or th e DocuPrin t CD. Th e
electron ic pdf files are con tain ed on th e CDs in th e folder
\ doc\ .
Th e Quick In stallation Guide explain s procedures for
ph ysically settin g up th e prin ter.
Th e DocuPrin t Quick Network In stall Guide provides
an outlin e of th e n etwork setup process for an “As
Soon As Possible” in stallation .
Th e User Guide explain s all procedures related to
routin e prin ter m ain ten an ce an d day-to-day use.
Th e System Adm in istrator Guide provides m ore
detailed prin ter in form ation th an is con tain ed in th e
User Guide.
Th e Cen treWare DP User Guide explain s h ow to in stall
an d use Cen treWare DP Services to in stall, con n ect,
an d con figure Xerox prin ters on a n etwork.
Th e Cen treWare for Un ix System s an d TTY User
Guides provide an experien ced System Adm in istrator
with in form ation required to in stall th e prin ter in
various Un ix en viron m en ts
User Guide an d set up in form ation for oth er utilities
supplied on th e CDs m ay be con tain ed in th e sam e
folder as th e utility. Con sult th e CD cover booklet for
in form ation on th ese utilities.
Th is Tech n ical In form ation Guide provides procedures
for establish in g a ph ysical prin ter n etwork con n ection ,
in form ation on establish in g n etwork prin tin g by
platform , an d provides procedures for tasks typically
perform ed by a System Adm in istrator.
Electron ic Help is available for in stallation of software,
Cen treWare DP, an d all prin ter drivers supplied with
your DocuPrin t prin ter.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
How Do I Proceed?
How Do I Proceed?
Ch a pter 2: Con n ectin g to You r Network provides
in struction on con n ectin g your prin ter to th e n etwork.
First Time
Printer Setup
Ch a pter 3: Novell NetWa re Setu p con tain s Software
In stallation an d Troublesh ootin g in form ation for
NetWare version s 3.1X, 4.X an d 5.0.
Ch a pter 4: Win dows / Peer-to-Peer Network Setu p
con tain s Software In stallation an d Troublesh ootin g
in form ation for th e various Win dows version s.
Ch a pter 5: Ma cin tosh Network Setu p con tain s Software
In stallation an d Troublesh ootin g in form ation for th e
Macin tosh .
Ch a pter 6: UNIX Network Setu p con tain s a referen ce to
Software In stallation for th e various supported UNIX
platform s.
Ch a pter 7: OS/2 Network Setu p con tain s Software
In stallation an d Troublesh ootin g in form ation for th e OS/
2 operatin g system .
Ch a pter 8: Cen treWa re DP a n d Cen treWa re MC provides
referen ces for usin g th e Cen treWare DP an d
Cen treWare MC application s.
Configuration of an
Existing Printer
Ch a pter 9: In tern et Prin ter Services provides referen ces
for usin g a web browser an d th e em bedded web server in
your prin ter, if it con tain s on e, for such tasks as set up,
m on itorin g th e status of your prin ter an d subm ittin g
prin t jobs.
Cha pter 1: Introduction
How Do I Proceed?
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Resetting the Printer ........................................................ 2-23
To Reset your printer from the Control Panel: ................ 2-23
To Reset your CentreDirect External Print Server (External Ether-
net Adapter) ................................................................ 2-23
To Reset your CentreDirect External Print Server (External Ether-
net Adapter) to factory defaults .................................... 2-24
Cha pter 2: Connecting to Your Network
Connecting to Your Network
DIP Switch settings for your CentreDirect External Print Server
(External Ethernet Adapter) .......................................... 2-25
Where do I go from here? ................................................ 2-26
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Th e purpose of th is Con n ection & Setup ch apter is to
outlin e th e ph ysical con n ection an d con figuration of
your DocuPrin t prin ter for use on a n etwork. Th is task
would ordin arily be perform ed by an experien ced System
Adm in istrator.
Th e objective of th is ch apter is to en able you to:
Iden tify th e overall steps to ph ysically con n ect an d
con figure your prin ter to work with your n etwork.
Con n ect n etwork cablin g to your prin ter.
In gen eral, th e requirem en ts n eeded for prin ter
con n ection an d setup in clude:
Appropriate cablin g to lin k th e prin ter to your
n etwork.
A workin g kn owledge of your n etwork cablin g sch em e
(for exam ple, coaxial cable; sh ielded or un sh ielded
twisted pair; RJ45 or DB9 con n ection ).
Cha pter 2: Connecting to Your Network
provides th e experien ced System Adm in istrator with
th e n etwork.
“Set An IP Address” (pa ge 2-6) provides th e detailed
(pa ge 2-15) provides th e detailed steps for settin g a
“Settin g u p APPSOCKET” (pa ge 2-17) provides th e
detailed steps for con figurin g th e prin ter to use th e
AppSocket protocol on your n etwork.
“Settin g DEFAULT GATEWAY a t the Con trol Pa n el”
(pa ge 2-19) provides th e detailed steps for settin g your
gateway address.
“Prin t th e Con figu ra tion Sh eet” (pa ge 2-21) provides
th e detailed steps for obtain in g th e curren t prin ter
settin gs.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Quick Steps For Connection & Setup
Quick Steps For Connection &
Quick Steps for prin ter con n ection an d setup, for use by
Quick Steps com m on to virtually all platform s in clude:
1. Install cabling to link the Network Interface to your
2. Print a Configuration Sheet to determine the printer’s
current Network settings. See the section “Prin t the
Con figu ra tion Sheet” (pa ge 2-21).
3. If you are connecting this printer using TCP/IP
protocol, refer to the section “Set An IP Address”
(pa ge 2-6).
4. Go to the appropriate chapter(s) within this Technical
Information Guide (TIG) covering your workstation
Operating System and follow the setup instructions
5. If your job doesn’t print correctly, refer to the
Troubleshooting section within the applicable
Operating System chapter of this TIG for
problem-solving information.
Cha pter 2: Connecting to Your Network
Set An IP Address
Set An IP Address
Your DocuPrin t prin ter can be set up on a variety of TCP/
IP n etworks. Th ere are several ways in wh ich your prin ter
can be assign ed a TCP/IP address depen din g on your
n etwork.
Static Addressin g
TCP/IP address is assign ed m an ually by the System
Adm in istrator.
Dyn am ic Addressin g RARP/BOOTP
TCP/IP address is assign ed autom atically by th e Server.
Dyn am ic Addressin g DHCP (Dyn am ic Host Resolution
TCP/IP address is assign ed autom atically by th e Server.
Th is section con tain s procedures for each of th ese
m eth ods. Determ in e wh ich m eth od will be used for your
n etwork an d follow th e steps of th e appropriate
The following examples refer to Ethernet but are also
applicable to Token Ring if you have that option.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Set An IP Address
Th e prin ter is assign ed a TCP/IP address by a n etwork
adm in istrator. Th e address can be set at th e con trol pan el
or by usin g ARP an d teln et com m an ds.
Static Addressing
If you use the Xerox CentreDirect External Print Server
(External Ethernet Adapter) to connect your printer to the
network, you cannot use the control panel to set a Static IP
Address. Use the ARP and telnet procedures that are described
in the sections for Windows or Unix Operating Systems.
Setting from the Control Panel
Perform th ese steps to set th e Static IP Address at th e
con trol pan el:
Press Men u Up or Men u Dow n un til you see:
Ethernet Menu
Press Item Up or Item Down un til you see:
Ethernet Menu
IP Address Res.
Press Value Up or Value Down . You will see:
IP Address Res.=
Press En ter. You will see:
Ethernet Menu
IP Address Res.
Press Item Up or Item Down until you see:
Ethernet Menu
IP Address
Cha pter 2: Connecting to Your Network
Set An IP Address
Press Value Up or Value Down . You will see:
IP Address
Press Value Up or Value Dow n to ch an ge th e value of the
ch aracter above the cursor. Th e value is increm en ted or
decrem ented by 1 each tim e th e key is pressed. Holding
down Value Up or Value Down causes con tin uous
scrollin g th rough th e values.
To ch ange other ch aracters in th e IP address, press Item
Up or Item Down to scroll right or left respectively
th rough the character string, then press Valu e Up or
Value Dow n to ch ange the value of th e ch aracter above
th e cursor (as in Step 4).
When you h ave com pleted settin g the IP address, press
En ter. You will see:
Ethernet Menu
IP Address
Press On Lin e. You will see:
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Set An IP Address
Setting from Windows Operating Systems
Perform th ese steps to en ter th e IP Address usin g ARP an d
teln et from a Win dows OS. Som e DocuPrin t n etwork
prin ters do n ot support teln et. For th ese prin ters, en ter
th e IP address from th e Con trol Pan el as described in th e
previous section .
Telnet only works if the device is on the same subnet as the
host (i.e. computer or workstation).
Open an MS-DOS session
2 Pin g a known IP address on th e n etwork by typin g p in g
x.x.x.x, wh ere x.x.x.x is th e IP address of a device on th e
n etwork.
This step is required
Create a static ARP entry by typin g the followin g
com m and: arp -s x.x.x.x aa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aa [En ter] wh ere
x.x.x.x is the IP address you are assign in g and
aa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aa is the Eth ern et Address
The Ethernet Address ca n be found on t he
Configu ra tion Sheet . If you a re using a
XeroxCent reDirect Extern a l Print Server (Extern a l
Ethernet Ada pter) the Ethernet Address ca n be
foun d on a la bel loca ted on the bottom of the
Ada pter.
Type arp -a [En ter]. A list sh ould appear th at shows th e
h ost that was pin ged an d th e new en try
Cha pter 2: Connecting to Your Network
Set An IP Address
Type Teln et x.x.x.x[En ter].
Ma ke sure tha t teln et is ena bled on t he Extern a l
Ethernet Ada pter by exa m ining the position of the
DIP switches which a re loca ted on the rea r pa n el.
D1 should be in t he u p position a n d D2 shou ld be
in the down position . If you cha n ge the position of
the swit ches, m a ke sure you cycle the power off
a nd on before proceeding.
When th e teln et win dow appears, type ! [En ter]
(exclam ation poin t) and then yes [En ter] to enter
m on itor m ode.
Type I [En ter] to en ter th e IP address. En ter th e desired IP
Reboot th e n etwork interface by typin g R[En ter].
W hen you reboot t he n etwork interfa ce, you will
lose your t elnet conn ection. Close t he t elnet
session window a nd open a new connect ion a fter
the network int erfa ce ha s reboot ed.
W hen the Xerox CentreDirect External Print Server (External
Ethernet Adapter) acquires an IP Address, the SYS LED blinks
once per second. If the IP Address is not set the SYSLED blinks
5 times per second.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Set An IP Address
Setting from Unix Operating Systems
Perform th ese steps to en ter th e IP Address usin g ARP an d
teln et from a Un ix OS. Som e DocuPrin t n etwork prin ters
do n ot support teln et. For th ese prin ters, en ter th e IP
address from th e Con trol Pan el as described in th e
previous section .
Telnet only works if the device is on the same subnet as the
host (i.e. computer or workstation).
Use a text editor to open the /etc/h osts file.
Add the following lin e: x.x.x.x n am e, wh ere x.x.x.x is
th e IP address you are assigning an d n am e is th e h ost
n am e.
Save th e /etc/hosts file.
Create a static ARP entry by typin g on e of the followin g
com m ands, depen ding on your system :
arp -s eth er n am e aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa[En ter] (n o leadin g
zeros: RS-6000)
arp -s nam e aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa[Enter] (n o leadin g zeros:
m ost UNIX system s)
arpbypass set nam e 0xaa. 0xaa. 0xaa. 0xaa. 0xaa.
0xaa[En ter] (AT&T an d NCR)
wh ere aa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aa is th e Ethern et Address
For exam ple, on a Sun OS system if the Eth ernet Address
was "0040C800012B" an d th e h ost n am e was Alph a you
would type: arp -s alph a 0:40:C8:0:1:2B
The Ethernet Address ca n be found on t he
Configu ra tion Sheet . If you a re using a Xerox
Cent reDirect Ext erna l Print Server (Externa l
Ethernet Ada pter) the Ethernet Address ca n be
foun d on a la bel loca ted on the bottom of the
Cent reDirect.
Cha pter 2: Connecting to Your Network
Set An IP Address
Open a teln et session by typin g teln et n am e[En ter].
Ma ke sure tha t teln et is ena bled on t he
Cent reDirect Ext erna l Print Server (Externa l
Ethernet Ada pter) by exa m ining the position of
the DIP switches which a re loca ted on the rea r
pa n el. D1 should be in t he u p posit ion a nd D2
should be in t he down position. If you cha nge t he
position of the switches, m a ke sure you cycle the
power off a nd on before proceeding.
When th e teln et win dow appears, type ! [En ter]
(exclam ation poin t) and then yes [En ter] to enter
m on itor m ode.
Type I[En ter] to en ter the IP address. Enter th e desired IP
Reboot th e n etwork interface by typin g R [En ter].
