Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server
Installation Guide
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Part No. 819-6589-10
August 2006, Revision A
iv Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Guide • August 2006
Setting Up the Sun Fire X2100 M2
Server Hardware
This chapter describes how to set up the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server hardware. It
includes the following topics:
Safety and Compliance Information
Refer to the following documents for safety information regarding the Sun Fire
X2100 M2 server:
Important Safety Information for Sun Hardware Systems, 816-7190: hard copy
document included in the ship kit
Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Safety and Compliance Guide, 819-6593: available online
by navigating to the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server document page from the following
Planning the Installation Process
Unpack the server and familiarize yourself
with the server features.
To install additional
components, see the Sun Fire
X2100 M2 Server Service Manual
or the component
See the service label on the top cover of the
server or the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Service
(Optional) Mount the server in a rack.
Connect the server and external device
Power on the server.
Set up the service processor.
Install the operating system or configure the
preinstalled operating system.
If necessary, install the supplemental drivers
from the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Tools
and Drivers CD.
FIGURE 1-1 Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Process
Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Guide • August 2006
Package Contents Inventory
Carefully unpack all server components from the packing cartons. The following
items should be packaged with the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server:
Sun Fire X2100 M2 server
Sun Fire X2100 M2 server accessory kit, including the following:
Welcome Letter
Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Guide
Where to Find Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Documentation
Additional license, safety, and registration documentation
Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Tools and Drivers CD (includes drivers and
diagnostics software)
Optional rackmount and/or cable management kit
The optional power cable, keyboard, and mouse are packaged separately from the
other items.
Chapter 1 Setting Up the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Hardware
Installing the Server Into a Rack With
Optional Slide Rails
The service label on the top cover of the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server contains
instructions for installing your server into a four-post rack using the orderable slide-
rail and cable management arm options. Detailed instructions can also be found
online in the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Service Manual, 819-6591, at the following
The slide rails for the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server are compatible with a wide range of
equipment racks that meet the following standards:
Four-post structure (mounting at both front and rear). Two-post racks are not
Rack horizontal opening and unit vertical pitch conforming to ANSI/EIA 310-D-
1992 or IEC 60927 standards.
Distance between front and rear mounting planes of 610 mm and 915 mm (24
inches to 36 inches).
Clearance depth (to front cabinet door) in front of front rack mounting plane at
least 25.4 mm (1 inch).
Clearance depth (to rear cabinet door) behind front rack mounting plane at least
800 mm (31.5 inches) with the cable management arm, or 700 mm (27.5 inches),
without the cable management arm.
Clearance width (between structural supports and cable troughs) between front
and rear mounting planes at least 456 mm (18 inches).
Caution – Always load equipment into a rack from the bottom up so that it will not
become top-heavy and tip over. Deploy your rack’s anti-tilt bar to prevent the rack
from tipping during equipment installation.
Caution – Ensure that the temperature in the rack does not exceed the server’s
maximum ambient rated temperatures. Consider the total airflow requirements of all
equipment installed in the rack, to ensure that the equipment is operated within its
specified temperature range.
Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Guide • August 2006
Connecting the Cables
▼ To Connect the Cables
Connect the server and external devices as follows:
1. Connect the server power cord to a grounded electrical outlet.
2. Connect a serial null modem cable to the serial port.
The default serial port speed is 9600 with no flow control.
for more information on viewing system output from a serial console.
3. Connect Ethernet cables to the RJ-45 LAN Gigabit Ethernet connectors as needed
Note the following guidelines regarding the Ethernet (LAN) ports:
The Broadcom LAN-1 NET MGT port can be used for server management and
network access.
information about setting up the service processor for remote system
The LAN-0and LAN-1 ports are Broadcom Ethernet ports. The LAN-2 and LAN-3
ports are NVIDIA Ethernet ports.
The two Broadcom NICs (LAN-0 and LAN-1) are the primary network interface
controllers (NICs) and should be used for network installation of the operating
system and drivers.
4. Connect any additional external devices to the server’s other connectors.
Chapter 1 Setting Up the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Hardware
FIGURE 1-2 Back Panel
Back Panel
Label Connector/Slot
Label Connector/Slot
Power connector
NVIDIA Ethernet connectors (LAN-2 left,
LAN-3 right)
Broadcom Ethernet connectors (LAN-0 top,
LAN-1 NET MGT bottom)
Serial management/DB9 RS-232 serial port
System identification button/LED
Fault LED
PCI-Express slots
Onboard HD15 video connector
USB 2.0 connectors (4)
Power LED
Powering On and Powering Off the
You only need to apply standby power to the server at this point so that you can
perform initial configuration of the service processor. Procedures for powering on to
main power mode and for shutting down from main power mode are also included in
this section.
Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Guide • August 2006
▼ To Apply Standby Power for Initial Service
Processor Configuration
Use this procedure to apply standby power to the service processor (SP) before initial
Caution – Do not operate the server without all fans, component heatsinks, air baffles,
and the cover installed. Severe damage to server components can occur if operated
without adequate cooling mechanisms.
1. Connect a grounded AC power cord to the AC power connector on the back panel
of the server and to a grounded AC power outlet.
In standby power mode, the Power/OK LED on the front panel flashes, indicating
FIGURE 1-3 Front Panel
Front Panel
System identification button/LED
Fault LED
Optional hard disk drive 0
USB 2.0 connectors (2)
Optional DVD drive
Power/OK LED
Power button
Optional hard disk drive 1
2. Continue with initial software setup tasks, as described in Chapter 2.
Note – At this point, standby power is supplied only to the service processor and power
supply fans. You can proceed to Chapter 2 of this guide to begin initial configuration. Do
not apply main power to the rest of the server until you are ready to install a platform
operating system.
Chapter 1 Setting Up the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Hardware
▼ To Power On Main Power Mode
To power on main power for all server components:
a. Verify that the power cord has been connected and that standby power is on.
In standby power mode, the Power/OK LED on the front panel flashes. See
b. Use a ballpoint pen or other stylus to press and release the recessed Power
button on the server front panel.
When main power is applied to the full server, the Power/OK LED next to the
Power button lights and remains lit.
Note – The first time the server powers on, the power on self-test (POST) can take
up to a minute.
▼ To Power Off Main Power Mode
To power off the server from main power mode, use one of the following two
Graceful shutdown: Use a ballpoint pen or other stylus to press and release the
Power button on the front panel. This causes Advanced Configuration and Power
Interface (ACPI) enabled operating systems to perform an orderly shutdown of
the operating system. Servers not running ACPI-enabled operating systems will
shut down to standby power mode immediately.
Emergency shutdown: Press and hold the Power button for four seconds to force
main power off and enter standby power mode. When the main power is off, the
Power/OK LED on the front panel will begin flashing, indicating that the server
is in standby power mode.
Caution – To completely power off the server, you must disconnect the AC power cords
from the back panel of the server.
Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Guide • August 2006
Setup Troubleshooting and Support
This section contains information to help you troubleshoot minor server problems. It
includes the following topics:
Troubleshooting the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server
If you experience problems while setting up your server, refer to the troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Procedures
Possible solution
Server powers on,
but the monitor does
• Is the Power button for the monitor turned on?
• Is the monitor power cord connected to a wall outlet?
• Does the wall outlet have power? Test by plugging in another
CD or DVD does not • Move the mouse or press any key on the keyboard. The drive
eject from the media
tray when you press
the Eject button.
might be in low power mode.
• Use the utility software installed on your server to eject the CD.
• Make sure that the media in the device is not in use and is not
mounted by the operating system.
No video displays
on the monitor
• Is the monitor cable attached to the video connector?
• Does the monitor work when connected to another system?
• If you have another monitor, does it work when connected to the
original system?
• If, after POST and BIOS complete, you no longer see video output
on your monitor and only see a flashing cursor, check the
configuration of the operating system to determine if it is
configured to redirect its output exclusively over the serial line.
Chapter 1 Setting Up the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Hardware
Troubleshooting Procedures (Continued)
Possible solution
Server does not
Keep notes on the following situations in case you need to call
power on when the
front panel Power
button is pressed.
• Is the Power button LED illuminated on the front of the system?
(Ensure that the power cord is connected to the system and to a
grounded power receptacle.)
• Does the wall outlet have power? Test by plugging in another
• Does the monitor sync within five minutes after power on? (The
green LED on the monitor stops flashing and remains
Keyboard or mouse
does not respond to
• Verify that the mouse and keyboard cables are connected to the
on-board USB 2.0 connectors on the server.
• Verify that the server is powered on and the front Power LED is
Server appears to be The power indicator LED only blinks when all server components
in low power mode, are in low power mode. A tape drive might be connected to your
but the Power
server. Because tape drives do not enter low power mode, the power
button LED does not indicator LED does not blink.