W hen you reboot t he n etwork interfa ce, you will
lose your t elnet conn ection. Close t he t elnet
session window a nd open a new connect ion a fter
the network int erfa ce ha s reboot ed.
W hen the Xerox CentreDirect External Print Server (External
Ethernet Adapter) acquires an IP Address, the SYS LED blinks
once per second. If the IP Address is not set the SYSLED blinks
5 times per second.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Set An IP Address
Th e TCP/IP address is assign ed autom atically by th e
Dynam ic Addressing
Server. Follow th e steps below:
Power on your DocuPrin t n etwork printer an d allow tim e
for an IP address to be assign ed by th e RARP/BOOTP
server (this tim e m ay vary depen ding on n etwork traffic).
If you are using the Xerox CentreDirect External Print Server
(External Ethernet Adapter) to connect your printer to the
the printer.
W hen the CentreDirect External Print Server acquires an IP
Address, the SYS LED blinks once per second. If the IP Address
is not set the SYSLED blinks 5 times per second.
Perform th e steps con tain ed in the section “Prin t th e
Con figu ra tion Sh eet” (pa ge 2-21).
Obtain the h ardware and TCP/IP addresses from the
Con figuration Sheet.
Update th e RARP/BOOTP server’s /etc/ethers, an d th e /
etc/h osts files with a h ost n am e, TCP/IP an d h ardware
addresses. Con sult your UNIX docum en tation for m ore
RARP/BOOTP server con figuration details.
Cha pter 2: Connecting to Your Network
Th e TCP/IP address is assign ed autom atically by th e
Dynam ic Addressing
Power on your DocuPrin t n etwork printer an d allow tim e
for an IP address to be assign ed by th e DHCP server (this
tim e m ay vary depen din g on n etwork traffic).
If you are using the Xerox CentreDirect External Print Server
(External Ethernet Adapter) to connect your printer to the
the printer.
W hen the CentreDirect External Print Server acquires an IP
Address, the SYS LED blinks once per second. If the IP Address
is not set the SYSLED blinks 5 times per second.
Perform th e steps con tain ed in the section “Prin t th e
Con figu ra tion Sh eet” (pa ge 2-21).
On t he Xerox CentreDirect Extern a l Print Server
(Ext erna l Et hernet Ada pter) set both DIP
switches, D1 a nd D2, to the UP position to disa ble
a utom a tic print ing of the configu ra tion pa ge.
Obtain the h ardware and TCP/IP addresses from the
Con figuration Sheet.
Update th e lease tim e, if necessary, dependin g on your
prin ter usage pattern s.
If your network is using this protocol to assign TCP/IP
addresses, be aware that the lease on the assigned address can
run out if your printer is taken off the network for longer than
the allocated lease time.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Setting a SUBNET MASK a t the Control Pa nel
Setting a SUBNET MASK at the
Control Panel
If your prin ter is con n ected to a WAN (Wide Area
Network) you m ay restrict user access by settin g a Subn et
If you are using the Xerox CentreDirect External Print Server
(External Ethernet Adapter) to connect your printer to the
network, you cannot use the control panel to set a subnet mask.
Use the telnet procedure that is described in the section for
Windows and Unix Operating Systems.
Press Men u Up or Men u Dow n un til you see:
Ethernet Menu
Press Item Up or Item Down un til you see:
Ethernet Menu
Subnet Mask
Press Value Up or Value Down . You will see:
Subnet Mask
Press Value Up or Value Dow n to ch an ge th e value of the
ch aracter above the cursor. Th e value is increm en ted or
decrem ented by 1 each tim e th e key is pressed. Holding
down Value Up or Value Down causes con tin uous
scrollin g th rough th e values.
To ch ange oth er characters in the Subn et Mask, press Item
Up or Item Down to scroll right or left respectively
th rough the character string, then press Valu e Up or
Value Dow n to ch ange the value of th e ch aracter above
th e cursor (as in Step 4).
Cha pter 2: Connecting to Your Network
Setting a SUBNET MASK a t the Control Pa nel
When you h ave com pleted settin g the IP address, press
En ter. You will see:
Ethernet Menu
Subnet Mask
Press On Lin e. You will see:
Perform th ese steps to en ter th e Subn et Mask usin g teln et
from a Win dows or Un ix OS. Som e DocuPrin t n etwork
prin ters do n ot support teln et. For th ese prin ters, en ter
th e Subn et Mask from th e Con trol Pan el as described in
th e previous section .
Setting from
Windows or Unix
Operating Systems
Telnet only works if the device is on the same subnet as the
host (i.e. computer or workstation).
Open a teln et session .
Win dows: Open a MS-DOS window type teln et
x.x.x.x[En ter], wh ere x.x.x.x is th e IP address
Un ix: Type teln et h ostn am e in a sh ell
Type ![En ter] an d then yes[En ter] to en ter m onitor m ode.
Select th e Network Protocols Men u, N[En ter].
Select th e TCP/IP Option s Men u, T[En ter].
Select th e Engin e Option s Men u, E[En ter].
Type y[En ter].
Select Subn et m ask, m [En ter].
Enter th e new Subn et Mask, [En ter].
Select X [En ter] to exit th is m en u or en d th e teln et
session .
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Setting up APPSOCKET
Setting up APPSOCKET
To en able or disable th e AppSocket protocol, perform th e
followin g steps:
If you are using the Xerox CentreDirect External Print Server
(External Ethernet Adapter) to connect your printer to the
network, you cannot use the control panel to enable AppSocket.
Use the telnet procedure that is described in the section for
Windows and Unix Operating Systems.
Press Men u Up or Men u Dow n un til you see:
Ethernet Menu
Press Item Up or Item Down un til you see:
Ethernet Menu
AppSocket Enabl
Press Value Up or Value Down un til you see:
AppSocket Enabl=
On or Off
Press En ter. You will see:
Ethernet Menu
AppSocket Enabl
Press On Lin e. You will see:
Cha pter 2: Connecting to Your Network
Setting up APPSOCKET
Perform th ese steps to en able or disable AppSocket usin g
teln et from a Win dows or Un ix OS. Som e DocuPrin t
n etwork prin ters do n ot support teln et. For th ese prin ters,
ch an ge th e AppSocket settin g from th e Con trol Pan el as
described in th e previous section .
Setting from
Windows or Unix
Operating Systems
Telnet only works if the device is on the same subnet as the
host (i.e. computer or workstation).
Open a teln et session .
Win dows: Open a MS-DOS window, type teln et
x.x.x.x[En ter], wh ere x.x.x.x is th e IP address
Un ix: Type teln et h ostn am e in a sh ell
Type ![En ter] an d th en yes[En ter] to en ter m onitor m ode.
Select th e Network Protocols Men u, N[En ter].
Select th e TCP/IP Option s Men u, T[En ter].
Select th e Socket Option s Men u, S[En ter].
Type y[En ter].
Select y [En ter] to en able or n [En ter] to disable
AppSocket (TCP Sockets)
Type [En ter].
Select X [En ter] to exit th is m en u or en d th e teln et
session .
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Setting DEFAULT GATEWAY a t the Control Pa nel
Setting DEFAULT GATEWAY at the
Control Panel
If you are using the Xerox CentreDirect External Print Server
(External Ethernet Adapter) to connect your printer to the
network, you cannot use the control panel to set a default
gateway. Use the telnet procedure that is described in the
section for Windows and Unix Operating Systems.
Press Men u Up or Men u Dow n un til you see:
Ethernet Menu
Press Item Up or Item Down un til you see:
Ethernet Menu
Default Gateway
Press Value Up or Value Down . You will see:
Default Gateway=
Press Value Up or Value Dow n to ch an ge th e value of the
ch aracter above the cursor. Th e value is increm en ted or
decrem ented by 1 each tim e th e key is pressed. Holding
down Value Up or Value Down causes con tin uous
scrollin g th rough th e values.
To ch ange other ch aracters in th e Default Gateway
address, press Item Up or Item Dow n to scroll right or
left respectively through th e ch aracter strin g, th en press
Value Up or Value Down to chan ge th e value of the
ch aracter above the cursor (as in Step 4).
When you h ave com pleted settin g the Default Gateway
address, press En ter. You will see:
Ethernet Menu
Default Gateway
Press On Lin e. You will see:
Cha pter 2: Connecting to Your Network
Setting DEFAULT GATEWAY a t the Control Pa nel
Perform th ese steps to en ter th e Default Gateway usin g
Setting from
Windows or Unix
Operating Systems
teln et from a Win dows or Un ix OS. Som e DocuPrin t
n etwork prin ters do n ot support teln et. For th ese prin ters,
en ter th e Default Gateway from th e Con trol Pan el as
described in th e previous section .
Telnet only works if the device is on the same subnet as the
host (i.e. computer or workstation).
Open a teln et session .
Win dows: Open a MS-DOS window, type teln et
x.x.x.x[En ter], wh ere x.x.x.x is th e IP address
Un ix: Type teln et h ostn am e in a sh ell
Type ![En ter] an d then yes[En ter] to en ter m onitor m ode.
Select th e Network Protocols Men u, N [En ter].
Select th e TCP/IP Option s Men u, T [En ter].
Select th e Engin e Option s Men u, E [En ter].
Type y [En ter].
Select Default router (gateway), g [En ter].
Enter th e new Default Gateway address, [En ter].
Select X [En ter] to exit th is m en u or en d th e teln et
session .
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Print the Configura tion Sheet
Print the Configuration Sheet
It is im portan t to prin t a Con figuration Sh eet from th e
prin ter to determ in e th e curren t n etwork settin gs of your
DocuPrin t prin ter. Th e default settin gs will en able all
ports, wh ich will be suitable for m ost application s.
If you are using the Xerox CentreDirect External Print Server
(External Ethernet Adapter) to connect your printer to the
network, you cannot use the control panel to print a
Configuration Sheet that contains the Adapter’s current
network settings.
Press Men u Up or Men u Dow n un til you see:
To print the
Configuration Sheet
from the Control
Print Menu
on the Display.
Press Item Up or Item Down un til you see:
Print Menu
Config Sheet
on the Display.
Press En ter. You will see:
Review the curren t settings an d m ake any m odification s
n ecessary for your network application .
If you change any settings, print another Configuration Sheet
to verify that your changes were made as desired.
Cha pter 2: Connecting to Your Network
Print the Configura tion Sheet
Set th e DIP switch es th at are located on the rear of the
Cen treDirect External Prin t Server (Extern al Eth ern et
Adapter) to D1 in th e up position an d D2 in th e down
To Print the
Configuration Sheet
from the Xerox
CentreDirect External
Print Server (External
Ethernet Adapter)
Un plug th e power cord from th e Adapter.
Wait 5 secon ds an d plug th e power cord in to the Adapter.
Th e Adapter will print a Configuration Sh eet after
approxim ately 15 secon ds
Ma le sure t ha t the Xerox Cen treDirect Ext erna l
Prin t Server (Extern a l Ethern et Ada pter) is
a tta ched to t he prin ter. If a Configura t ion Sheet
does not print, Ma ke sure t ha t the DIP swit ches
a re in the proper position . Also, power the prin ter
a nd the Ethernet Ada pt er off a nd on. Som etim es
the devices m a y becom e u nsynchronized.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Resetting the Printer
Resetting the Printer
If you are using the Xerox CentreDirect External Print Server
(External Ethernet Adapter) to connect your printer to the
network, you cannot use the control panel to reset the printer.
Press Men u Up or Men u Dow n un til you see:
To Reset your printer
from the Control
Job Menu
Press Item Up or Item Down un til you see:
Job Menu
Restart Printer
Press Value Up or Value Down un til you see:
Restart Printer=
Press En ter. You will see:
Job Menu
Restart Printer
Press On Lin e. You will see:
Un plug th e power cord from th e Cen treDirect.
To Reset your
CentreDirect External
Print Server (External
Ethernet Adapter)
Wait 5 secon ds an d plug th e power cord in to the
Cen treDirect.
Power cycle th e prin ter.
Cha pter 2: Connecting to Your Network
Resetting the Printer
Set th e DIP switch es th at are located on the rear of the
Cen treDirect External Prin t Server (Extern al Eth ern et
Adapter) to D1 in th e down position an d D2 in the down
To Reset your
CentreDirect External
Print Server (External
Ethernet Adapter) to
factory defaults
Un plug th e power cord from th e Cen treDirect.
Wait 5 secon ds an d plug th e power cord in to the
Cen treDirect.
Quickly toggle DIP Switch D1 up and down at least 10
tim es.
Return the DIP switch es to norm al operation settings (i.e.
D1 up / D2 up or D1 up / D2 down). See “DIP Sw itch
settin gs for you r Cen treDirect Extern al Prin t
Server (Ex tern al Eth ern et Ad ap ter)” on page 25.
Un plug th e power cord from th e Cen treDirect.