Hung or frozen
server: No response
from mouse or
keyboard or any
Try to access your system from a different server on the network:
1. On another system, type ping IP_address_of_X2100
2. If a response is returned, then try logging into the Sun Fire X2100
M2 server using either telnet, ssh or rlogin.
3. If you successfully log in, list the running processes using the ps
4. Kill any processes that look unresponsive or should not be
running, by using the killprocess_ID command.
5. Check the responsiveness of the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server after
each process is killed.
If the above procedure does not work, power cycle the server:
1. Press the power button to power off the server and wait 20-30
2. Press the power button again to power system back on.
Note – For additional troubleshooting information, see Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server
Service Manual, 819-6591.
Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Guide • August 2006
Contacting Support
If the troubleshooting procedures in this chapter fail to solve your problem, use
TABLE 1-4 to collect information that you might need to communicate to the support
technical support.
System Information Needed for Support
System Configuration Information Needed
Sun service contract number
System model
Your Information
Operating environment
System serial number
Peripherals attached to the system
Email address and phone number for you and a
secondary contact
Street address where the system is located
Superuser password
Summary of the problem and the work being done
when the problem occurred
Other Useful Information
IP address
Server name (system host name)
Network or internet domain name
Proxy server configuration
Sun Technical Support Contacts
Server Documents and Support Resources
URL or Telephone Number
PDF files for all the current Sun Fire
X2100 M2 server documents.
Solaris™ 10 and other software
documents. This web site has full
search capabilities.
Discussion and troubleshooting
Chapter 1 Setting Up the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Hardware
Sun Technical Support Contacts (Continued)
Server Documents and Support Resources
URL or Telephone Number
Support, diagnostic tools, and alerts
for all Sun products.
software patches. Lists some system
specifications, troubleshooting and
maintenance information, and other
SunServiceSM support phone numbers.
1-800-872-4786 (1-800-USA-4Sun), select Option 1
Lists international telephone numbers
for SunService support.
Warranty and contract support
contacts. Links to other service tools.
Warranties for every Sun product.
Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Documentation
For a description of the document set for the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server, see the Where
To Find Documentation sheet that is packed with your system and also posted at the
product's documentation site. Go to the following URL and navigate to the
documentation site for the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server.
Translated versions of some of these documents are available on the web site
described above in French, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, and
Japanese. English documentation is revised more frequently and might be more up-
to-date than the translated documentation.
For all Sun hardware documentation, go to the following URL:
For Solaris and other software documentation, go to the following URL:
Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Guide • August 2006
Setting Up the Sun Fire X2100 M2
Server Software
This chapter describes how to set up the Embedded Lights Out Manager (LOM)
service processor (SP). It includes information on the following topics:
About the Embedded LOM Service
Processor Software
The Sun Fire X2100 M2 server Embedded LOM SP provides powerful tools for
managing your server. It consists of four components, three of which are on your
host server and one that is on the client system that accesses your host server. The
four components are as follows:
Embedded LOM hardware. The Embedded LOM hardware includes the
following components:
An embedded service processor chipset that monitors the status and
configuration of field-replaceable components of your server, such as fans, disk
drives, and power supplies.
Ethernet or serial connection through the server’s on-board LAN 1 or COM
Embedded LOM firmware. Preinstalled on the service processor chipset is a
library of system management firmware applications. This service processor
firmware is operating system independent. These firmware applications provide
the following system management interfaces into your server:
A web-based graphical interface
A Secure Shell (SSH) command-line interface
An IPMI v2.0 command interface (CLI)
A Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) v3 interface
These interfaces call the same underlying system management functions on your
service processor, so you can choose to work with one or more of these interfaces
to integrate with the other management interfaces running in your data center.
Remote Console application. The Remote Console application is a piece of
layered software that allows remote clients to view the graphical console of your
host server as though they were directly attached its video connector. The Remote
Console mirrors the video display from the X2100 VGA device (up to 1600 x 1200
resolution) locally on the remote management system. The remote keyboard,
mouse, CD drive, or diskette drive will appear as standard USB devices.
Note – The Remote Console does not require any special applications to be installed
on client systems. Client systems require only a web browser with Sun Java™
runtime environment version 5.0 or later plugins correctly installed. Java is available
Client-side Secure Shell application. To access the Embedded LOM through a
remote Secure Shell (SSH), you must install a Secure Shell communications
application on the remote client system (server, workstation, or laptop). Many
Secure Shell communications applications are available from commercial or open
open source client-side SSH applications.