Wait 5 secon ds an d plug th e power cord in to the
Cen treDirect.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Resetting the Printer
DIP Switch settings
for your CentreDirect
External Print Server
(External Ethernet
Operation Mode
• Services print jobs.
• Allows CentreWare DP administration.
• Configuration Page not printed at start up.
• Telnet and NBMON sessions not allowed.
Down • Services print jobs.
• Allows CentreWare DP administration.
• Configuration Page is printed at start up.
• Telnet and NBMON sessions are allowed.
• Reserved. (Do not use)
Down • Factory Reset Mode (see instruction on
previous page)
Cha pter 2: Connecting to Your Network
Where do I go from here?
Where do I go from here?
Th e in form ation provided in th is ch apter en abled you to
con n ect your prin ter to your n etwork.
Retain th e Con figuration Sh eet you prin ted as a referen ce
to th e n etwork con figuration of your prin ter.
Proceed n ext to th e ch apter with in th is TIG th at covers
your workstation Operatin g System an d follow th e setup
in struction s provided.
“How Do I Proceed?” (pa ge 1-5)
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
NetWare Troubleshooting ................................................ 3-5
Requirements ................................................................. 3-5
NetWare Troubleshooting Quick Check ........................... 3-6
Novell NetWare Troubleshooting Step-by-Step ................ 3-7
Novell NetWare Hardware Step-by-Step ...................... 3-7
Novell NetWare Software Step-by-Step ........................ 3-9
Cha pter 3: Novell NetWa re Setup
Th e purpose of th is ch apter is to direct you to th e best
in form ation on Prin t Server In stallation an d In itial
Testin g. Also Troublesh ootin g (if required) is provide for
th e setup of your DocuPrin t prin ter operatin g un der th e
various Novell NetWare version s.
Th is task would ordin arily be perform ed by an
experien ced System Adm in istrator.
Th e objective of th is ch apter is to h elp you fin d th e
required in form ation to en able you to con n ect an d set up
your DocuPrin t prin ter on your n etwork as quickly as
In gen eral, th e requirem en ts n eeded for prin ter
con n ection an d setup in clude:
A workstation with th e Win dows operatin g system
software in stalled for th at station an d a workin g
kn owledge of th e operatin g system .
Cen treWare DP an d appropriate prin t driver software
loaded on your workstation .
For a NetWare 3.1X or later n etwork run n in g th e IPX
protocol, you m ust be logged in with SUPERVISOR or
ADMIN privileges.
Th e DocuPrin t Network prin ter or your prin ter with a
Xerox Cen treDirect Extern al Prin t Server (Extern al
Eth ern et Adapter) in stalled, togeth er with appropriate
cablin g to lin k th e prin ter to your n etwork.
A Con figuration Sh eet from your DocuPrin t prin ter.
Refer to Ch a pter 2: Con n ectin g to You r Network for
details on n etwork in form ation , as well as h ow to prin t a
Con figuration Sh eet.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
NetWa re 3.1X Print Server Setup NetWa re 4.X/ 5.0 (NDS) Print Server Setup
NetWare 3.1X Print Server Setup
NetWare 4.X/ 5.0 (NDS) Print
Server Setup
Th e DocuPrin t prin ter defaults will, in m ost cases, en able
con n ection to Novell NetWare with out adjustm en t.
Review th e Con figuration Sh eet an d VERIFY th e followin g
settin gs:
Netware is en abled.
Fram e Type m atch es th e fram e type of th e desired
PDL is set to your desired PDL (PostScript or PCL) or to
Auto. You m ay wish to set PDL to th e desired type if
on ly on e PDL will be used.
Desired Novell m ode is set: NDS/BEM, NDS or BEM
Print Server Nam e.
Th e Cen treWare DP software supplied on your Prin ter
Man agem en t Software CD will provide you with th e
quickest an d easiest m eth od for in stallin g your prin ter on
a n etwork. Everyth in g you n eed to kn ow to use th is
software is con tain ed in th e h elp files. If you prefer, a User
Guide in several lan guages is provided in pdf form on th e
Prin ter Man agem en t software CD in th e \ Doc\ folder.
Please take a m in ute to exam in e th is software. You will be
pleasan tly surprised at h ow easy th e in stallation of your
prin ter on your n etwork can be.
Setup with
CentreWare DP
Th e Advan ced Setup option of Cen treWare DP gives you
an addition al tool to con trol h ow your prin ters are
con figured in your Novell NetWare n etwork
en viron m en t. Th is tool is on ly n ecessary for con n ectin g
your prin ter to m ore th an on e file server or queue.
Advanced Setup in
Bindery Mode or for
NDS (NetWare
Directory Services)
Cha pter 3: Novell NetWa re Setup
NetWare 3.1X Print Server Setup NetWare 4.X/ 5.0 (NDS) Print Server Setup
In order to access Xerox prin ters in th is en viron m en t you
Netware (NDPS/
NEPS) Novell
Distributed Print
will n eed th e Xerox Gateway software in stalled on your
system . Th e latest version of th e Xerox Gateway Software
In struction are available on th e web site on h ow to in stall
your prin ter for use with NDPS. Th ey are con tain ed in th e
Cen treWare for NDPS User Guide.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
NetWa re Troubleshooting
NetWare Troubleshooting
Troublesh ootin g for th e Win dows-based PC con sists of
both h ardware an d software procedures.
Th e steps in each of th ese procedures sh ould elim in ate
cablin g, com m un ication , an d con n ection problem s
associated with direct-con n ected ports.
Com plete on e of th ese procedures (based on th e type of
port bein g used), th en run a test prin t from your software
application . If th e job prin ts, n o furth er system
troublesh ootin g will be n ecessary.
For problem s with th e appearan ce of your docum en t,
on ce it h as prin ted, con sult th e Troublesh ootin g ch apter
of th e DocuPrin t System Adm in istrator Guide.
You are operatin g a Win dows-based system with th e
Cen treWare DP software an d at least on e prin t driver
in stalled.
You are a NetWare Network Adm in istrator OR
adm in istrative person with ADMIN/SUPERVISOR or
NetWare Server(s) servicin g th e DocuPrin t prin ter.
Th e in struction s for th ese troublesh ootin g tasks
assum e a base kn owledge of NetWare.
Cha pter 3: Novell NetWa re Setup
NetWa re Troubleshooting
Verify that th e printer is plugged in , turned on , and
conn ected to an active n etwork.
Quick Check
If you use the Xerox Cent reDirect Ext erna l Print
Server (Extern a l Ethern et Ada pter) t o conn ect
your printer t o the n et work, ensure tha t it is
plugged in a nd conn ected to the printer’s pa ra llel
port .
Verify that th e printer is receivin g network traffic by
m on itorin g the LEDs on th e back of the prin ter or on th e
Extern al Ethern et Adapter. Wh en th e prin ter is conn ected
to a function in g n etwork receivin g traffic, its lin k LED will
be green , an d its oran ge traffic LED will be flash in g
Verify that th e client is logged in to th e n etwork an d
prin tin g to th e correct prin t queue. Also verify th at th e
user h as access to the DocuPrint printer queue.
Verify that th e DocuPrin t NetWare prin t queue exists, is
acceptin g jobs, and has a Print Server attached. If not, try
usin g Setup Wizard in CentreWare DP to reconfigure th e
prin t queue.
Print out a Con figuration Sheet. Verify th at Prin ter Server
is en abled. Try settin g th e fram e type to th e fram e type
your NetWare Server is using.
To det erm in e your Net Wa re IPX fra m e type, t ype
con fig a t the Novell con sole screen. On n etworks
using m ult iple IPX fra m e types, it is CRITICAL
tha t t he fra m e t ype be set correctly.
Verify that th e Prim ary Server is set. (Prim ary Server
should h ave been set durin g initial queue setup an d
in stalled using Cen treWare DP.) If it is n ot set, use
CentreWare DP to set it an d reset th e prin ter.
Set tin g the Prim a ry Server is extrem ely im porta n t
on la rge networks.
If th e above quick ch ecks fail to fix the prin tin g problem ,
Con tact Xerox Custom er Service.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
NetWa re Troubleshooting
Th e steps in th is procedure sh ould elim in ate cablin g,
com m un ication , an d con n ection problem s associated
with n etwork con n ected prin ters.
Novell NetWare
Th e steps are divided in to two groups:
Hardware Step-by-Step
Software Step-by-Step
Software Step-by-Step assum es th at you are con n ected to a
Novell NetWare n etwork with a Win dows OS loaded on
th e clien t workstation .
Com plete both of th ese procedures, th en run a test prin t
from your software application . If th e job prin ts, n o
furth er system troublesh ootin g will be n ecessary.
Novell NetWare Hardware Step-by-Step
Ch eck LED activity on th e printer. Lin k (green ) LED
should be ON wh en ever it is con n ected to an active
n etwork. Traffic (orange) LED sh ould flicker with data
reception .
VERIFY cable con n ection s. If possible, substitute a n ew
cable or con nectors from a known good system or prin ter.
Ch eck the port to wh ich your printer is attach ed
(concen trator or MAU). Con nect a kn own good n etwork
device to it an d test.
Print a Configuration Sh eet from your prin ter.
Cha pter 3: Novell NetWa re Setup
NetWa re Troubleshooting
Review the Conn ectivity Settings an d check for th ese
th in gs:
NetWare is enabled.
Fram e Type m atch es th e fram e type of th e desired
To det erm in e your Net Wa re IPX fra m e type, t ype
config a t the Novell console screen. On la rge
networks, u sing m u ltiple IPX fra m e types, it is
CRITICAL t ha t the fra m e type be set correctly.
PDL is set to your desired PDL (PostScript or PCL 5e) or
to Auto.
Prim ary Server (for NetWare 3.1X on ly) is set to th e
n am e of th e server wh ich serves th e prin t queue you
h ave assign ed to the DocuPrint printer.
NDS Tree (for NetWare 4.1X NDS an d later) is set for the
correct NDS tree nam e.
NDS Con text (for NetWare 4.1X NDS an d later) is set
for th e correct NDS Context.
Print Server (PServer) Nam e is set for th e n am e selected
for th is DocuPrin t prin ter to act as a prin t server.
Novell Mode is correctly set.
If an y chan ges are m ade, reset the or if conn ected to th e
n etwork with an Extern al Eth ern et Adapter, power cycle
th e Adapter. Once the prin ter h as been reset, allow the
prin ter approxim ately two m inutes to go th rough self test
an d th en log in to th e n etwork server.
Print out anoth er Configuration Sh eet to verify th e item s
you m odified were set and retain ed.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
NetWa re Troubleshooting
Novell NetWare Software Step-by-Step
Verify that Cen treWare DP and a DocuPrin t prin ter driver
h ave been loaded on th e workstation .
In Win dows 95/98, Win dowsNT 4.0 or Win dows 2000,
double click on My Com puter (you m ay h ave ch an ged
th is n am e). Open the Printers folder to verify that th ere
is an en try for th e type of prin ter you installed.
Launch the Cen treWare DP software.
In Win dows 95/98, Win dowsNT 4.0 or Win dows 2000,
click on the Start button an d slide the high ligh t up to
th e Program s entry. In the n ext fold-out window, slide
th e h igh ligh t up or down un til you reach the
CentreWare DP en try. Release th e m ouse button to
If th e desired prin ter’s n am e appears, your printer is
com m un icatin g through th e n etwork. Select the desired
prin ter. If a com m un ications error m essage appears, your
prin ter is n ot able to com m un icate with your workstation.
Verify your printer’s settin gs, then return to th is
Cha pter 3: Novell NetWa re Setup
NetWa re Troubleshooting
With th e prin ter still selected, select th e Prin ter
drop-down m enu an d h igh ligh t th e Advan ced Setup
Un der th is m en u will be a sub-m enu for NetWare. Select
th is option .
When th e Advan ced Setup dialog appears, verify the
in form ation con tain ed on th is screen again st the
in form ation contained on the Con figuration Sh eet. Check
for BOTH of th ese item s:
Prim ary Server has th e server n am e listed on th e
Con figuration Sheet.
Ch eck the queue n am e th e DocuPrin t prin ter is set to
service. If n ecessary, create a n ew queue to test th e
prin ter.
If your prin ter is con figured to service both NDS an d
Bin dery m ode queues, m ake sure th e Prim ary Server is
n ot in the NDS tree th e printer is con figured for.
Exit th is win dow an d select the Tools drop-down m en u.
Select th e Sen d File... m en u item .
When th e dialog box appears, select th e proper directory
an d file for downloadin g. Be sure this is a known good file
with n o errors.
Click OK to download th e file to your prin ter.
Ch eck the prin ter to verify th at th e prin t job h as prin ted.
If th e job has n ot printed, ch eck the Novell Menu settin gs
on the Configuration Sh eet.
At th e CentreWare DP m ain screen , select the Prin ter
drop-down m enu. High ligh t th e Properties entry.
Once Properties is selected, h igh ligh t Con n ection s.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
NetWa re Troubleshooting
Select th e Network Card Tab. A new dialog box is brough t
to th e fron t and displays in form ation about fram e type
an d conn ectors.
Be certain the prin ter is enabled and the con nector an d
fram e type are correct.
The Xerox Cen treDirect Externa l Prin t Server
(Ext erna l Et hernet Ada pter) ha s on ly a n RJ45
If an y chan ges are m ade, reset the prin ter from th e
Con trol Pan el or if con nected to the network with a Xerox
Extern al Ethern et Adapter, cycle th e power to the Adapter
off an d on an d allow two m in utes for the prin ter to
reattach to th e desired fileserver.
Run a test prin t again . If th e test print does n ot print,
contact Xerox Custom er Service.
Cha pter 3: Novell NetWa re Setup
NetWa re Troubleshooting
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Windows NT 4.0 Network .............................................. 4-12
Preliminary Steps .......................................................... 4-12
Quick Install Steps (TCP/IP Protocol) ............................. 4-13
Quick Install Steps (DLC/LLC Protocol) .......................... 4-16
Quick Install Steps (AppleTalk Protocol) ........................ 4-18
Windows Troubleshooting .............................................. 4-20
Windows (all versions) Quick Check .............................. 4-20
Chapter 4: Windows / Peer-to-Peer Network Setup
Windows / Peer-to-Peer Network Setup
Windows 95/98 For CentreDirect External Print Server (Exter-
nal Ethernet Adapter) (NetBEUI) ................................... 4-25
Windows NT 4.0 Troubleshooting (TCP/IP) ................... 4-26
Windows NT 4.0 Troubleshooting (DLC/LLC) ................ 4-28
Windows NT 4.0 Troubleshooting (AppleTalk) .............. 4-30
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Th e purpose of th is ch apter is to provide detailed
in form ation on Software In stallation , In itial Testin g, an d
Troublesh ootin g (if required) for th e setup of your
DocuPrin t prin ter operatin g un der th e various Win dows
version s.
Th is task would ordin arily be perform ed by an
experien ced System Adm in istrator.
Th e objective of th is ch apter is to provide th e required
in form ation to en able you to con n ect an d set up your
DocuPrin t prin ter on your n etwork as quickly as possible.
Basic requirem en ts for n etwork prin ter con n ection an d
setup are listed for various workstation operatin g system s
with in th e section s con tain ed in th is ch apter.
In gen eral, th e requirem en ts n eeded for prin ter
con n ection an d setup in clude:
A workstation with th e appropriate operatin g system
software in stalled for th at station .
A workin g kn owledge of th e operatin g system bein g
used on your workstation .
Chapter 4: Windows / Peer-to-Peer Network Setup
Windows 95/ 98 Peer-to-Peer Network (NetBEUI)
Windows 95/ 98 Peer-to-Peer
Network (NetBEUI)
Quick Install Steps
For DocuPrint
Networked Printers
Load your DocuPrint CD-ROM.
Run th e CD Navigator on your DocuPrin t CD-ROM (run
setup32.exe). Select your lan guage. Select “Install Printer
Drivers.” Follow th e in structions on the screen.
Return to th e CD Navigator on your DocuPrint CD-ROM.
Select “Addition al Software Utilities.” Select “In stall
Win 95/98 Peer to Peer Tool.”
Run th e Setup program located on your DocuPrin t
CD-ROM in the folder <CD drive>:\ instal\ utility\ Win 95
Peer to Peer\ .
At th e Welcom e screen click Next>.
Th e Destination Location screen will appear, sh owin g
wh ere the files will be installed. Ch ange the directory
with the Browse button or click Next>.
A new screen will appear requestin g a backup directory.
Ch ange the directory with th e Browse button or click
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Windows 95/ 98 Peer-to-Peer Network (NetBEUI)
A new screen will appear requestin g a spool directory.
Ch ange the directory with th e Browse button or click
A new screen will appear requestin g a n ew folder's n am e.
You m ay type a new folder nam e or select an existing
folder from th e list, then Click Next>.
An in form ation screen will appear and display th e spool
directory an d prin t queue nam e for th e queue you just
in stalled. Note this in form ation to be used wh en
conn ectin g a port to th is queue.
Th e Setup Com plete win dow will appear. Select th e radio
button to reboot your com puter. Click Fin ish .
If you wish to view th e ReadMe file click Yes, otherwise
click No.
When your system restarts fin d th e DLL Tool program
group an d double-click th e Xerox DLL Con fig icon .
Th e Con figuration Option screen appears. Ch oose Add
Xerox Printer Queue an d click Next>.
Enter th e MAC address of your prin ter's network card an d
click Next>.
A new screen en titled Addin g a New Queue will appear.
Ch oose th e Xerox Printer Model and click Next>.
Chapter 4: Windows / Peer-to-Peer Network Setup
Windows 95/ 98 Peer-to-Peer Network (NetBEUI)
A new screen en titled Addin g a New Queue will appear.
Enter th e desired prin ter port n am e an d click Next>.
An in form ation screen will appear. Note th e port nam e
displayed. It should contain th e logical drive nam e an d
path of th e location your spool directory.
You will be return ed to the configuration screen Select th e
Exit radio button to reboot your com puter. Click Fin ish .
Th e print queue will be created. Start your windows
control pan el an d double-click Prin ters.
Win d ow s 95/ 98 Users
Select a prin ter with the right m ouse button. Select th e
Properties entry in the cascade m en u.
Select th e Details TAB an d use th e Ports drop-list m enu to
ch oose the queue you created durin g in stallation . Click
Open an application an d print a test page to verify
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Windows 95/ 98 Peer-to-Peer Network (NetBEUI)
For CentreDirect
External Print Server
Ethernet Adapter)
You must have NetBEUI protocol loaded on your Windows 95/
98 workstation (see your Windows documentation for help in
loading this protocol).
Quick Install Steps
In order to fin d your Cen treDirect Extern al Prin t Server
(Extern al Eth ern et Adapter), it m ust h ave a NetBEUI
group n am e th at m atch es a valid group in your n etwork.
Th e Cen treDirect Extern al Prin t Server (Extern al Eth ern et
Adapter) com es with th e default group n am e of
“WORKGROUP”. Th is is th e sam e default n am e used by
Microsoft Win dows. If you h ave ch an ged th e NetBEUI
group n am e on your workstation , th e group n am e of th e
Cen treDirect Extern al Prin t Server (Extern al Eth ern et
Adapter) m ust be ch an ged to m atch th at of your
workstation .
If you are run n in g IPX or TCP/IP on your n etwork in
addition to NetBEUI, you m ay use Cen treWare DP to
ch an ge th e NetBEUI group n am e. See th e Cen treWare DP
User Gu ide on th e Prin ter Man agem en t Software CD for
m ore details.
Chapter 4: Windows / Peer-to-Peer Network Setup
Windows 95/ 98 Peer-to-Peer Network (NetBEUI)
To ch an ge th e group n am e in a NetBEUI-on ly n etwork:
Load th e Printer Man agem en t Software CD-ROM.
Copy sh ow prn .exe and n bm on .exe to your Win dows
directory from the Prin ter Man agem en t Software CD. The
path is: <CD drive>:\ INSTAL\ UTILITY\ NETBIOS
Open a DOS sh ell an d type sh ow p rn .exe. A list of
Cen treDirect Extern al Prin t Servers on your local
n etwork segm en t sh ould appear.
If NETBEUI is not your defa ult prot ocol, it m a y be
necessa ry t o use the
com m a n d option t o show
-d #
the list of Cent reDirect Ext erna l Print Servers. In
this ca se, the synt a x is , where
sh owprn .exe -d #
is a nu m ber between 0 a nd 7. Som e
experim enta t ion m a y be required to find t he
correct port num ber.
Verify that th e Cen treDirect Extern al Print Server appears
in th e list. The default n am e is of the form at
“XRXaaaaaa”, where “aaaaaa” are th e last six digits of th e
Cen treDirect Eth ernet address.
Type n bm on .exe XRXaaaaaa to open a session with the
Cen treDirect External Prin t Server (Extern al Eth ern et
Adapter). If th e -d# option was required for sh owprn.exe,
it should be used with n bm on.exe also.
Th e Cen treDirect Extern al Prin t Server (Extern al Eth ern et
Adapter) will return a list of option s. Type ! to en ter a
m on itor session .
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Windows 95/ 98 Peer-to-Peer Network (NetBEUI)
Type yes to confirm th e m onitor session .
Type n to select n etwork settin gs from th e option list.
Type m tot select Microsoft Networkin g settin gs from the
n etwork settin g option list.
Type y to m odify th e current settin gs.
Type y to m odify th e group n am e. En ter th e new group
n am e so that it m atches the group nam e of your
workstation .
If you wish to m odify the NetBEUI nam e of the
Cen treDirect External Prin t Server (Extern al Eth ern et
Adapter), type y. Oth erwise type n .
Return to the network settin gs option list.
Type X to return to th e m onitor options list.
Type R to reset the CentreDirect External Prin t Server
(Extern al Ethern et Adapter).
Chapter 4: Windows / Peer-to-Peer Network Setup
Windows 95/ 98 Peer-to-Peer Network (NetBEUI)
Win d ow s 95/ 98 Users
To con n ect to th e Cen treDirect Extern al Prin t Server
(Extern al Eth ern et Adapter):
Open th e Network Neigh borh ood. Find the com puter
n am ed “XRXaaaaaa”.
Open th e CentreDirect External Prin t Server (Extern al
Ethern et Adapter) icon by double-clicking.
Double-click on the prin ter icon inside the Cen treDirect
Extern al Print Server (External Eth ernet Adapter).
Follow the Add Printer Wizard to install th e correct prin t
Send a test prin t to verify correct setup.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Windows 95/ 98 Peer-to-peer Network (Peer-ro-Peer IPP)
Windows 95/ 98 Peer-to-peer
Network (Peer-ro-Peer IPP)
A prin ter with appropriate cablin g con n ected to your
n etwork.
A workstation with Win dows 95/98 software an d th e
Microsoft IPP Clien t for Win dows 95/98 in stalled.
The Microsoft IPP Client can ve down-
loaded from the Microsoft Corporatio web site.
A workin g kn owledge of Win dows 95/98
Print a Configuration Sh eet. Details are in
Step-by-Step Setup
Ch a pter 2: Con n ectin g to You r Network, “Prin t the
Con figu ra tion Sh eet” (pa ge 2-21). Retain th is page for
Ch eck the Con figuration Sh eet an d verify th at th e IPP
protocol is en abled and note the IPP prin t queue nam e.
Load your DocuPrint CD.
Run th e CD Navigator on your DocuPrin t CD-ROM (run
setup32.exe). Select your lan guage. Select “Install Printer
Drivers.” Follow th e in structions on the screen.
Restart your PC.
Select th e Start button, select Settin gs, select Prin ters.
Select th e prin ter m odel you just in stalled.
Select File, th en select Properties.
Select Add Port. . .
Select Netw ork an d th en en ter th e IPP print qurur n am e,
in cludin g the URL, in th e n etwork path field, click OK.
Back in th e properties for th e printer, select Gen eral and
click Prin t Test Page.
Cha pter 4: Windows / Peer-to-Peer Network Setup
Windows NT 4.0 Network
Windows NT 4.0 Network
Your prin ter can be in stalled on a Win dows NT n etwork
usin g on e of th ree m eth ods:
TCP/IP protocol
DLC/LLC protocol
AppleTalk protocol
Th e Prelim in ary Steps given below m ust be accom plish ed
for all prin ters regardless of th e protocol th at is bein g used.
Th en , th e Qu ick In stall Step s will detail th e in stallation
based on th e protocol used on your n etwork.
Th e Cen treWare DP program on your Prin ter
Man agem en t Software CD-ROM can also be used to
m on itor an d con figure th e prin ter.
Print th e Configuration Sh eet. Details are in
Preliminary Steps
Ch a pter 2: Con n ectin g to You r Network, “Prin t the
Con figu ra tion Sh eet” (pa ge 2-21). Retain th is page for
Ch eck the Con figuration Sh eet an d verify th at both the
desired protocol and con nector are enabled.
Proceed to the Quick In stall Steps for your n etwork
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Windows NT 4.0 Network
At th e Desktop, right m ouse click the Network
Quick Install Steps
(TCP/ IP Protocol)
Neigh borhood icon an d select Prop erties.
Click on th e Protocols TAB an d verify th at th e TCP/IP
protocol h as been loaded.
Select th e Services TAB an d verify th at “Microsoft TCP/IP
Printin g” is loaded.
If th is software is not presen t, in stall it using th e
docum en tation provided by Microsoft. Then return to
th is docum en t.
Open th e Con trol Pan el an d double-click th e Prin ters
icon .
Double-click Ad d Prin ter.
Th e Ad d p rin ter Wizard starts.
Verify that My Com puter is selected and click Next>.
Click Ad d Port.