Serial Redirection. The BIOS contains two options for serial redirection. You can
either set the serial redirection to display the system output or the Embedded
LOM output. A console can also be started to display system output. By default,
the Embedded LOM output will be displayed. See “Changing Serial Output to
Display the System Information” on page 23 for more information.
Sun Microsystems™ has configured the service processor hardware and firmware on
your server to reflect the most common default settings used in the field. It is
unlikely that you will need to change most of these defaults.
Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Guide • August 2006
Performing Initial Configuration of the
Embedded LOM Service Processor
This section describes two methods for connecting to your Embedded LOM SP to
perform initial setup and configuration. Use the procedure that you prefer.
Note – If you do not have a DHCP server available, you will need to configure the
Embedded LOM using a serial connection.
▼ To Configure the Embedded LOM SP Using a
Serial Connection
You can configure the Embedded LOM SP at any time by connecting a terminal or
PC running terminal emulation software to the server serial port. Use this procedure
to establish a serial connection to the Embedded LOM SP and to perform initial
configuration of Embedded LOM firmware.
Note – This procedure assumes that you have already completed the hardware
setup and power-on for your server, as described in Chapter 1 of this guide.
1. Verify that your terminal, laptop, or terminal server is operational.
2. Configure the terminal device or the terminal emulation software running on a
laptop or PC to the following settings:
8N1: eight data bits, no parity, one stop bit
9600 baud
Disable hardware flow control (CTS/RTS)
Disable software flow control (XON/XOFF)
3. Connect a null serial modem cable from the DB9 serial port on the server’s back
panel to a terminal device.
4. Press Enter on the terminal device to establish a connection between the terminal
device and the Embedded LOM SP.
Chapter 2 Setting Up the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Software
Note – If you connect to the serial port on the Embedded LOM before it has been
powered on or during its power-on sequence, boot up messages display.
The Embedded LOM eventually displays a login prompt.
5. Log in to the Embedded LOM SP and type the default user name, root, with the
default password, changeme.
Once you have successfully logged in, the Embedded LOM displays its default
command prompt:
SP - ->
6. Do one of the following, depending on whether or not the DHCP server is
Note – The SP IP address defaults to DHCP. If a DHCP address is not found, the SP
will default to a static IP address.
If no DHCP server is present, run the following commands to assign an IP
address to the Embedded LOM. Fill in the appropriate values for netmask, gateway
and ipaddress.
set /SP/AgentInfo NetMask=netmask
set /SP/AgentInfo Gateway=gateway
set /SP/AgentInfo DhcpConfigured=disable
set /SP/AgentInfo IpAddress=ipaddress
If a DHCP server is present, the IP information can be obtained running the
following command:
show /SP/AgentInfo
Note – Be sure to record the IP address assigned to the Embedded LOM.
7. When you apply standby power to the server, the Embedded LOM SP output is
displayed. To launch a console to view the system output, type the following
start /SP/AgentInfo/console
Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Guide • August 2006
Note – You can switch back to the Embedded LOM command-line interface (CLI)
from the serial console by entering the following key sequence: Esc + Shift + 9. While
logged in to the Embedded LOM, you can type the CLI command
show /SP/AgentInfo to view the current Embedded LOM network configuration.
For instructions on configuring static network settings using the CLI, see “To
Configuring the Embedded LOM SP Using an
Ethernet Connection
The Embedded LOM SP offers several interfaces to support system management on
your server. Before you take advantage of those interfaces over your Ethernet local
area network (LAN), you need to do the following:
Establish an Ethernet connection between your server and your Ethernet LAN.
Determine the IP address assigned to your SP by your DHCP server or by
following the instructions in “To Configure the Embedded LOM SP Using a Serial
Note – As an alternative to having your DHCP server assign an IP address to your
Once you have determined the IP address of the SP, you can access its firmware
applications through a secure command shell (SSH) or a web browser.
▼ To Configure the Embedded LOM SP Using a
DHCP Server
Establishing an Ethernet management connection involves assigning a static or
dynamic IP address to the RJ-45 Ethernet Management port. Use this procedure to
configure the SP and the DHCP server in your data center to support DHCP
Chapter 2 Setting Up the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Software
Note – This procedure assumes that you have already completed the hardware
setup and have applied standby power for your server, as described in Chapter 1 of
this guide.
1. Verify that your DHCP server is configured to accept new media access control
(MAC) addresses.