Cha pter 4: Windows / Peer-to-Peer Network Setup
Windows NT 4.0 Network
From th e list th at appears select LPR Port .
Click New Port.
Th is will open up the Ad d LPR com patible p rin ter
window. Type in the IP address of your prin ter and a
prin ter n am e of up to 31 characters (no spaces) and select
Th e Wizard will return you to th e previous dialog. Verify
th e n ew IP address you entered is in the list and correct.
Th e check box to th e left of th e address m ust be ch ecked if
it is n ot, ch eck it th en select Next>.
In sert the DocuPrint CD-ROM and click Have Disk.
Click the Browse button an d select th e directory
containin g th e Win dows NT drivers. The path is
<CDdrive>\ instal\ win nt40
Select th e *.INF file th en click Open .
Th e Wizard will return you to th e previous dialog. Verify
th e path an d filen am e are correct and click OK.
At th e n ext dialog, en ter a n am e for th e prin ter an d select
wh eth er you want that printer to be the default then click
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Windows NT 4.0 Network
If the prin ter will n ot be sh ared, click Next>. To sh are th e
prin ter, en ter a Sh are Nam e, ch eck th e sh are checkbox,
th en click Next>.
At the n ext dialog it is recom m en ded that you prin t a test
page. Click Fin ish .
Wait for th e Test Prin t to prin t. A new dialog will ask for
confirm ation of the test prin t, click Yes.
Ch eck the prin t job for prin t quality. If prin t quality
problem s exist, use the prin t quality section of the
DocuPrin t System Ad m in istrator Guid e to correct th e
problem .
If your prin t job did n ot print, see the “W in dows
Trou bleshootin g” (pa ge 4-20) for your operating
system to correct th e problem .
For printers connected to a Windows NT network with TCP/IP
protocol enabled, you can use a Web Browser to monitor and
configure your printer. Refer to the section Chapter 9: Internet
Printer Services.
Cha pter 4: Windows / Peer-to-Peer Network Setup
Windows NT 4.0 Network
At th e Desktop, right m ouse click the Network
Neigh borhood icon an d select Prop erties.
Quick Install Steps
(DLC/ LLC Protocol)
Click on th e Protocols TAB an d verify th at th e DLC/ LLC
protocol has been loaded.
If th is software is not presen t, in stall it using th e
docum en tation provided by Microsoft. Then return to
th is docum en t.
Open th e Con trol Pan el an d double-click Prin ters icon .
Double-click Ad d Prin ter.
Th e Ad d p rin ter Wizard starts.
Verify that My Com puter is selected and click Next>.
Click Ad d Port.
Select th e Hewlett-Packard Netw ork Port in th e
Available Prin t Monitors box and click OK.
Enter a unique n am e for the port to be used in th e area
Ch oose th e Port Address from the list of ports.
Click Tim ers an d verify th at th e Job Based con nection is
selected th en click OK.
Click OK. Th e Wizard will return you to th e previous
dialog. Verify th e new port n am e you en tered is in th e list
an d correct. Th e check box to th e left of the port nam e
m ust be ch ecked if it is n ot, ch eck it th en select Next>.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Windows NT 4.0 Network
In sert the DocuPrint CD-ROM and click Have Disk.
Click the Browse button an d select th e directory
containin g th e Win dows NT drivers. The path is
<CDdrive>\ instal\ win nt40
Select th e *.INF file th en click Open .
Th e Wizard will return you to th e previous dialog. Verify
th e path an d filen am e are correct and click OK.
At th e n ext dialog, en ter a n am e for th e prin ter an d select
wh eth er you want that printer to be the default then click
If the prin ter will n ot be sh ared, click Next>. To sh are th e
prin ter, en ter a Sh are Nam e, ch eck th e sh are checkbox,
th en click Next>.
At the n ext dialog it is recom m en ded that you prin t a test
page. Click Fin ish .
Wait for th e Test Prin t to prin t. A new dialog will ask for
confirm ation of the test prin t, click Yes.
Ch eck the prin t job for prin t quality. If prin t quality
problem s exist, use the prin t quality section of the
DocuPrin t System Ad m in istrator Guid e to correct th e
problem .
If your print job did not prin t, see the section “Win dows
Trou bleshootin g” (pa ge 4-20) to correct th e problem .
Cha pter 4: Windows / Peer-to-Peer Network Setup
Windows NT 4.0 Network
At th e Desktop, right m ouse click the Network
Neigh borhood icon an d select Prop erties.
Quick Install Steps
(AppleTalk Protocol)
Click on the Protocols TAB and verify th at the AppleTalk
protocol h as been loaded.
If th is software is not presen t, in stall it using th e
docum en tation provided by Microsoft. Then return to
th is docum en t.
Open th e Con trol Pan el an d double-click Prin ters icon .
Double-click Ad d Prin ter.
Th e Ad d p rin ter Wizard starts.
Verify that My Com puter is selected and click Next>.
Click Ad d Port.
Select th e Ap p leTalk Prin tin g Devices an d click New
Click on Eth ern et and select th e device.
Ch oose th e DocuPrint device from th e list th en click OK.
Click OK. Th e Wizard will return you to th e previous
dialog. Verify th e port n am e you en tered is in th e list an d
correct. Th e ch eck box to th e left of the port n am e m ust
be checked if it is not, ch eck it th en select Next>.
In sert the DocuPrint CD-ROM and click Have Disk.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Windows NT 4.0 Network
Click the Browse button an d select th e directory
containin g th e Win dows NT drivers
(<CD Drive>:\ in stal\ win n t40) th en click Open .
Select th e *.INF file th en click OK.
Th e Wizard will return you to th e previous dialog. Verify
th e path an d file nam e are correct an d click OK.
At th e n ext dialog, en ter a n am e for th e prin ter an d select
wh eth er you want that printer to be the default then click
If the prin ter will n ot be sh ared, click Next>. To sh are th e
prin ter, en ter a Sh are Nam e, ch eck th e sh are checkbox,
th en click Next>.
At the n ext dialog it is recom m en ded that you prin t a test
page. Click Fin ish .
Wait for th e Test Prin t to prin t. A new dialog will ask for
confirm ation of the test prin t, click Yes.
Ch eck the prin t job for prin t quality. If prin t quality
problem s exist, use the prin t quality section of the
DocuPrin t System Ad m in istrator Guid e to correct th e
problem .
If your print job did not prin t, see the section “Win dows
Trou bleshootin g” (pa ge 4-20) to correct th e problem .
Cha pter 4: Windows / Peer-to-Peer Network Setup
Windows Troubleshooting
Windows Troubleshooting
Troublesh ootin g for th e Win dows-based PC is com prised
of a set of procedures for each Win dows version .
Th e steps in th ese procedures sh ould elim in ate cablin g,
com m un ication , an d con n ection problem s.
Com plete on e set of procedures (based on your version of
Win dows), th en run a test prin t from your software
application . If th e job prin ts, n o furth er system
troublesh ootin g will be n ecessary.
For problem s with th e appearan ce of your docum en t,
on ce it h as prin ted, con sult th e DocuPrin t System
Adm in istrator Guide on your DocuPrin t CD.
A Win dows-based system with th e Cen treWare DP
software an d at least on e prin t driver in stalled.
A basic operatin g kn owledge of your Win dows version .
Verify that th e printer is plugged in , turned on , and
conn ected to an active n etwork.
(all versions)
Quick Check
If you use the Xerox Cent reDirect Ext erna l Print
Server (Extern a l Ethern et Ada pter) t o conn ect t he
printer t o the network, ensure tha t is is plu gged in
a nd conn ected to the printer’s pa ra llel port .
Verify that th e printer is receivin g network traffic by
m on itorin g th e LED’s on th e back of th e prin ter or on th e
CentreDirect External Prin t Server. Wh en the prin ter is
conn ected to a function ing n etwork receiving traffic, its
link LED will be green , an d its traffic LED (orange) will be
flash in g rapidly.
Verify that th e client is logged in to th e n etwork an d
prin tin g to th e correct prin t queue. Also verify th at th e
user h as access to the DocuPrint Printer Queue.
Verify that th e DocuPrin t NetWare prin t queue exists, is
acceptin g jobs, and has a Print Server attached. If not, try
usin g Setup Wizard in CentreWare DP to reconfigure th e
prin t queue.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Windows Troubleshooting
Review the Configuration Sh eet and check for these
th in gs:
NetWare is enabled.
Fram e Type m atch es th e fram e type of th e desired
To det erm in e your Net Wa re IPX fra m e type, t ype
config a t the Novell console screen. On la rge
networks u sing m u ltiple IPX fra m e types, it is
CRITICAL t ha t the fra m e type be set correctly.
Verify that th e Prim ary Server is set. (Prim ary Server
should h ave been set durin g initial queue setup an d
in stalled using Cen treWare DP.) If it is n ot set, use
CentreWare DP to set it an d reset th e prin ter.
Set tin g the Prim a ry Server is extrem ely im porta n t
on la rge networks.
If th e above quick ch ecks fail to fix the Network Prin t
problem , Contact Custom er Service.
Cha pter 4: Windows / Peer-to-Peer Network Setup
Make sure th at th e NetBEUI workgroup n am e set on th e
Cen treDirect Extern al Prin t Server is a valid workgroup on
your n etwork. Th e CentreDirect will n ot appear on th e
n etwork if th e workgroup n am e does n ot m atch a valid
workgroup. Prin t a Con figuration Sheet to verify th at the
workgroup n am e is correctly set.
Quick Check For
CentreDirect External
Print Server (External
Ethernet Adapter)
Print an d Con figurtion Sh eet an d verify that th e
"Microsoft Win dows Prin t Services" are enabled on th e
Cen treDirect.
Verify that th e Windows workstation h as the NetBEUI
protocol correctly loaded and bound to th e eth ern et
adapter in th e workstation .
If th ere are m ultiple workgroups on your network, m ake
sure th at you look in th e correct workgroup for the
CentreDirect. In som e cases, th is m ay differen t from th e
workgroup of your workstation . Th e Cen treDirect should
appear in th e workgroup listed on th e Con figuration
Sh eet.
Verify that your workstation is on th e sam e ethern et
segm en t as th e Cen treDirect. The NetBEUI protocol is n ot
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Windows Troubleshooting
Th is troublesh ootin g section assum es:
Windows 95/ 98
Troubleshooting for
DocuPrint Network
You h ave verified th e operation of th e prin ter usin g th e
procedures foun d in Cha pter 2: Con n ectin g to You r
You h ave loaded a DocuPrin t PCL or PostScript prin t
You h ave prin ted an d retain ed a curren t copy of th e
Con figuration Sh eet.
Verify this item in th e Eth ern et Men u area of th e
Con figuration Sheet:
NetBEUI Enable is set to On.
Verify that th e NetBEUI PDL is properly set depen din g on
your driver.
From a workstation desktop use th e righ t m ouse button
an d select Network Neigh borh ood th en with the left
m ouse button select Properties from the cascade m en u.
Th e Network dialog will appear. Select th e Con figu ration
Ch eck the list of in stalled n etwork com pon ents for th e
followin g item s:
Xerox Peer to Peer
Client for Microsoft networks
If you have elected to run Cen treWare DP, m ake sure of
th e followin g:
Novell Networks:
You are required to load Novell In traNetWare Clien t or
Client for IPX prin ter discovery.
TCP/IP Networks:
No additional software is required but your printer
m ust h ave a valid TCP/IP address assign ed.
Cha pter 4: Windows / Peer-to-Peer Network Setup
Windows Troubleshooting
If an y of th e above protocols or services were n ot
in stalled, in stall an y com pon en ts necessary and restart
th e system .
Once rebooted, select th e Start button an d Settin gs, then
select the Prin ters folder. Th e printers win dow will
Verify that you have selected th e correct driver for your
prin ter.
Right m ouse click on th e prin ter icon and select
Select th e Details tab.
Verify the driver n am e in th e Prin t u sin g th e follow in g
driver list. If n ecessary reselect or install a n ew driver.
Verify the port n am e in the Prin t to th e follow in g port
list. If n ecessary reselect th e correct nam e.
Start an application an d sen d a print job to th e prin ter. If
prin ter still does n ot print con tact your Custom er Support
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Windows Troubleshooting
In som e n etwork en viron m en ts, it m ay be n ecessary to set
NetBEUI as th e default protocol.
Windows 95/ 98 For
CentreDirect External
Print Server (External
Ethernet Adapter)
Right click on th e Network Neigh borh ood icon on th e
Select Properties from th e con text m en u.
Select NetBEUI from th e list of in stalled com pon en ts.
Select th e Properties button.
Select th e Ad van ced tab in th e NetBEUI properties dialog.
Ch eck the Set th is protocol to be th e default protocol
ch eckbox.
Select th e OK button.
Close th e Network dialog an d restart th e workstation.