MAC addresses are 12-digit hexadecimal strings in the format xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
where x represents a single hexadecimal letter (0-9, A-F, a-f).
2. Connect an Ethernet cable to the RJ-45 NET MGT Ethernet port on your server.
If the SP is not using static IP addresses, it broadcasts a DHCPDISCOVER packet
with the ID of its MAC address. A DHCP server on your LAN returns a
DHCPOFFER packet containing an IP address and other information. The SP then
manages its “lease” of that IP address assigned to it by the DHCP server.
3. Obtain the SP MAC address from one of the following locations. Write down that
address for future reference.
CLI commands. The SP has a serial port to which you can attach a terminal
device. If you log in to the SP and enter the CLI command show /SP/AgentInfo,
the SP displays the current MAC address.
The Customer Information Sheet shipped with your server.
The system BIOS setup screen. Choose Advanced − > IPMI 2.0
Configuration − > Set LAN Configuration − > MAC address.
4. Obtain the SP IP address from one of the following locations. Record the IP
address for future reference.
CLI commands. The SP has a serial port to which you can attach a terminal
device. If you log in to the SP and enter the CLI command
show /SP/AgentInfo, the SP displays the current IP address.
The system BIOS setup screen. Choose Advanced − > IPMI 2.0 Configuration − > Set
LAN Configuration − > IP address.
a. Log in to your DHCP server and view its DHCP log file.
Note – Different DHCP server applications running on different operating systems
store these log files in different locations. Consult your DHCP system administrator
to locate the correct path to the log file.
Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Guide • August 2006
b. Identify the IP address in the log file that corresponds to the MAC address of
your SP.
Typically, DHCP log file entries are individual lines with the following comma-
separated fields:
ID, Date, Time, Description, IP Address, Host Name, MAC Address
Locate the MAC address of your SP in the MAC Address (seventh) field of the
correct DHCP file entry and record the corresponding value of the IP Address
(fifth) field. This is the IP address that you must use to access the system
management firmware applications on your SP.
Each SP firmware application requires a different browser or shell.
To establish a Secure Shell (SSH) connection to the SP command-line interface
(CLI), type the appropriate connection command in the SSH application. For
example, to connect to the SP with the DHCP-assigned IP address of, type the following command:
# ssh -l root
Once you have entered the default password for the SP, changeme, you can enter
commands to manage user accounts or to monitor the status of devices on your
To establish a connection to the Embedded LOM SP web GUI, type the IP address
of the SP in the browser locator box and press Enter. For example, assume that the
FIGURE 2-1 Opening a Session With a Web GUI
6. Enter the default user name, root, with the default password, changeme, at the
CLI or GUI prompt to log in to the Embedded LOM SP.
Chapter 2 Setting Up the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Software
FIGURE 2-2 Embedded LOM Login Screen
7. Type Embedded LOM SP commands in the CLI or navigate to Embedded LOM
web GUI pages to configure your Embedded LOM SP. See the Embedded Lights Out
Manager Administration Guide for more details on how to use the Embedded LOM
GUI for server management.
▼ To Configure the Embedded LOM SP Using a
Static IP Address
As an alternative to having your DHCP server assign an IP address to your SP, you
can also assign a static IP address to it. You can do this using the web GUI, or using
the CLI over the network or serial port. Use the procedure that you prefer:
▼ To Configure Static IP Addresses Using the Web GUI
The following procedure describes how to configure static IP addresses using the
web GUI.
1. Determine the current IP address of the SP from one of the following locations:
CLI command. The SP has a serial port to which you can attach a terminal device.
If you log in to the SP and enter the CLI command show /SP/AgentInfo, the
SP displays the current IP address.
The system BIOS setup screen. Choose Advanced −> IPMI 2.0 Configuration −> Set
LAN Configuration −> IP address.
Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Guide • August 2006
2. Connect to the SP through a web browser running on a remote system.
3. Log in to the web GUI using the default user name, root, and the default
password, changeme.
The initial Embedded LOM screen displays.
FIGURE 2-3 Initial Embedded LOM Screen
4. Click the Control button to display the drop-down menu.
Chapter 2 Setting Up the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Software
FIGURE 2-4 Embedded LOM Control Menu
5. Select Network from the drop-down menu to display information about the
current network configuration of your Embedded LOM SP.
The Network Settings Page displays.