Cha pter 4: Windows / Peer-to-Peer Network Setup
Windows Troubleshooting
Th is troublesh ootin g section assum es:
Windows NT 4.0
You h ave verified th e operation of th e prin ter usin g th e
procedures foun d in Cha pter 2: Con n ectin g to You r
You h ave loaded a DocuPrin t PCL or PostScript prin t
You h ave prin ted an d retain ed a curren t copy of th e
Con figuration Sh eet.
Verify these item s in the Eth ernet Men u area of th e
Con figuration Sheet:
IP Address Resolution: is set to DHCP, Con trol Pan el, or
RARP/BOOTP (depen din g on your n etwork
configuration ).
Curren t IP Address: is set correctly (note this address if
it is assign ed dyn am ically).
Subn et Mask: is set correctly (if used).
Default Gateway: is set correctly (if used).
Ch eck th e LPR an d AppSocket settings an d verify they are
set as desired. These settin gs are n ot critical to operation
but provide som e security an d usability features.
Verify the PDL in the Eth ernet Men u area of th e
Con figuration Sheet:
In terpreters: PCL or PostScript (dependin g on your
From th e server desktop use th e righ t m ouse button an d
select Network Neigh borh ood th en with th e left m ouse
button select Properties from the cascade m en u.
Th e Network dialog will appear. Select th e Protocols tab.
Ch eck the list of in stalled n etwork protocols for th e
followin g item :
TCP/IP Protocol
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Windows Troubleshooting
If you have elected to run Cen treWare DP you m ust also
h ave loaded Novell NetWare Clien t 32 and an NWLin k
IPX/SPX Com patible tran sport protocol com ponent. You
m ay also discover prin ters that h ave been assign ed a TCP/
IP address.
As required, click Add and in stall an y com pon en ts not
listed and restart the system .
Once rebooted, select th e Start button an d Settings, th en
select the Prin ters folder. The prin ters window will appear.
Verify th at you h ave loaded an d selected th e correct driver
for your prin ter.
Right m ouse click on th e prin ter icon and select
Select th e Ports tab.
Verify that th e IP Address in th e Print to the followin g
port list is the sam e as the one from th e Con figuration
Sh eet. If n ecessary reselect th e TCP/IP n um ber used for
your prin ter.
Start an application an d sen d a print job to th e prin ter. If
prin ter still does n ot prin t con tact Xerox Custom er
Cha pter 4: Windows / Peer-to-Peer Network Setup
Windows Troubleshooting
Th is troublesh ootin g section assum es:
Windows NT 4.0
You h ave verified th e operation of th e prin ter usin g th e
procedures foun d in Cha pter 2: Con n ectin g to You r
You h ave loaded a DocuPrin t PCL or PostScript prin t
You h ave prin ted an d retain ed a curren t copy of th e
Con figuration Sh eet.
Verify this item in th e upper left corner of the
Con figuration Sheet:
Hardware Address: (Note this address for later use).
From a workstation desktop use th e righ t m ouse button
an d select Network Neigh borh ood th en with the left
m ouse button select Properties from the cascade m en u.
Th e Network dialog will appear. Select th e Protocols tab.
Ch eck the list of in stalled n etwork com pon ents for th e
followin g item :
DLC Protocol
If you have elected to run Cen treWare DP you m ust also
h ave loaded Novell NetWare Clien t 32 and an IPX/SPX
Com patible protocol com pon ent. You m ay also discover
prin ters th at have been assign ed a TCP/IP address.
As required, install an y com pon en ts not listed an d restart
th e system .
Once rebooted, select th e Start button an d Settings, th en
select the Prin ters folder. The prin ters window will appear.
Verify that you have selected th e correct driver for your
prin ter.
Right m ouse click on th e prin ter icon and select
Select th e Ports tab.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Windows Troubleshooting
Verify that th e port nam e in th e Print to th e followin g
port list m atches the nam e given wh en the printer was
in stalled. If n ecessary reselect the correct n am e.
Start an application an d sen d a print job to th e prin ter. If
prin ter still does n ot prin t con tact Xerox Custom er
Cha pter 4: Windows / Peer-to-Peer Network Setup
Windows Troubleshooting
Th is troublesh ootin g section assum es:
Windows NT 4.0
You h ave verified th e operation of th e prin ter usin g th e
procedures foun d in Cha pter 2: Con n ectin g to You r
You h ave loaded a DocuPrin t PCL or PostScript prin t
You h ave prin ted an d retain ed a curren t copy of th e
Con figuration Sh eet.
Verify this item in th e upper left corner of the
Con figuration Sheet:
EtherTalk Nam e is correct.
Verify these item s in the Eth erTalk an d Eth ern et Menu
areas of th e Con figuration Sh eet:
Enabled: is set to Yes.
Zone: con tain s th e desired zone n am e or * (*=all zon es).
From th e server desktop, use th e righ t m ouse button and
select Network Neigh borh ood th en with th e left m ouse
button select Properties from the cascade m en u.
Th e Network dialog will appear. Select th e con figuration
Ch eck the list of in stalled n etwork com pon ents for th e
followin g item :
AppleTalk Protocol
If you have elected to run Cen treWare DP you m ust also
h ave loaded Novell NetWare Clien t 32, Novell NetWare
Client, a Novell server on the network, an d an IPX/SPX
Com patible protocol com pon ent. You m ay also discover
prin ters th at have been assign ed a TCP/IP address.
As required, install an y com pon en ts not listed an d restart
th e system .
Once rebooted, select th e Start button an d Settings, th en
select the Prin ters folder. The prin ters window will appear.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Windows Troubleshooting
Verify that you have selected th e correct driver for your
prin ter.
Right m ouse click on th e prin ter icon and select
Select th e Ports tab.
Verify the AppleTalk nam e in th e Prin t to th e followin g
port list. If necessary reselect th e correct nam e.
Start an application an d sen d a print job to th e prin ter. If
prin ter still does n ot prin t con tact your Custom er
Cha pter 4: Windows / Peer-to-Peer Network Setup
Windows Troubleshooting
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Requirements ................................................................. 5-2
Driver Installation for Macintosh System 7.0+ ................. 5-4
Step-by-Step Setup (AppleTalk) ...................................... 5-5
Macintosh Troubleshooting ............................................. 5-8
Requirements ................................................................. 5-8
Macintosh Quick Check .................................................. 5-8
Macintosh Troubleshooting Step-by-Step ........................ 5-9
Cha pter 5: Ma cintosh Network Setup
Th e purpose of th is ch apter is to provide detailed
in form ation on Software In stallation , Con figuration ,
In itial Testin g, an d Troublesh ootin g of th e DocuPrin t
prin ter for use on your n etwork. Th is task would
ordin arily be perform ed by an experien ced System
Adm in istrator.
Th e objective of th is ch apter is to provide th e required
in form ation to en able you to con n ect an d set up your
DocuPrin t prin ter on your n etwork usin g your specific
workstation operatin g system .
In gen eral, th e requirem en ts n eeded for prin ter
con n ection an d setup in clude:
A workstation with th e appropriate operatin g system
software in stalled for th at station .
A workin g kn owledge of th e operatin g system bein g
used on your workstation .
A DocuPrin t prin ter, togeth er with appropriate cablin g
to lin k th e prin ter to your n etwork. Refer to
Ch a pter 2: Con n ectin g to You r Network for details on
cablin g in form ation .
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Quick Step Overview
Quick Step Overview
Con figure th e DocuPrin t prin ter for use on an Eth erTalk
n etwork from the Control Panel (if necessary). See
p age 5-5 for step-by-step in struction s.
In stall th e DocuPrin t Macin tosh Driver per th e
In stallation ” (p age 5-4).
Select DocuPrint prin ter an d zon e (if used) in th e Ch ooser.
Print a on e-page job from your software application.
If you are n ot able to prin t, consult the section
“Macin tosh Troublesh ootin g” (page 5-8) for
in form ation on your n etwork con figuration.
Cha pter 5: Ma cintosh Network Setup
Ma cintosh Driver Insta lla tion
Macintosh Driver Installation
A workin g kn owledge of your Macin tosh 7.0+ or
h igh er operatin g system .
Th e DocuPrin t CD.
In sert the CD in your CD-ROM drive.
Driver Installation for
Double click on th e disk icon.
System 7.0+
Double click on In stal folder.
Double click on Driver folder.
Double click on th e DocuPrin t In staller icon .
Follow the Installation In structions wh en prom pted.
Click on th e In stall button for Easy In stallation.
For m ore up-to-da te in form a tion on in st a llin g
your DocuPrin t driver, refer t o the Rea dm e File.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Ma cintosh Driver Insta lla tion
Configuring EtherTalk at the Control Panel
Step-by-Step Setup
To en able th e Eth erTalk protocol at th e prin ter’s Con trol
Pan el, follow th ese steps:
Press Men u Up or Men u Dow n un til you see:
Ethernet Menu
Press Item Up or Item Down un til you see:
Ethernet Menu
ETalk Enable
Press Value Up or Value Down . You will see:
ETalk Enable =
Press En ter. You will see:
Ethernet Menu
ETalk Enable
Press On Lin e. You will see:
Restart th e prin ter
Cha pter 5: Ma cintosh Network Setup
Ma cintosh Driver Insta lla tion
Selecting the Printer from the Chooser
Before continuing, make sure that the software included with
your customer documentation set has been loaded into each
Macintosh computer that will be sending jobs to the DocuPrint
Before you sen d a prin t job to th e DocuPrin t prin ter, m ake
sure th at it is selected as th e curren t prin ter in th e
Ch ooser.
At th e prin ter, print a con figuration sh eet an d n ote th e
prin ter ad d ress. Refer to th e section “Prin t th e
Con figuration Sh eet” (p age 2-21).
At your com puter, select the APPLE in the upper left
corn er of th e Desktop.
Select th e Ch ooser en try in the m enu.
Make sure th at Ap p leTalk is active.
In the left window of th e Ch ooser, click on the Ad obe PS
icon to select it. You m ay have to use the scroll bars at the
righ t side of th is box to locate the icon .
Your net work m a y be divided in to AppleTa lk
Zones. You ca n tell if there a re zon es by the
a ppea ra nce of the CHOOSER window. W hen t he
CHOOSER progra m detects m u ltiple zones, the left
window will be reduced in size. The lower ha lf of
the CHOOSER window will be a zone list. Iden tify,
then select t he zone in which the DocuPrin t
printer is loca t ed.
When you select a zone, printer n am es appear in a box to
th e righ t.
Select th e p rin ter ad d ress from th e window to th e righ t.
Click Setup...
If you do not use the DocuPrint driver, you m a y
not be a ble to t a ke a dva nta ge of a ll of the printer’s
fea t ures.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Ma cintosh Driver Insta lla tion
Highlight th e PPD for your DocuPrint printer. Click
Con figure your driver with th e option s installed on your
prin ter.
Go to Step 16.
Click on Select PPD. Th e window displays a list of
PostScript prin ter description files.
Highlight th e PPD file for the desired printer.
Click Select.
Select Con figure an d set your driver with th e options
in stalled on your prin ter.
Click OK wh en fin ished.
Close th e window to exit th e Ch ooser.
Cha pter 5: Ma cintosh Network Setup
Ma cintosh Troubleshooting
Macintosh Troubleshooting
Th e steps in th is procedure sh ould elim in ate cablin g,
com m un ication , an d con n ection problem s.
Com plete th ese steps, th en run a test prin t from your
software application . If th e job prin ts, n o furth er system
troublesh ootin g will be n ecessary.
For problem s with th e appearan ce of your docum en t on ce
it h as prin ted, con sult of th e DocuPrin t System
Adm in istrator Guide.
A workstation with th e appropriate DocuPrin t prin t
driver in stalled.
A workin g kn owledge of th e operatin g system
(System 7.0+ or h igh er) bein g used on your
workstation .
Proper cablin g in use to con n ect your prin ter to th e
n etwork.
Quick Check
If th e printer nam e appears, your prin ter is
com m un icatin g through th e network. You do n ot need to
perform any of the ch ecks outlin ed in th is section .
If your prin ter n am e does not appear, proceed to the
section “Macin tosh Trou blesh ootin g Step -by-Step ”
(p age 5-9).
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Ma cintosh Troubleshooting
Verify that th e printer is plugged in , turned on , and
conn ected to an active n etwork.
Verify cable con n ection to th e printer from the EtherTalk
n etwork. (BNC conn ection s sh ould h ave the locking pins
of th e plug sn apped in to th e slots of the jack. RJ45
conn ection s sh ould be fully in serted an d the lockin g clip
Verify that th e printer is receivin g network traffic by
m on itorin g the LEDs on th e back of the prin ter. Wh en the
prin ter is con nected to a fun ctionin g network receivin g
traffic, its link LED will be green , an d its oran ge traffic
LED will be flash in g rapidly.
From th e Con trol Pan el, verify th at Eth erTalk is enabled.
If n ot, enable it in th e Con trol Pan el (see p age 5-5) an d
reset th e prin ter.