FIGURE 2-5 Embedded LOM Network Settings Page
6. Select the Enable DHCP box to disable it, and enter your static IP address
Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Guide • August 2006
▼ To Configure Static IP Addresses Using the CLI
1. Log into the CLI using SSH or by connecting to the serial port.
To establish a SSH connection to the Embedded LOM SP CLI, type the appropriate
connection command in the SSH application. For example, to connect to the SP with
the DHCP-assigned IP address of, type the following command:
# ssh -l root
2. Type the following commands, using your own addresses in place of the examples
(The addresses shown in the commands below are examples.)
set /SP/AgentInfo NetMask=
set /SP/AgentInfo Gateway=
set /SP/AgentInfo DhcpConfigured=disable
set /SP/AgentInfo IpAddress=
Changing Serial Output to Display the
System Information
The BIOS has two options for serial redirection after the Embedded LOM SP has
been configured:
SP (default). Serial output displays the SP output (SP booting and CLI) and the
system console can be accessed by issuing a CLI command.
System. Serial output displays system information (ie POST information)
By default, the BIOS is set to redirect its serial output to the SP. If you would rather
not have to issue an SP CLI command to access the BIOS redirected serial stream,
you can change the BIOS configuration option to make the default serial redirection
be from the BIOS rather than the SP.
▼ To Change to System Output
To change the BIOS to display system information to the serial console:
1. Reboot the system by typing the following command from the SP CLI:
set /SP/SystemInfo/CtrlInfo PowerCtrl=reset
Chapter 2 Setting Up the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Software
2. Launch the console from the SP using the following command:
start /SP/AgentInfo/console
Make sure to watch the output carefully, so that you don’t miss the intial BIOS
replace the function keystrokes in the following steps.
3. Press F2 to enter the BIOS on the console.
4. Change the following BIOS option under IPMI 2.0 configuration from SP to
5. Press F10 to save your changes and reboot.
The serial redirection will now always display the system output.
You will be able to view and interact with a character-based representation of the
keystrokes that are remapped for use over a serial terminal.
Serial Terminal Key Remapping
ANSI Escape Sequence
Windows Equivalent
Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Guide • August 2006
Serial Terminal Key Remapping (Continued)
ANSI Escape Sequence
Windows Equivalent
Page Up
Page Down
Up Arrow
Down Arrow
Right Arrow
Left Arrow
no equivalent
Configuring or Installing System
If your server has at least one hard drive installed, the server might have the
Solaris™ 10 Operating System and additional software preinstalled.
To configure the preinstalled Solaris 10 Operating System on your server, see
For information on additional preinstalled software, see “Additional Preinstalled
If you plan to install a different operating system see “Installing Other Operating
Chapter 2 Setting Up the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Software
Additional Preinstalled Software
Additional software will be preinstalled on the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server, including
Sun Java™ Enterprise System (JES) and Sun™ Studio. See the following table for
where to find information and downloads for these software products.
The developer software, software updates, documentation, and more, are now freely
available at the following sites.
Software Package
Download Site
Sun Java Enterprise
Sun Studio
Installing Other Operating Systems and Drivers
If you do not plan to use an operating system (OS) that is preinstalled on your Sun
Fire X2100 M2 server, install the OS at this time. If the Solaris 10 OS is preinstalled
on the primary boot drive, you will need to remove the OS using the Erase Primary
Boot Disk utility on the Tools and Drivers CD. See the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server
Operating System Installation Guide, 819-6592, for more information.
Note – Sun Fire X2100 M2 server documentation does not provide information for
doing the actual operating system installation. You will need to refer to the product-
specific documentation for your operating system for details on the OS installation.
The following sources can help you with Sun Fire X2100 M2 server-specific
information for installing an operating system on the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server:
Information on removing the existing operating system, installing additional
drivers, and installing another operating system is in the Sun Fire X2100 M2
Server Operating System Installation Guide, 819-6592. To access this document,
navigate to the Sun Fire X2100 M2 documentation page from the following URL:
Drivers for supported operating systems are available on the Sun Fire X2100 M2
Server Tools and Drivers CD included with your system and can also be
downloaded from:
The most recent list of operating systems supported for Sun Fire X2100 M2 server
can be found on the product web site at:
Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Guide • August 2006
Configuring the Preinstalled Solaris
10 Operating System
This chapter walks you through the steps for configuring the Solaris 10 Operating
System (OS) that might be preinstalled on your Sun Fire X2100 M2 server, depending
on your hard drive configuration. Solaris 10 6/06 is the earliest supported version.