Print a Configuration sheet an d verify th at EtherTalk is
enabled. Refer to th e section “Prin t th e Con figu ration
Sh eet” (p age 2-21).
From th e Con figuration Sheet, verify the Zon e. If you
h ave m ultiple zon es on your network, be certain your
prin ter is set to advertise in th e desired zon e.
If you are still un able to prin t, con tact Xerox Custom er
Cha pter 5: Ma cintosh Network Setup
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
UNIX Network Setup
Introduction ..................................................................... 6-2
Cha pter 6: UNIX Network Setup
For in form ation about th e con n ection an d con figuration
of your prin ter in UNIX en viron m en ts, refer to th e
followin g docum en tation also in cluded on your Prin ter
Man agem en t Software CD in th e \ doc\ un ix\ folder.
For Solaris system s:
Cen treWare for UNIX System s User Guide
For TTY:
TTY Prin ter Services User Guide
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Requirements ................................................................. 7-2
Installing the DocuPrint OS/2 Print Driver ....................... 7-7
OS/2 Troubleshooting ...................................................... 7-8
Requirements ................................................................. 7-8
OS/2 Quick Check .......................................................... 7-8
TCP/IP for OS/2 versions 2.0, 3.0, 3.1, 4.0 ..................... 7-9
OS/2 Troubleshooting Step-by-Step ................................ 7-9
Cha pter 7: OS/ 2 Network Setup
Th e purpose of th is ch apter is to outlin e th e con n ection
an d con figuration of your DocuPrin t prin ter for use on
your n etwork. Th is task would ordin arily be perform ed by
an experien ced System Adm in istrator.
Th e objective of th is ch apter is to provide th e required
com patibility, con figuration , prin t driver in stallation , an d
troublesh ootin g in form ation to en able you to successfully
con n ect an d set up your DocuPrin t prin ter on your
n etwork usin g your specific workstation operatin g system .
Workin g kn owledge of OS/2 an d TCP/IP for OS/2.
Appropriate cablin g con n ected to your n etwork.
Warp Server V 4.0
Lan Server V 4.0 an d TCP/IP for OS/2 V 2.0
OS/2 Warp V 4.0
OS/2 Warp Con n ect V 3.0
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Compa tibility
Th e DocuPrin t prin ter h as been tested in th e followin g
en viron m en ts.
Warp Server V 4.0 (with TCP/IP in stalled)
Network Operating
Lan Server V 4.0 with TCP/IP for OS/2 V 2.1
OS/2 Warp V 4.0 (Peer to Peer) (with TCP/IP in stalled)
OS/2 Warp Con n ect V 3.0 (Peer to Peer) (with TCP/IP
in stalled)
Warp Server:
Required OS/ 2
APAR 11017 - or -
MPTS Fixpack WR08415 (con verged) an d “LATEST”
TCP/IP V 4.0 PRINT Fixpack (in cludin g an y requisite
fixes/apars) - or -
TCP/IP Fixpack UN00959 an d “LATEST” TCP/IP V 3.1
PRINT Fixpack (in cludin g an y requisite fixes/apars)
Lan Server V 4.0 w ith TCP/ IP V 2.0
APAR 11017 (PN 70015)
OS/ Warp V 4.0
MPTS Fixpack WR08415 (con verged) an d “LATEST”
TCP/IP V 4.0 PRINT Fixpack (in cludin g an y requisite
OS/ 2 Warp Con n ect V 3.0
MPTS Fixpack WR08415 (con verged) an d “LATEST”
TCP/IP V 4.0 PRINT Fixpack (in cludin g an y requisite
fixes/apars) - or -
TCP/IP Fixpack UN00067 an d “LATEST” TCP/IP V 3.0
PRINT Fixpack (in cludin g an y requisite fixes/apars)
OTHER VERSIONS: Oth er version s of Lan Server with
TCP/IP for OS/2 m ay work, but h ave n ot been tested an d
are n ot supported.
Cha pter 7: OS/ 2 Network Setup
Quick Step (OS/ 2 Wa rp Server V 4.0)
Quick Step (OS/ 2 Warp Server
V 4.0)
To in stall an d use your DocuPrin t prin ter in an IBM Warp
Server en viron m en t, you will n eed to perform several
adm in istrative tasks in order to in stall th e prin ter an d
con figure your server.
Quick Install Setup
CONFIGURATION SHEET - Prin t the Con figuration Sheet
from th e Control Panel.
CREATE OS/2 PRINTER OBJECT - In stall/create printer
driver& printer an d sh are.
TEST PRINT - Start LPRPORTD/LPRMON, ping prin ter,
open EPM an d test prin t.
PRINT QUALITY - Refer to th e DocuPrint System
Adm inistrator Guide.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Quick Step (OS/ 2 Wa rp Server V 4.0)
Ch eck cables/drops. Are the LEDs active?
Print Settings. Ch eck En abled=ON, IPADDRESS=dh cp/
bootp/static (m ake sure the IP Address resolution is set
properly. Use DHCP if your network uses a DHCP server to
assign IP addresses. Use RARP/BOOTP if your n etwork uses
BOOTP to assign IP addresses, an d use STATIC if you wish
to assign a specific IP address).
You m a y set a Sta tic IP Address form the cont rol
pa n el if you r print er ha s one. If you a re con nected
to a network with a Xerox Cent reDirect Ext erna l
Prin t Server (Ext erna l Ethernet Ada pter) then u se
ARP or NBMON Utility to set a Sta t ic IP Address.
Printer Properties - Usin g LPD Output Port. WIN-OS2
usin g LPRMON.
Watch LPRPORTD Screen - Is th ere Activity? In printer
in put ligh t processin g?
It m ay take a few prin ts before in itial quality responds.
Print 10-20 pages first.
Refer to the DocuPrin t System Adm inistrator Guide for
additional inform ation.
Cha pter 7: OS/ 2 Network Setup
Quick Step (OS/ 2 Wa rp Server V 4.0)
TCP/ IP Protocol Configuration
Step-by-Step Setup
for IBM TCP/ IP for
OS/ 2
Acquire two IP addresses for use on your server an d your
DocuPrint printer.
In stall TCP/IP for OS/2. Rem em ber to open LAN Adapter
an d Protocol Support (LAPS/MPTS, etc.) an d con figure th e
TCP/IP protocol for your network adapter. (See your OS/2
docum en tation for con figuring n etwork adapters for th e
TCP/IP protocol.)
Open (double-click) TCP/IP Con figuration Object.
Click the Prin tin g tab and en ter th e followin g:
REMOTE PRINT SERVER = Prin ter IP Address in 32-bit
dotted decim al n otation (e.g.
without quotes an d in lowercase.)
between 2 an d 64 inclusive.
Au tostart tab. High light lp rp ortd, th en click Autostart
Service, Foregrou n d Session an d Min im ized.
Close th e TCP/IP Con figuration Windows. Click SAVE,
th en reply YES to Update CONFIG.SYS.
Sh utdown your server/workstation and reboot.
Once com plet ed a nd you ha ve rebooted, u se the
“pin g” com m a nd a t a n OS/2 Com m a n d Prom pt to
pin g your server/worksta t ion ’s IP a ddress. Repea t
the ping com m a nd usin g your DocuPrin t printer’s
IP Address to con firm tha t your prin ter is
configured properly for usin g TCP/IP.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
OS/ 2 Software Insta llation
OS/ 2 Software Installation
From your OS/2 desktop, use your m ouse to double-click
on Tem plates.
Installing the
DocuPrint OS/ 2 Print
Scroll, if necessary, un til you see th e Printer Tem plate.
Place the cursor over th e Prin ter Tem plate. Press and h old
m ouse button 2 to drag the Prin ter icon on to the desktop.
When th e Create a Prin ter screen appears, en ter th e
desired prin ter nam e in the text box at th e upper left
corn er of th e screen .
Click on In stall n ew p rin ter d river.
In the box at th e top left labeled Prin ter Driver Selection ,
click th e radio button for Oth er OS/ 2 Prin ter Driver.
Click In stall.
In sert the CD-ROM supplied with your DocuPrint printer
an d reference the OS/2 Install in struction s.
In the Directory text box, en ter th e path in wh ich the
drivers reside. Click Refresh . The system will take a
m in ute or two to read th e driver files from th e CD.
Scroll the list and use your m ouse to select th e DocuPrint
prin ter.
Click on In stall.
When th e Create a Prin ter screen appears, press Create.
In a m om en t, th e win dow will close an d th ere will be an
icon , representin g th e prin ter you just created, on your
Con figure th e printer for n etwork use, accordin g to your
specific n etwork con nections.
Cha pter 7: OS/ 2 Network Setup
OS/ 2 Troubleshooting
OS/ 2 Troubleshooting
Th is section con tain s OS/2 quick ch eck an d step-by-step
troublesh ootin g procedures.
A workstation /server with th e appropriate DocuPrin t
prin t driver in stalled.
A workin g kn owledge of th e operatin g system bein g
used on your workstation .
Proper cablin g in use to con n ect th e prin ter to th e
n etwork.
Print a Configuration sheet an d ch eck ALL IP addresses
OS/ 2 Quick Check
an d verify th at you h ave set th e DocuPrin t prin ter’s
address correctly. Refer to the section “Print th e
Con figuration Sheet” in Ch apter 2.
Use th e “pin g” com m an d to see if your server respon ds. If
th e server does not respon d you m ay h ave an addressing
or network problem .
Use the “ping” com m an d to see if your DocuPrint printer
respon ds. If th e printer does n ot respond, you m ay h ave
an addressin g or n etwork problem . Correct th ese
condition s and retry.
Use th e “pin g” com m an d to see if your gateway responds.
If th e gateway does n ot respond, you m ay h ave an
addressing or n etwork problem . Correct these condition s
an d retry.
Ch eck your router, subn et (if applicable), and gateway
addresses. (Incorrect addressin g can ren der your lpr/lpd
prin tin g system un usable.)
For OS/2 prin tin g only, is LPRPORTD.EXE runn in g?
For OS/2 an d WIN-OS/2 prin tin g, is LPRMON.EXE
runn in g?
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
OS/ 2 Troubleshooting
Have you applied appropriate fixpacks, APARs (see
Com patibility for required fixpacks)? If n ot, th e proper
fixpack m ust be applied.
Make sure th e OS/2 Spooler Print Priority is at th e
m axim um value of 189 (lowerin g this value frees up
m em ory resources but can h ave adverse affects on
prin tin g graph ics). Try adjustin g th e value to “tun e” your
server/workstation perform an ce.
TCP/ IP for OS/ 2
versions 2.0, 3.0, 3.1,
Ch anges to TCP/IP Configuration m ay require system
reboot rather than the OS/2 Com m an d “TCPSTART.”
OS/ 2 Warp V 4.0, OS/ 2 Warp V 3.0 (all
versions), Warp Server, LAN Server 4.0, & Warp
Connect using TCP/ IP for OS/ 2 versions 2.0, 3.0,
3.1, 4.0
OS/ 2
At th e OS/2 Com m an d Prom pt, issue th e com m an d:
wh ere, is your server IP address (i.e. If you receive a correct pin g reply, go to
step 2; oth erwise check your TCP/IP configuration and
your LAPS/MPTS/APS con figuration s. (See IBM
Docum en tation for configurin g TCP/IP for OS/2 an d TCP/
IP LAPS/MPTS/APS con figuration .)
At th e OS/2 Com m an d Prom pt, issue th e com m an d:
wh ere, is your DocuPrin t prin ter
IP address (e.g. If you receive a correct
ping reply, go to step 3; oth erwise, ch eck to see that th e
DocuPrint prin ter IP address h as been correctly en tered on
th e printer. Prin t a Con figuration Sh eet an d con firm th at
th e IP address is en tered correctly. If necessary, reen ter
your IP addresses (IP address, Gateway Address, Subnet
Cha pter 7: OS/ 2 Network Setup
OS/ 2 Troubleshooting
At th e OS/2 Com m an d Prom pt, issue th e com m an d:
wh ere, is your gateway/router IP address
(i.e. If you receive a correct ping reply, go
configuration is correct. (See IBM Docum entation for
configurin g TCP/IP for OS/2 an d TCP/IP LAPS/MPTS/APS
configuration .)
From th e OS/2 Desktop, go to OS/2 System , System Setup,
Spooler, Open Spooler Settings and con firm that Spooler
Print Priority is set to a m axim um of 189. If curren tly set
to 189, go to Step 5
In sert your DocuPrin t CD into your CD-ROM drive.
At th e OS/2 Com m an d Prom pt, issue th is exact
com m and:
lpr -p ps -s a:\ sam*
(wh ere is the IP address of your
DocuPrint prin ter). If the test page prints, you have
an OS/2 con figuration problem . Make sure th at you h ave
LPRPORTD or LPRMON run nin g. (If n ot, activate by
issuin g th e OS/2 com m an d: LPRPORTD or LPMON.) (For
LPRMON, see IBM Docum entation for correct
param eters.)