Note – Unlike with SPARC systems, you will not see the output of the preinstalled
Solaris 10 image through a monitor when you power on the server. The output of the
pre-installed image is directed to a serial console instead of a monitor that is attached
to the server.
Before You Begin
Before you begin configuring the preinstalled OS, be sure to do the following:
1. Perform initial configuration of the service processor and determine the server’s
2. Gather the information that you will need for the configuration, as listed in the
Installation Worksheet
the pre-installed Solaris 10 OS. You only need to collect the information that applies
to your application of the system.
Installation Worksheet
Your Answers:
Defaults are noted
with an asterisk. (*)
Information for Installation
Description or Example
Choose from the list of available languages for the English*
Solaris 10 software.
Choose your geographic region from the list of
available locales.
English (C - 7-bit
Choose the type of terminal that you are using
from the list of available terminal types.
Network connection
Is the system connected to a network?
• Networked
• Non-
Can the system use Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol (DHCP) to configure its network
• Yes
• No*
If you are not
using DHCP,
note the
IP address
If you are not using DHCP, supply the IP address
for the system.
If you are not using DHCP, is the system part of a*
If yes, what is the netmask of the subnet?
Do you want to enable IPv6 on this machine?
• Yes
• No*
Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Guide • August 2006
Installation Worksheet
Your Answers:
Defaults are noted
with an asterisk. (*)
Information for Installation
Host name
Description or Example
A host name that you choose for the system.
Do you want to configure Kerberos security on
this machine?
• Yes
• No*
If yes, gather the following information:
Default Realm:
Administration Server:
First KDC:
(Optional) Additional KDCs:
Name service:
if the system
uses a name
service, provide
the following
Name service
Which name service should this system use?
• NIS+
• None*
Domain name
NIS+ and NIS
Provide the name of the domain in which the
system resides.
Do you want to specify a name server or let the
installation program find one?
• Specify One
• Find One*
Provide IP addresses for the DNS server. You must
enter at least one IP address, but you can enter up
to three addresses.
You can also enter a list of domains to search when
a DNS query is made.
Search Domain:
Search Domain:
Search Domain:
Provide the following information about your
LDAP profile:
Profile name:
Profile server:
If you specify a proxy credential level in your
LDAP profile, gather the following information:
Proxy-Bind Distinguished Name:
Proxy-Bind Password:
Chapter 3 Configuring the Preinstalled Solaris 10 Operating System
Installation Worksheet
Your Answers:
Defaults are noted
with an asterisk. (*)
Information for Installation
Description or Example
Default route
Do you want to specify a default route IP address
or let the Solaris installation program find one?
• Specify One
• Detect One
• None*
The default route provides a bridge that forwards
traffic between two physical networks. An IP
address is a unique number that identifies each
host on a network.
You have the following choices:
• You can specify the IP address. An
/etc/defaultrouter file is created with the
specified IP address. When the system is
rebooted, the specified IP address becomes the
default route.
• You can let the Solaris installation program
detect an IP address. However, the system must
be on a subnet that has a router that advertises
itself by using the ICMP router discovery
protocol. If you are using the command-line
interface, the software detects an IP address
when the system is booted.
• You can choose None if you do not have a router
or do not want the software to detect an IP
address at this time. The software automatically
tries to detect an IP address on reboot.
Time zone
How do you want to specify your default time
• Geographic
• Offset from GM
• Time zone file
Root password
Choose a root password for the system.
Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Guide • August 2006
Configuring the Preinstalled Solaris 10
Operating System
Note – Before you perform this procedure, you need to set up the service processor
you perform the configuration.
Note – The Solaris 10 preinstall image has been configured to default all output to
the serial port. If a monitor is attached or KVM over IP is to be used for display,
Solaris 10 will need to be reinstalled or the serial output will need to be redirected to
the video port. See “To Redirect the Console Output to the Video Port (Optional)” on
After configuring the Embedded LOM SP, you can configure the preinstalled Solaris
10 operating system (OS) by using another system to connect to the server. There are
two methods that you can use. See the following topics:
If you use this method, you first need to determine the service processor’s IP
address and the server must be connected to the network.
If you use this method, you do not need to determine the service processor’s IP
address, but you will need to have a cable connection from the server to the serial
port of the serial capture host system.
Chapter 3 Configuring the Preinstalled Solaris 10 Operating System
▼ To Connect to the Server Using the Service
Processor’s IP Address
Note – This procedure assumes that you have connected the server to your network
through an Ethernet cable.
1. If you have not already done so, determine the service processor’s IP address as
a. Power on main power to the platform by using a stylus to press the recessed
Power button on the front panel.
POST messages appear on your screen as the OS boots up.
b. Initialize the BIOS Setup utility by pressing the F2 key when the Sun logo
screen is displayed.
The BIOS Setup Utility is displayed.
you are using serial direction and a monitor is not attached.
c. Select Advanced.
The Advanced screen is displayed.
d. Select IPMI 2.0 Configuration.
The IPMI 2.0 Configuration screen is displayed.
a. Select the LAN Configuration menu item.
b. Select the IP Address menu item.
The service processor’s IP address is displayed using the following format:
Current IP address in BMC: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
2. Using a client system, establish a Secure Shell (SSH) connection to the service
processor’s IP address by typing:
ssh -l root sp_ip_address
3. Log in to the service processor as an Administrator, for example:
login: root
password: changeme
4. Start the Embedded LOM console mode by typing the following command:
start /SP/AgentInfo/console
Only accounts with Administrator privileges are enabled to configure the SP serial
Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Guide • August 2006
5. If you have changed the SP Serial Port default settings, make sure you reset them
to the default settings.
6. Follow the Solaris 10 preinstallation onscreen prompts.
enter the system and network information as you are prompted.
The screens that are displayed will vary, depending on the method that you chose
for assigning network information to the server (DHCP or static IP address).
After you have entered the system-configuration information, the server completes
the boot process and displays the Solaris login prompt.
▼ To Redirect the Console Output to the Video
Port (Optional)
Caution – This procedure is intended for advanced users of Solaris only. You can
seriously disrupt the proper functioning of the server or render the server
unbootable if you introduce a problem in the bootenv.rc file.
After completing the preceding steps and while logged in to the SP, if you wish to
redirect the console output to the video port, type the eeprom command at the
prompt with the following arguments:
eeprom output-device=screen
eeprom input-device=keyboard
▼ To Connect to the Server Using a Serial Capture
To connect to the server using a serial capture program:
1. Use a cable to connect the serial port of the server to the serial port of the serial
capture host system.
Chapter 3 Configuring the Preinstalled Solaris 10 Operating System
2. Make sure that the communication properties of the serial port of the system are
set to the default.
The defaults are 9600 baud, 8N1 (eight data bits, no parity, one stop bit), and disable
flow control.
3. Start a terminal session to capture the serial port output.
On a client running the Solaris OS, type:
$ tip -9600 /dev/ttya
On a client running Windows, start a program such as Hyperterminal.
On a client running Linux, start a program such as Minicom, a text-based serial
communication program that is included in the Linux distributions. For more
information, see the man pages included in the Linux distribution.
4. Log in to the service processor as an Administrator, for example:
login: root
password: changeme
5. Power on main power to the server by using a ball-point pen or other stylus to
press the recessed Power button on the front panel or use the following command:
set /SP/SystemInfo/CtrlInfo PowerCtrl=on
POST messages appear on your screen as the OS boots up.
6. Start the Embedded LOM SP GUI by typing the following:
start /SP/AgentInfo/console
7. Follow the Solaris 10 pre-installation onscreen prompts.
you enter the system and network information as you are prompted.
The screens that are displayed will vary, depending on the method that you chose
for assigning network information to the server (DHCP or static IP address).
After you have entered the system-configuration information, the server completes
the boot process and displays the Solaris login prompt.
Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Guide • August 2006
Solaris 10 Operating System User
This section provides pointers to information on the Solaris 10 operating system.
Accessing Solaris 10 User Documentation
You can access the various collections of the Solaris 10 OS user documentation at:
Specifically, you can access the Solaris 10 OS Release and Installation collection at:
Downloading Solaris 10 OS Software
If you need to install the Solaris 10 6/06 OS or re-install the OS after removing it,
you can download the CD or DVD image from the following URL:
Solaris 10 6/06 is the minimum supported version for the Sun Fire X2100 M2 server.
See the Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Operating System Installation Guide for specific
instructions on Solaris 10 installation.
Solaris 10 OS Training
Sun provides flexible training options that accommodate your personal schedule
and learning style. The training options include instructor-led, web-based online,
CD-ROM, and Live Virtual Class. For Solaris 10 Training and Certification options at
a glance, please visit:
Chapter 3 Configuring the Preinstalled Solaris 10 Operating System
Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server Installation Guide • August 2006
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