If your prin ter does n ot print the test page, ch eck with
your TCP/IP, dom ain , system adm in istrator to con firm th e
correctn ess of all TCP/IP settings an d configuration s. If
you are unable to print, call XEROX Custom er Service.
Crea te a test file with t he n a m e “sa m” by
openin g a ny word processor/t ext edit or. Crea te a
docum ent , then print the docum ent using t he
opt ion in t he Postscript Job Properties
prin t to file
window of the DocuPrint prin ter driver. Sa ve the
file with the n a m e
sam p
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
CentreWare DP and
CentreWare MC
Introduction ..................................................................... 8-2
Chapter 8: CentreWare DP a nd CentreWa re MC
Xerox Cen treWare DP provides an easy way for you to
con figure an d ch eck th e status of n etwork con n ected
prin ters in IPX an d TCP/IP en viron m en ts. A Cen treWare
DP User Guide is provided in several lan guages on your
Prin ter Man agem en t Software CD. Refer to th is guide for
in form ation about con figurin g an d m on torin g your
prin ter usin g th is utility.
Xerox Cen treWare MC provides group m an agem en t of
Xerox an d com petitive n etwork prin ters th at h ave a
built-in web server. Xerox Cen treWare MC sn aps in to th e
Microsoft Man agem en t Con sole (MMC). A Cen treWare
MC User Guide is provided in several lan guages on your
Prin ter Man agem en t Software CD. Refer to th is guide for
in form ation regardin g Xerox Cen treWare MC.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Overview .......................................................................... 9-2
Requirements ................................................................. 9-2
Configure Your Web Browser ............................................ 9-3
Additional information on Internet Services ..................... 9-4
Cha pter 9: Internet Printer Services
Your DocuPrin t prin ter in cludes an in tegrated Web Server.
Th is m ean s you can n ow ch eck up on your prin ter status
usin g your favorite Web Browser software. Th is section
will sh ow you h ow to set up th is feature.
In addition to m on itorin g your prin ter th is tool can be
used to ch an ge th e con figuration of your prin ter, subm it
prin t jobs, an d, on ce con figured, use th e prin ter’s settin gs
to set up addition al prin ters.
Th e type of n etwork (In tern et or In tran et) to wh ich your
DocuPrin t prin ter is con n ected will determ in e h ow
In tern et Services will be en abled.
It is recom m en ded but n ot m an datory th at you in stall
a Java-en abled browser on th e workstation (s) wh ich
will use th e In tern et Services Tool. For best
perform an ce an d com patibility use Netscape Navigator
3.0 or Microsoft In tern et Explorer 3.0 or later.
You prin ter an d workstation (s) m ust be con n ected to a
n etwork wh ich h as th e TCP/IP protocol en abled.
Th ese procedures assum e a gen eral kn owledge of your
n etwork type an d th e operation of your web browser
It is recom m en ded th at you set both Subn et Mask an d
Default Gateway param eters if your prin ter is on an
in ter-n etwork with m ore th an 1 segm en t. Th ese
param eters are option al if you are n ot com m un icatin g
to your prin ter over a WAN.
The Xerox CentreDirect External Print Server (External
Ethernet Adapter) does not include an integrated Web Server.
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Configure Your Web Browser
Configure Your Web Browser
Th is procedure will con figure your web browser software
to con n ect to your prin ter on th e n etwork.
Con sult th e section Cha pter 2: Con n ectin g to You r
Network, “Set An IP Address” (pa ge 2-6) an d assign
your prin ter a TCP/IP address.
Perform th e steps in the section “Prin t th e
Con figu ra tion Sheet” (pa ge 2-21) and retain the page
for th e steps below.
Launch your web browser software.
Enter your printer’s TCP/IP address from your
Con figuration Sh eet into the Address or Location field on
your browser (this n am e is browser dependen t) an d press
[En ter].
Your browser will conn ect to th e em bedded web server on
your prin ter an d display the prin ter’s “Hom e Page.”
Once you have established com m un ication with your
prin ter, be sure to save th e URL in your Favorites or
Bookm arks (th is n am e is also browser dependent), so you
can quickly recon n ect when n ecessary.
To m a ke it ea sier for browser softwa re t o fin d the
printer, be sure t o upda te your DNS or NIS to
include the print er.
Cha pter 9: Internet Printer Services
Additiona l informa tion on Internet Services
Additional information on
Internet Services
Th e m ost com m on uses of In tern et Services are sen din g
prin t jobs, an d m on itorin g con sum ables (ton ers,
developers, paper). Detailed in form ation on to use th is
feature can be foun d in th e Cen treWare In tern et Services
User Guide in cluded on th e Prin ter Man agem en t Software
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
x idneppA
SNMP options: ............................................................ A-9
TCP/IP options: ........................................................... A-9
Display/set parallel port parms and status: ................... A-11
Reset nvram to factory defaults: .................................... A-12
Print ASCII test page: .................................................... A-12
Print Postscript test page: ............................................. A-12
Appendix A: Telnet a nd NBMON comma nd mode options
Monitor Menu:
Monitor Menu:
--- Available com m an ds ---
C Con figure con sole (for status m on itorin g)
D Display sum m ary con figuration param eters
E Display/set eth ern et option s
F Flash firm ware load en able/disable
I Display/set IP Address
L Lim it m on itor Network access by password
N Network Protocols m en u
P Display/set parallel port parm s an d status
R Reset th e MicroPort
S Display/set serial port parm s
Z Reset n vram to factory defaults
* Prin t ASCII test page
+ Prin t Postscript test page
Com m an d [?,C,D,E,F,H,I,L,N,P,Q,R,S,Z,*,+] --> C
Appendix A: Telnet a nd NBMON comma nd mode options
Monitor Menu:
Configure Console:
Con sole status m on itorin g: Network
Con sole option s
(Parallel port)
<en ter> (don 't ch an ge/con tin ue)
Con sole status m on itorin g: Off
Display sum mary
Com m an d [?,C,D,E,F,H,I,L,N,P,Q,R,S,Z,*,+] --> d
Xerox Cen treDirect Extern al Prin t Server (Extern al
Eth ern et Adapter)
Firm ware revision 1.56Datecode 8.25 1998 14:48
Eth ern et address: 00 40 C8 04 6B 2F
IP address: n ot set. ( set by DHCP ).
Con sole status m on itorin g: Off
Network m on itor password security: disabled
TCP Sockets (fpfilter) en abled
LPD en abled
Netware en abled
Microsoft Win dows prin t services. en abled
HP DLC en abled
AppleTalk en abled
Parallel port m ode: Stan dard
(type 'N' in m on itor to view n etwork protocol param eters)
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Monitor Menu:
Display/ set ethernet
Com m an d [?,C,D,E,F,H,I,L,N,P,Q,R,S,Z,*,+] --> E
(n ote: Aux port is n ow set in th e sockets section of th e
Network protocols m en u)
Lin k test is en abled
Lin k test
(en abled)
<en ter> (don 't ch an ge/con tin ue)
Lin k test is n ow en abled
Flash firmware load
enable/ disable:
Com m an d [?,C,D,E,F,H,I,L,N,P,Q,R,S,Z,*,+] --> F
Flash load is en abled.
Ver 1.56, dt 8/25/1998 14:48, (seqNum =1)
Flash load curren tly is en abled. Disable, yes or n o (y or
n )?:n
Display/ set IP
Com m an d [?,C,D,E,F,H,I,L,N,P,Q,R,S,Z,*,+] --> I
curren t IP address: n ot set. ( set by DHCP ).
En ter n ew IP address (<cr> for n o ch an ge):
Appendix A: Telnet a nd NBMON comma nd mode options
Monitor Menu:
Limit monitor
Com m an d [?,C,D,E,F,H,I,L,N,P,Q,R,S,Z,*,+] --> L
network access by
Network m on itor password security curren tly Off
Mon itor Security
(On /New Password)
<en ter> (don 't ch an ge/con tin ue)
Network protocols
m enu:
Com m an d [?,C,D,E,F,H,I,L,N,P,Q,R,S,Z,*,+] --> N
Network Protocols Men u
A AppleTalk option s
H HP DLC option s
M Microsoft Win dows prin t services option s
N Netware option s
S SNMP option s
T TCP/IP (sockets, lpd, rarp, bootp, tftp) option s
X Return to Main Men u
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Monitor Menu:
AppleTalk options:
Com m an d [A,H,M,N,S,T,X] --> A
AppleTalk option s:
AppleTalk en abled
AppleTalk Ph ase 2
Default zon e n am e : dp_file_servers
Parallel port:
prin ter n am e: Xerox046B2F-par
prin ter in ch ooser on ly if con n ected
PostScript bin ary disabled
delay before reset = 15 sec
delay after reset = 45 sec
Modify? , yes or n o (y or n )?:n
HP DLC options:
Com m an d [A,H,M,N,S,T,X] --> H
HP DLC option s:
HP DLC en abled
HPDLC active on port Parallel1
Modify? , yes or n o (y or n )?:n
Appendix A: Telnet a nd NBMON comma nd mode options
Monitor Menu:
Microsoft Windows print services options:
Com m an d [A,H,M,N,S,T,X] --> M
Microsoft Win dows option s:
Microsoft Win dows prin t services en abled
Workgroup / Dom ain : WORKGROUP
Mach in e Nam e: XRX046B2F
Services: PARALLEL
Description : parallel-port #1
Modify? , yes or n o (y or n )?:n
Netware options:
Com m an d [A,H,M,N,S,T,X] --> N
Netware option s:
Netware en abled
Prin t Server n am e used in SAP packets XRX046B2F
Auto-sen se fram e type
No prim ary server con figured
Notification disabled
Queue scan rate: 1 sec
Netware Directory Services (NDS) en abled
Tree n am e:
Con text:
Modify? , yes or n o (y or n )?:n
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Monitor Menu:
SNMP options:
Com m an d [A,H,M,N,S,T,X] --> s
SNMP Option s:
Curren t SNMP Trap Hosts:
Get Com m un ity Strin g is public
Set Com m un ity Strin g is private
Modify ?, yes or n o (y or n )?:n
TCP/ IP options:
Com m an d [A,H,M,N,S,T,X] --> t
TCP/IP m en u option s
(E) En gin e option s (ipaddress, rarp, bootp etc)
(S) Socket Option s
(L) LPD Option s
(X) Exit
En gin e option s:
TCP/IP en gin e option s:
IP address: n ot set. ( set by DHCP ).
RARP en abled
Appendix A: Telnet a nd NBMON comma nd mode options
Monitor Menu:
BOOTP en abled
BOOTP request in terval: 2 h ours.
DHCP en abled
Subn et Mask:
Default Router:
Syslog Host:
Syslog Priority: 2
Modify? , yes or n o (y or n )?:n
Socket op tion s:
TCP Sockets (fpfilter) option s:
TCP Sockets (fpfilter) en abled
Auxilliary parallel data port = 0
Modify? , yes or n o (y or n )?:n
TCP/IP m en u option s
LPD op tion s:
LPD option s:
LPD en abled
LPD m ode : Don 't tim eout on prin ter error
Output Con trol-D at en d of job on Postscript queues
Output FF at en d of job on ASCII queues
Prin t ban n er page (after job)
Modify? , yes or n o (y or n )?:n
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
Monitor Menu:
Display/ set parallel
port parms and
Com m an d [?,C,D,E,F,H,I,L,N,P,Q,R,S,Z,*,+] --> p
Parallel port 1 status: (NOT_CONNECTED)
Curren t Parallel port con fig:
m ode
setup/strobe (us) con sole/test page
Stan dard
2.7 PostScript Disabled
Parallel port m ode:
(Stan dard)
<en ter> (don 't ch an ge/con tin ue)
Select data-setup/strobe-width (in m icrosec)
<en ter> (don 't ch an ge/con tin ue)
Select parallel con sole/test page type
(Ascii text)
<en ter> (don 't ch an ge/con tin ue)
En able Bidirection In terface ?
<en ter> (don 't ch an ge/con tin ue)
New Parallel port con fig:
m ode
setup/strobe (us) con sole/test page
Stan dard
2.7 PostScript Disabled
Appendix A: Telnet a nd NBMON comma nd mode options
Monitor Menu:
Reset nvram to
Com m an d [?,C,D,E,F,H,I,L,N,P,Q,R,S,Z,*,+] --> z
Also reset IP address?, yes or n o (y or n )?:y
n vram reset to factory defaults
factory defaults:
Print ASCII test page:
Com m an d [?,C,D,E,F,H,I,L,N,P,Q,R,S,Z,*,+] --> *
Select port
( Ch an ge Parallel)
<en ter> (don 't ch an ge/con tin ue)
Print Postscript test
Com m an d [?,C,D,E,F,H,I,L,N,P,Q,R,S,Z,*,+] --> +
Select port
<en ter> (don 't ch an ge/con tin ue)
DocuPrint Technica l Informa tion Guide
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